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Rhombix is Banned From CHATMM


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so i went in to the chatroom yesterday to see for myself, and immediately someone likened my balls to hairy foodstuffs, and then someone else told me i wasn't welcome to chat because of ltm. it was mortifying and i will never set foot in that wretched place again.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I don't use it much but it seems like a good thing to have. I thought people were having nice, safe fun in there but I don't really know what Rhombix was talking about, I don't understand his issue with moderating.

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I'm actually thinking of getting rid of it as honestly, it's a waste of 20USD per year...


Nuke it... It's the only way to be sure!



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so i went in to the chatroom yesterday to see for myself, and immediately someone likened my balls to hairy foodstuffs, and then someone else told me i wasn't welcome to chat because of ltm. it was mortifying and i will never set foot in that wretched place again.

Yea, they're an elitist bunch. It's kind of it's own LTM in a way.


I pop in every now and again, I have fun conversations, and I enjoy my stay. It's been so dead lately though, so I never go anymore. I thoroughly enjoyed CHATMM when we got the Clark subforum, and we'd sync his albums. Made me love some of his albums all over again.


Lol at license to hate, Alex.

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I don't quite understand this... I was receiving abuse, so I reported it, and now *I'm* the one who gets banned?


You wouldn't do this for no reason, I'm sure there's some logic behind it... but I honestly can't see it.


And for the record, CHATMM is moderated - IF a moderator is in there at the time, or if you report anything to us or the Mods via PM.


What, so they can get banned too?


I'm actually thinking of getting rid of it as honestly, it's a waste of 20USD per year...


I gave you 20USD this year, consider it upkeep for the chatroom I'm now banned from.

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Guest Iain C

Rhombix, I wouldn't question the moderation here. It's incredibly inconsistent, has been for a long time, and it's unlikely to change. Roll with the punches, dude.


Although I wouldn't say your thread was "airing your dirty laundry" at all. If someone has an issue with the forum and it's not being addressed by the mod team, I think it's fair to start a thread to draw attention to it. I'm sure it's happened before without JR getting worked up about it like this - but like I say, don't expect any consistency here.


Also, I would question JR's wisdom in starting this thread - why not simply tell Rhomboix via PM that he's banned? You're just throwing a bone to the people who've been giving him a hard time. And given what he's been CHATMM-banned for, it seems slightly hypocritical.

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Guest Sprigg

I know JR has said before that he'd prefer people solve their stuff via PM instead of public threads... so, in response Rhombix publicizing a problem that he feels wasn't going to get taken care of privately, JR makes a thread publicly stating that he's banned Rhombix from Chatmm for... we don't know what. Right. :trashbear:

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