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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I've been having trouble accessing facebook all day... and I actually care a little bit. FML.


Also, I caught a whiff of some nasty green mould festering in an old can of evaporated milk and I feel as though I'm still smelling it an hour later... kind of makes me feel sick. But it's more like a powerful memory of the smell than it is an I'm-literally-smelling-it-now smell. Still pretty unpleasant.

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My BO smells like curry (not at the moment, just in general), and it actually does make me crave Indian food when I notice it.


I'm tired, not getting enough work, and kind of weary about my future money situation.

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google images barely shows porn results now

Try google video search.


i've been using audiogalaxy for years to stream my music collection, and it is no more.


does anyone have experience with grooveshark or subsonic? with audiogalaxy i liked how i was able to stream from ipad, android phone or the web.

Try google music. You can upload all your tunes and stream it from any android device, maybe even the ipad.


whenever i kiss pretty girls i never see them again

At least you are kissing pretty girls. Sigh...
Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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Feel like acting all crazy and shit, but at the same time must exercise restraint so as not to get banned from WATMM.

Maybe it's the restraint itself that's making me feel crazy. By "crazy" I mean less in a psychotic manner and more in a foolish manner.

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got dog shite all up the side of my suede pointers! only the other week in the park i lifted my daughter up onto my shoulders and she had dog shite all up her leg which of course covered my jacket and i had to have it dry cleaned. i fucking hate dog owners that leave dog shite all over the fucking place! i'd like to lock them in stocks and throw dog shite at them until they die.



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Dealing with an ebay buyer protection case is a real pain in the ass... Seller is claiming he didn't receive my return I sent over 2 weeks ago. I want my fucking money back!

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Guest Aserinsky

I forgot I needed to write and hand in my dissertation proposal tomorrow, which is bad in itself. Now my internet is down and the resources and citations I need wont load on my phone. I'm well and truly fucked!

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on the bed, on the sheets, two days after we'd changed them

i picked it up with a clorox wipe and I'm going to have a hard time eating any chocolate for a while

Edited by baph
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a friend of mine has randomly started using the " ;) " face. fucking annoying--she's just using it ALL the time now and it's slightly creepy

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cat was sleeping on the bed and let out a contended sigh before extruding a shit that looked remarkably like a small cadbury egg


My cat has yet to go on the bed, but occasionally one of his stray turds will migrate from the bathroom to the carpet, or in one instance the wall by the front door. That one was especially mysterious. It was just jutting out of the wall above the door stop. In fact, when I first noticed it I was in a tired daze and thought "why is the doorstop so stubby and seemingly darker than I remember?" before crashing in bed. Wasn't until a couple days later in daylight that I noticed what it really was. I was completely awestruck, as it seemed to defy all reason. His sphincter must have failed to cut it off, so he wandered over to the entry way to rub his ass against the wall. Either that or he kicked it up there with remarkable force.

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a friend of mine has randomly started using the " ;) " face. fucking annoying--she's just using it ALL the time now and it's slightly creepy

I also hate it, but actually, me thinks, it denotes a more "sincere" reply, cause it adds like a visual information about her/his mood


my fwp: nobody dance with me the Eutow

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