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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest Frankie5fingers
Maybe it's just a little brother thing?...


But I think I'm done ever doing anything nice for him again (über drama mode on).

i dont think so. i absolutely hate my older brother and i really dont give a shit that hes blood. how on earth does that change anything? it doesnt. at least thats what i think. the fucker stole from me constantly and would lie to me about it when we were growing up. overall, he probably took about $500 from me back then. if i never see him again itll be too soon.

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Satan-kitty sat on the keyboard and changed the input language in Chrome to Arabic somehow, forcing me to close the browser and re-open it.

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Zaphod and plum disappear for 6 months and then both turn up on the same day. This has reinforced the paranoid fear that watmm is just six people who have gone to great lengths to create a frankly ludicrous genre of music and set up a forum dedicated to it in an attempt to brainwash me into assassinating a prominent politician who will probably appear to me as joyrex. That and the fact limpyloo has obviously been designed by committee.

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Guest EleminoP

Why don't you just pick up 5 chicks at the same time like it's nothing after your gig?


Jeff Mangum is playing a show 3 blocks from me and it's sold out.

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I appreciate the little-fire-getting-extinguished empathy on the previous page. I'll try the Jesus feather metaphor or whatever it was if I can get it straight next time. I do have two other albums in other projects to work on, so I think I'll be okay... just got to get excited about those ones again first --therein lies the rub.


FWP: still missing that goddamn sunlight immensely. Also, watched that movie about the fucked up Australian serial killer gang which was both incredibly disturbing and confusing, then proceeded to research the case further which was much more disturbing and confusing. Maybe less confusing due to more in depth explanations, but still bewildering that something like that happened involving so many guilty parties in such a closely knit community. I guess over the course of a century there's got to be at least one case like that somewhere in the world.


Jeff Mangum is playing a show 3 blocks from me and it's sold out.



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Why don't you just pick up 5 chicks at the same time like it's nothing after your gig?


Jeff Mangum is playing a show 3 blocks from me and it's sold out.





Yeah, well next time I'm not gonna make the mistake of taking a date to one of my own gigs. After my last live set in October, two girls came up to me at the bar afterwards looking all impressed by my stage antics. Alas, I was there with a date so I couldn't try anything (not that it'd work—I'm terrible at picking up, hence the okcupid thing).

Edited by modey
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Guest Frankie5fingers
Why don't you just pick up 5 chicks at the same time like it's nothing after your gig?


Jeff Mangum is playing a show 3 blocks from me and it's sold out.





Yeah, well next time I'm not gonna make the mistake of taking a date to one of my own gigs. After my last live set in October, two girls came up to me at the bar afterwards looking all impressed by my stage antics. Alas, I was there with a date so I couldn't try anything (not that it'd work—I'm terrible at picking up, hence the okcupid thing).

but if you already know that the date your with isnt gonna last then why wouldnt you try for the mythical one man 4-way?! and by the sound of it you would have had a better chance at that then the meaningful relationship.

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I have this strange urge to get a bath inmediately after taking a shit, but there are no showers everywhere, so I feel my ass stinks more and more and it's quite uncomfortable

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you should wash. I'm amazed that washing after pooping isn't a thing in so many parts of the world.


For my New Year's resolution I gave up pooping, so it's a non-issue in my life.


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