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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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good, cause it was meant to be a joke, and i couldn't imagine anyone seeing it any other way. Well unless they were some anal people that had tats and issues about anyone calling them out on them because they secretly regretted getting them. Then i might be facing trouble.


double heh plus ;-]

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My roommate mentioned to me the presence of a hornet's nest nearby our cabin. Last night, I discovered that hornet's nest to be about twelve feet directly in front of my bedroom window, hanging off a tree branch.

So I'm faced with a dilemma; should I knock it down, or should I leave it alone? So far the hornets haven't bothered me. But "kicking the hornet's nest" is beyond reach. I wondered about buying a pellet gun, but it seems unnecessary to attack it if the buzzers aren't bothering us.

I'll leave it alone for now. But if they start bothering us, I'm gonna drop their hive like it's hot.

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Came to finish off an assignment that's due tomorrow, not much to do on it really. Go to open the file from the folder and Open Office comes up with a warning telling me that it's not a Win97 file(???) and then closes. Seems there was still a lock file around for it. Got rid of that but still couldn't get in the file :wtf:


Long story short, it was a .doc file that contained a considerable amount of formatted code, tables, diagrams etc. I managed to get the file but only in a horrible text file that I had to fuck about with in Notepad++ for bloody ages for the formatting and redo a few time consuming diagrams, pretty much from memory.


Fuck sake.

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My roommate mentioned to me the presence of a hornet's nest nearby our cabin. Last night, I discovered that hornet's nest to be about twelve feet directly in front of my bedroom window, hanging off a tree branch.


So I'm faced with a dilemma; should I knock it down, or should I leave it alone? So far the hornets haven't bothered me. But "kicking the hornet's nest" is beyond reach. I wondered about buying a pellet gun, but it seems unnecessary to attack it if the buzzers aren't bothering us.


I'll leave it alone for now. But if they start bothering us, I'm gonna drop their hive like it's hot.


Attack it an film it also pls.



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I feel like I am completely out of every popular loop right now because I've never seen GoT.

Game of Thrones? Neither have I.


Then again, I've always preferred sci-fi over fantasy themes anyway.

Edited by ambermonk
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Sorry I just googled it and I know they have some GoT vodka or whiskey or something at the liquor store but that's honestly the first I've heard of it.


to be honest I don't have much of a social life and I don't watch TV.

I bet my gf has heard of it though! is it good?

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You are on watmm a lot, and we have a thread dedicated to the show, hence my not believing that you have never heard of it. It is very hard to reconcile these two things going on similtaneously without intersection at some point.

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I suppose..? What's the thread called?


Also wtf what purpose would there be in me making this up, that's fucking stupid. I've never heard of the show, big deal. lol


Love you delet...

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My roommate mentioned to me the presence of a hornet's nest nearby our cabin. Last night, I discovered that hornet's nest to be about twelve feet directly in front of my bedroom window, hanging off a tree branch.

So I'm faced with a dilemma; should I knock it down, or should I leave it alone? So far the hornets haven't bothered me. But "kicking the hornet's nest" is beyond reach. I wondered about buying a pellet gun, but it seems unnecessary to attack it if the buzzers aren't bothering us.

I'll leave it alone for now. But if they start bothering us, I'm gonna drop their hive like it's hot.


Light it on fire.

Edited by Jur
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spoken like a true australian. seeing 3 genuine massive hornets 2 feet away from me was one of the most dangerous situations ive ever been in. or it felt like it anyway. those things were as big as my big toe ffs.

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spoken like a true australian. seeing 3 genuine massive hornets 2 feet away from me was one of the most dangerous situations ive ever been in. or it felt like it anyway. those things were as big as my big toe ffs.


yeah man, and this sounds stupid but don't they kind of hunt together? Like you never get stung by one hornet... they leave a hormone trail and you get stung by dozens or hundreds and die?

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I feel like I am completely out of every popular loop right now because I've never seen GoT.

I feel like my friends don't know me very well because they all say that I'll like GoT, but I dislike the vast majority of anything involved in the genre.

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