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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Just got laid off and found out ebay wont refund me for an item I attempted to return that the post-office lost all within the same hour. I could really use a bowl to de-stress but need to stay clean as I now am on the jobhunt again... This has definitely put me in a "fuck everything" mood. :sad:

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Guest Aserinsky


Avocados are too bloody expensive.


Yeah but I love them!

Hmmm, is your love for avocados so much that you're able to sustain a large amount of the producers profit margin and they know you'd be prepared to pay more?


Because that better not be the case.



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Guest Ron Manager

once you have to start using playlists to manage your ipod, your life is basically over



holy shit, this x1000. Life hasn't been the same since I could just plug in my iPod and have it effortlessly sync my entire library.

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Just got laid off and found out ebay wont refund me for an item I attempted to return that the post-office lost all within the same hour. I could really use a bowl to de-stress but need to stay clean as I now am on the jobhunt again... This has definitely put me in a "fuck everything" mood. :sad:

So not more than a few hours later I get a call from my mother that there has been a college refund check for $1300 adressed to me, mailed to their place (my permanent address)... I can now finally afford the new laptop I've been saving for with some extra left over. Today has been a weird mix of emotions. Also new Autechre is currently cheering me up.

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good luck on the job search, ghosty, and glad you had a bit of good news too


Solution: don't carry your entire library around with you. I've got a mere 7 gigs on my ipod, I cycle every few days.

Also I use playlists to build mixes :crazy:


I'm sorry, usagi, but your life is basically over

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Guest Ron Manager

Solution: don't carry your entire library around with you. I've got a mere 7 gigs on my ipod, I cycle every few days.


Also I use playlists to build mixes :crazy:


Yeah I know, but I love the idea of having everything with me at any given time - never know what I'm going to be in the mood for!


I also use playlists to build mixes... nowt wrong with that.

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It's one thing to perform rehearsed work in front of a lot of people, it's another to have a conversation that everyone's listening in on. I've never been nervous about performing, but I find interviews incredibly awkward. You more or less know how a set will go, but an interview can be unpredictable. It's probably something like that.

Yeah. Turns out I did alright anyway. As I was doing the interview, there were a few times where I thought, "hey! I'm fucking doing it! and I'm not sounding awkward!" .. and that was the moment where I became self-conscious and started stumbling. I think I just need to eliminate the self-awareness part of it and I'll be fine. Or at least channel that self-awareness into control of babbling. It's hard, though. Like you said, it's just so much easier to get up onstage and have a good idea of how my set will go.

That said though, the adrenaline rush I got from it was fucking intense. I feel so good right now :emotawesomepm9:

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just cut my hand quite severely cutting open a burger bun whilst making burgers.


How many drinks in were you?

FWS: use one bun as a temporary sop for all the blood.


FWP: Found an apartment I like. Probably can't afford first month's rent due to work being slow.

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It's one thing to perform rehearsed work in front of a lot of people, it's another to have a conversation that everyone's listening in on. I've never been nervous about performing, but I find interviews incredibly awkward. You more or less know how a set will go, but an interview can be unpredictable. It's probably something like that.

Yeah. Turns out I did alright anyway. As I was doing the interview, there were a few times where I thought, "hey! I'm fucking doing it! and I'm not sounding awkward!" .. and that was the moment where I became self-conscious and started stumbling. I think I just need to eliminate the self-awareness part of it and I'll be fine. Or at least channel that self-awareness into control of babbling. It's hard, though. Like you said, it's just so much easier to get up onstage and have a good idea of how my set will go.

That said though, the adrenaline rush I got from it was fucking intense. I feel so good right now :emotawesomepm9:


Nice! Glad it went well.


I can't think of any FWPs right now. OH! Got it. I can't find any free downloads of the music I was hoping to pirate. (For the most part it is rare limited edition cassette stuff, and I don't listen to cassettes... but that's mostly incidental as I'd probably still pirate it to check it out and then possibly buy it later if it's awesome, but possibly not.)

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"COOING" IS THE MOST ANNOYING WORD EVER and my fucking friend won't stop posting how her cats are "cooing" wtffffffff is up with that word? so fucking annoying

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My alarm company just called and told me that the alarm in my living room got activated. They're sending someone out now to check it. If I get a call that there's been a break-in then I'll tear off someone's arms

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"COOING" IS THE MOST ANNOYING WORD EVER and my fucking friend won't stop posting how her cats are "cooing" wtffffffff is up with that word? so fucking annoying

Cats don't coo... Pigeons coo while shitting on the homeless, doves coo, but cats?


Fwp: I forgot my coffee.

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any news squee?



Fuck... that sucks squee!


Hopefully it's nothing.


When I got home there was a note from the security guy. It said, "A cobweb triggered your alarm. Nothing else to report".



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Guest Frankie5fingers

goddamn squee, do you clean your place at all!? the spiders must be the size of truck if their webs are triggering alarms.

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