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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I've spend way too much money on music, games and clothes lately, and it's soon December... It's gonna be rough.


I have put alot of money aside this year. But I'm still spending too much money on stuff I don't desperately need.

Edited by Npoess
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I just came back from work and I have nothing planned for tonight: gf is out of town and my friends are unavailable. I think I'm gonna play Devil May Cry 3 and drink beer alone. And I still have work tomorrow.

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i have a ton of work to do for this stupid week and all i've done today is hide under my duvet and cry

At least you hide under the cover so you're not disturbing others. very considerate!

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I had a couple beers on the weekend, and for some reason the withdrawal was especially brutal last night. Usually it's worse when I drink a lot and then don't drink the next night but this time I only had 6 or 7 beers saturday.


I spent all of last night sweating and tossing and turning, only to go to work at 4AM. I got home and fell asleep instead of working out and now I feel all groggy and weird. oh and I need to wash my sheets because they're sweaty and gross from last night.



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Seriously, dude, I don't want to preach and I've got plenty of my own problems which should render any advice I give meaningless, but you might want to get some help with the not drinking thing if you're in the seizure stage with withdrawals, and if you can preface a slip of 6-7 beers with "only"


edit: granted, they could be 6-7 weak piss beers, but still, if you're concerned enough to post what you posted....

Edited by baph
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well... I think I've got it under control, it's just the physical effects of withdrawal that is hard.


I've gone from drinking 10-20oz of hard alcohol per day every day for 4 years straight down to maybe 6 or 7 beers by choice on weekends when I've got friends over, not drinking during the week etc. Key word there is choice, I choose now... I think I've made some good progress. Still don't like sweating my sack off when going to bed! Its similar to when people quit smoking after 20 years I imagine.. Like my head is in the game but my body has a different plan lol.


I've read in some places it takes a couple months of abstaining to get your body to sort itself out. I just have to tough it out!


I guess my FWP should have just been sweaty sheets lol :emotawesomepm9:


WATMM is my AA. lol

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you know what to do, Steve-o.


I'm currently fighting the temptation to buy a new pair of portable headphones. the left ear in my last pair died unceremoniously about 2 months ago and I haven't bought new ones or listened to any music on the go since.


this is a fwp because when I'm not listening to music on the go several hours a day, I feel less lost in thought and more clear-headed and engaged in the world around me. probably do better at work too. but I miss being able to listen to music anywhere. I really want to be pumping JK Flesh's Posthuman album right now, goddamn.


also a related fwp is what to buy now. the range around these parts is so limited (cbf ordering online), I don't see any choice besides AKGs or Sennheisers. I like the bassiness of Sennies, but the last pair were Sennies and I don't trust them so much anymore.


I'm still trying to figure out what headphones to buy too! (made a thread months ago). By portable do you mean earbuds? For full size I'm really considering denon ah-d5000.


If you find good earbuds let me know. I've had mixed success =(

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I think akg has a couple pairs that collapse that seemed decent.. then again I'm just looking at the pictures of them and haven't heard them so I don't know. :emotawesomepm9:


I'm kind of in a similar situation, theres jack shit to choose from locally. I have to order everything online meaning I can't try any first.


there should be an international headphone store in every major city in the world lol

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Guest disparaissant

i'm watching the presidential debates because getting mad about politics means i don't feel empty


mitt romney sucks

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Guest disparaissant

funny cause getting mad about political soapboxing is about as empty as it gets.


that sounded meaner that i wanted i think sry

that's fine. it was the cruel, cruel irony i was going for.

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lady i work with butts in and tries to complete everyones sentences for them and usually gets it wrong so everything takes twice/thrice as long to communicate. shut the fuck up for 2 seconds for fuck sakes! the other day on the phone a complete stranger said to her "OK STOP TALKING NOW!".

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i work with butts in


complete this sentence


I work with butts in an exploration of post-structuralist sensibilities and anal imagery. With sources as diverse as Roland Barthes and Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson, new variations are synthesized from both constructed and discovered structures. As momentary replicas of the anus become frozen through historical and emergent practices, the viewer is left with a glimpse of the undefined of our era.

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