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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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one of the 2 lightbubs in my room died so i replaced it with a red bulb but the only thing is now everything looks pink (i was eating chicken and couldnt tell if it was cooked or not via visualising the white chicken but tbh i stir fried that shit for ages so im p sure it was ok)

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Nobody has a fucking clue about my area of professional expertise and it is consistently misreported in the press.


Nobody has a fucking clue about postrock and it is consistently misrepresented on internet message boards by 12 year olds who seem to think gybe! invented the genre.


Between these two facts I can conclude that nobody has a fucking clue about anything and everything is shit.

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my backspace key has been broken for nearly a year now. yup.

Has your typing accuracy improved accordingly?


I was carrying my cat around on my shoulders yesterday, as i do, and he stuck a claw into a spot just above the right side of my lip, as he does. Later on yesterday a weird blister appeared on the lip itself, a little bit below the claw mark. I feel like he's responsible. Either that or it's a shitty coincidence. Luckily I have a good deal of mustache that's covering up my recent disfigurements, sort of. Actually i don't care about that aspect of it, but the sensation of pressure on my lip from the blister is annoying.

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one of the 2 lightbubs in my room died so i replaced it with a red bulb but the only thing is now everything looks pink (i was eating chicken and couldnt tell if it was cooked or not via visualising the white chicken but tbh i stir fried that shit for ages so im p sure it was ok)

i think the idea of colored (red) lightbulbs is cool

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Guest isaki

my neighbour got an orange-y lightbulb a few months ago and I spent 15 minutes staring into their window because I thought it was a fire

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I've got an interview in a couple of hours and my stomach feels like it's eating itself. It's making me jittery and nervous. I just went to the toilet but feel the need want to go again.

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Having to close the kitchen windows so that i don't disturb the old people neighbours, whilst i listen to a track on the TV. Yeah, it's night, but it's not late, their bedroom just sits across from my living room/kitchen.


So i guess my problem is that i'm too polite.

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Nobody has a fucking clue about my area of professional expertise and it is consistently misreported in the press.


Nobody has a fucking clue about postrock and it is consistently misrepresented on internet message boards by 12 year olds who seem to think gybe! invented the genre.


Between these two facts I can conclude that nobody has a fucking clue about anything and everything is shit.


It's gy!be, man.
















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Guest jasondonervan

As much as I enjoy public holidays, I dislike how they affect the postal system. Not impressed to read that UPS 'observe' Good Friday and Easter Monday here in the UK.

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I've got an interview in a couple of hours and my stomach feels like it's eating itself. It's making me jittery and nervous. I just went to the toilet but feel the need want to go again.


dude, I've had the worst stomach infection of my life these last few days and I can honestly say, fuck that shit, I would rather be shot. I hope yours settles and you ace the interview regardless.


Cheers dude. Hope yours sorts itself the fuck out. Interview went well from what I could tell, got back to work and fucking destroyed the toilet. Really surprised myself.

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one of the 2 lightbubs in my room died so i replaced it with a red bulb but the only thing is now everything looks pink (i was eating chicken and couldnt tell if it was cooked or not via visualising the white chicken but tbh i stir fried that shit for ages so im p sure it was ok)



I seem to have lost the courage to just fucking say to a girl "hey you're kinda cool, want to have a drink sometime?". It's highly annoying.

on okcupid or face to face?
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I seem to have lost the courage to just fucking say to a girl "hey you're kinda cool, want to have a drink sometime?". It's highly annoying.

on okcupid or face to face?
Face to face. I thought about asking her if she wanted to join me at some random gig that I was 'already going to' next week.. but it might backfire if she already has plans, ie. causing me to take that as rejection. Guess I gotta just harden the fuck up and ask her if she's interested in catching up one on one at some point.
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That's disgusting. Please give me your vile SH101.



no, me. i'll clean it and mail it back i promise.



I would but you guys would be so disappointed 'cause it's broken and only plays one note at a time.

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Yeah, but think about all that keyboard oil! Oily keyboards are hard to come by these days. Also, that last sentence is my current FWP. But my real FWP is that I only just started my Squarepusher remix and the deadline's fast approaching.

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