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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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if I stick my arm under the blanket and puff it up suddenly, he'll come flying in from wherever with dilated pupils and pounce on it.


This is practically a nightly ritual for us, but we usually opt for the foot-blanket method.

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Trying to get freelance work in a new town withouth a strong network is tough.


You try to negotiate with people and they turn their backs.

Everyone just wants to hustle you down to rates that only unskilled laborers will take.


It fucking blows my mind.

So fucking sick of it.


Evrey time. Like clockwork.

I finally get a lead on a job, I ask the budget, they don't answer and ask my rate, I tell them my rate, they say they can pay me half of my rate, I ask if they can do a tiny bit better, then they don't get back.


I'll work for the goddamned half over nothing, goddamn it.

Just fucking reply, fucking assholes.

Un fucking believeable.




I'm sorry, man. Keep yo chin up.

Are you still in LA?

if you put watmm on your resume we all got your back bro

people, bra. good luck to you.


Thanks homies :wub:


Yeah. Still in LA, unfortunately. It's been a year and a half. Still haven't found my footing. I dislike this town.

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Three days of backed-up turd unfurled majestically into the cool waters below; the break was clean & undemanding on the wipe. Bliss! I walk away thinking how lightly I'd gotten off the hook, whilst promising never to let this happen again through poor diet.


Then I felt it - something wet trickling down the leg. Okay, so it's just a little excess moisture that'd been deployed, you know, to aid the release of those stubborn chocolate hostages. Turns out to be blood :wacko:

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Three days of backed-up turd unfurled majestically into the cool waters below; the break was clean & undemanding on the wipe. Bliss! I walk away thinking how lightly I'd gotten off the hook, whilst promising never to let this happen again through poor diet.


Then I felt it - something wet trickling down the leg. Okay, so it's just a little excess moisture that'd been deployed, you know, to aid the release of those stubborn chocolate hostages. Turns out to be blood :wacko:


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Thanks homies :wub:


Yeah. Still in LA, unfortunately. It's been a year and a half. Still haven't found my footing. I dislike this town.

I think you just described the first couple years of freelancing anywhere. It'll get better. I'm 6 years in and finally getting consistent good work.


I can't help you with how much LA sucks though. Sorry about that.

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my cat sat on my already broken keyboard and fucked up some keys


i think im gona make an ep of ndc music and cal it "broken keyboard"

you should make glitch


i deleted charlie brown's christmas ost to download more but I'm mad

Edited by logakght
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i spent forever downloading tf2 again only to start it up and immediately remember why im so bored with it


lol play the new mann vs machine.


Add me on steam too! No Delay for Days.


Also I just cheated on my math Homework using wolfram. I'm one lazy bastard.

Or the Doomsday levels. It's like a combination of King of the Hill and Capture the Flag. Fast-paced.


I bought stuff online 2 months ago, and the US Postal Service decided to not deliver it to me. I hope they didn't send it back to the original sender, because I doubt I'll get it back, and the item is now out of stock.

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Guest disparaissant

lol I know the feeling. When you start having your breakdowns at school/work...then you can be a member of my pathetic club.

member? i'm the president.

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