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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Today I got into a car accident and spun out on a fast two lane highway, hitting the divider a couple-three times in a full out of control spin, landing facing oncoming traffic with assholes failing to even change lanes until they were 5 feet from my car, and then apparently two other cars got into what I hope is an independent accident, and my car is in the shop but it looks totaled and I have a $1000 deductible on collision insurance (but at least I have it, I guess).


I'm ok but a little banged up, for a while there I didn't think I'd make it out. Don't have health insurance, so I'm thankful I didn't get slammed.


Highway was fine until it happened but I lost traction immediately and couldn't correct. It had been raining, must have hit an oil slick? Also there was a guy on my 5 o'clock who may have tagged my bumper and caused me to spin out in the first place-- it happened really quickly. Fuck. I was driving slowly and safely, too, since I knew it had been raining.


Goddamn fuck my life needs to start getting back on track. The last time I got laid off some dipshit totaled my car too.




Also I was on the way to an uninsured health clinic to figure out why my pulse has been spazzing out at 105 @ rest since I got back from India.


shitsakes... glad you made it baph.

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the chilling thing i was thinking about watmm when i was stoned a while ago was that there is a chance some members that just stopped posting might have had a car crash, or an accident, and we would never know. chilling stuff.

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Thanks, everyone. I'm ok. Basically just need to wait for my insurance to stop dicking around and call the body shop and get this thing totaled.

Edited by baph
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the chilling thing i was thinking about watmm when i was stoned a while ago was that there is a chance some members that just stopped posting might have had a car crash, or an accident, and we would never know. chilling stuff.

Or somebody on the board is killing them off one by one...

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I've got an assignment to send in before Thursday and I came to do the last question (worth 25/100) tonight. I thought I'd whizz through that and have tomorrow evening to finish the write up and get the code looking a bit better.


Not so easy, all I'm getting is damn exceptions and the more I think I'm changing the correct sections the worse it all looks. I can't tell you how much commented code I have right now.


I'm sick to death of BufferedReaders and Scanners!!!

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the chilling thing i was thinking about watmm when i was stoned a while ago was that there is a chance some members that just stopped posting might have had a car crash, or an accident, and we would never know. chilling stuff.



It happened many years ago to a member called qohph. He was in a motorcycle accident. His mother came on the board and informed us of his passing. Was sad news indeed. He was a pretty central member of the community at the time.


Also, i don't think that that is the kind of chilling that you are supposed to be doing whilst stoned mate. Next time think kittens and cotton candy. ;-]

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I'm about to head out the door to meet with a chick I might be sharing a place with starting next month. She seems nice, but I'm still nervous. Kind of feels like a blind date.

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the chilling thing i was thinking about watmm when i was stoned a while ago was that there is a chance some members that just stopped posting might have had a car crash, or an accident, and we would never know. chilling stuff.

Or somebody on the board is killing them off one by one...


I have some friends on the internet who i converse with over email. I always thought one of us died, the other would have no idea it happened, nobody to inform them.

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the chilling thing i was thinking about watmm when i was stoned a while ago was that there is a chance some members that just stopped posting might have had a car crash, or an accident, and we would never know. chilling stuff.

Or somebody on the board is killing them off one by one...


I have some friends on the internet who i converse with over email. I always thought one of us died, the other would have no idea it happened, nobody to inform them.



A variant on my bizarre perception that every person I interact with either deeply loathes me or is sexually attracted to me occurs over the internet when someone doesn't respond to me for a while and then I assume they don't like me or they're dead (or both).

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Summer break seems to have started already for some school and areas... I'm noticing more and more little punks online and running around town... Fuck I'm getting old, this never used to bother me.

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yes i prefer it when they're locked up in schools too. One day when we've abandoned breeding for eternal lives and the good of the planet we share, we'll be rid of those little menaces.

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My cat just knocked my coffee over onto my cost accounting textbook. And to be completely honest I'm not entirely sure which part of my personal budget for this month I'm going to allocate the cost of a new textbook to....


Is it a spoilage cost associated with a specific job? Re-work since it's my second text book? Overhead?


What will the journal entries be?


Any non-financial data?



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Guest disparaissant

glad you're okay baph


my fwp is that i don't have enough monies to both pre-order the new boc if its even still available and buy the reissue of it was hot, we stayed in the water

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glad you're okay baph


my fwp is that i don't have enough monies to both pre-order the new boc if its even still available and buy the reissue of it was hot, we stayed in the water


I'll preorder it for you if you want. :happy:


"It" being the BoC.

Edited by StephenG
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Guest disparaissant

nah thats okay, i get paid next thursday. thanks though. that was unexpected.

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Guest disparaissant

Just found out I didn't get a job I was sure I was going to get, then found out that my appeal to drop a class after the drop date was denied, meaning I either have to spend today running around getting signatures to appeal the appeal, or I get an F in the class.


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