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Rustie - Glass Swords


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I dunno, I'd be pretty pissed off if someone said my latest album was shit after they 'flipped through it for 5 minutes'. Just sayin'.


Tried to listen to more of it but couldn't tolerate it. Would rather replay better music I've heard 100 times than listen to something worse just for the sake of hearing something different.


You listened to it for 5 minutes, you couldnt possibly know it was worse in that time. You realise you sound like a proper close-minded arsehole. It quite surprising to see from a Aphex board poster, as he has quite a lot of shit tracks I bet you've listened to them loads too.


Admit it, you dont want to like it because it got quite a lot of good press.

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I was really dissapointed the first time i heard the album, too poppy and clean

I gave it some more spins and now some month's later i must say there are really sweet tracks on this!

not that i will play it everyday, Its doesn't blow me like hudson mohawk and it's not better then most warp records i have,

but dang Rustie made a cool album, looking forward to more actually!

Love the artwork also

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City Star is so ridiculously brilliantly stupid and funny. Love it!


The genuis of it is that I should hate it, but I can't, aaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhhh!!


Why should you hate it? But i agree, its a excellent track, when the pitched vocal comes in is just wonderful. Played it when i was dj'ing at this gallery, sure it was the completely wrong atmosphere to drop it in but i couldn't resist as there sound system was wicked. Best track on the album by far. But i do want some squelchy bleppy stuff back like zig-zag, i think the a combination of these two sounds (squelchy and hyperactive candy stuff) could be interesting.

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I dunno, I'd be pretty pissed off if someone said my latest album was shit after they 'flipped through it for 5 minutes'. Just sayin'.


Tried to listen to more of it but couldn't tolerate it. Would rather replay better music I've heard 100 times than listen to something worse just for the sake of hearing something different.


You listened to it for 5 minutes, you couldnt possibly know it was worse in that time. You realise you sound like a proper close-minded arsehole. It quite surprising to see from a Aphex board poster, as he has quite a lot of shit tracks I bet you've listened to them loads too.


Admit it, you dont want to like it because it got quite a lot of good press.


That is a small part of it, I'll admit it. It seems like it was given good press in the same way hollywood hypes up pop stars and that really irks me.


I assure you I'm not a "proper close-minded arsehole" and I'm surprised you're making that judgement based on my opinion of one album. I've listened to thousands of hours of electronic music so I'm pretty quick to judge something for what it is. That being said I'll give it another, more proper listen this upcoming weekend.


Although I'll form my own opinion after I listen to it, are there any tracks, feelings, or sounds on the album that especially stood out to you?

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you're shitty shit and the worst new poster


You're entitled to your opinion, but you sure come off as being some sort of kid judging my personal character based on my opinion about an album which is superficial at best. The CD clearly comes across as a ripoff of the sound planetmu has been pushing for the last 2 years, and not done as well either.


Would rather throw in Kuedo-severant or any footwork music off of mu than waste time with this.


you're shitty shit and the worst new poster


Why don't you say something constructive, or provide some basis for your contention that the album is good? idiot.

lol at angrily replying to the same post twice.

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you're shitty shit and the worst new poster


You're entitled to your opinion, but you sure come off as being some sort of kid judging my personal character based on my opinion about an album which is superficial at best. The CD clearly comes across as a ripoff of the sound planetmu has been pushing for the last 2 years, and not done as well either.


Would rather throw in Kuedo-severant or any footwork music off of mu than waste time with this.


you're shitty shit and the worst new poster


Why don't you say something constructive, or provide some basis for your contention that the album is good? idiot.

lol at angrily replying to the same post twice.


lol I know, I shouldn't have. Just seems ridiculous to personally attack someone for their opinion on an album

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I dunno, I'd be pretty pissed off if someone said my latest album was shit after they 'flipped through it for 5 minutes'. Just sayin'.


Tried to listen to more of it but couldn't tolerate it. Would rather replay better music I've heard 100 times than listen to something worse just for the sake of hearing something different.


You listened to it for 5 minutes, you couldnt possibly know it was worse in that time. You realise you sound like a proper close-minded arsehole. It quite surprising to see from a Aphex board poster, as he has quite a lot of shit tracks I bet you've listened to them loads too.


Admit it, you dont want to like it because it got quite a lot of good press.


That is a small part of it, I'll admit it. It seems like it was given good press in the same way hollywood hypes up pop stars and that really irks me.


I assure you I'm not a "proper close-minded arsehole" and I'm surprised you're making that judgement based on my opinion of one album. I've listened to thousands of hours of electronic music so I'm pretty quick to judge something for what it is. That being said I'll give it another, more proper listen this upcoming weekend.


Although I'll form my own opinion after I listen to it, are there any tracks, feelings, or sounds on the album that especially stood out to you?


Id say surph and crystal echo are my favourite, but as an album there arent any tracks I would skip.


Ive no idea what age you are, but this album as reminisces of 90s r&b mixed with ravey and video game twangs to it. Which is nostalgia to me, maybe not to you though.

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Id say surph and crystal echo are my favourite, but as an album there arent any tracks I would skip.


Ive no idea what age you are, but this album as reminisces of 90s r&b mixed with ravey and video game twangs to it. Which is nostalgia to me, maybe not to you though.

This and this. Plus it has a demoscene kinda feel to some of the solos which is definitely relevant to my interests.


Crystal Echo is indeed amazing, though I feel it ends too quickly (much like most of the songs on the album). That chord progression at the end would sound amazing going into a fast (dnb?) beat.. But then again, if it did, it'd sound too much like Pselodux :emotawesomepm9:

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I dunno, I'd be pretty pissed off if someone said my latest album was shit after they 'flipped through it for 5 minutes'. Just sayin'.


Tried to listen to more of it but couldn't tolerate it. Would rather replay better music I've heard 100 times than listen to something worse just for the sake of hearing something different.


You listened to it for 5 minutes, you couldnt possibly know it was worse in that time. You realise you sound like a proper close-minded arsehole. It quite surprising to see from a Aphex board poster, as he has quite a lot of shit tracks I bet you've listened to them loads too.


Admit it, you dont want to like it because it got quite a lot of good press.


That is a small part of it, I'll admit it. It seems like it was given good press in the same way hollywood hypes up pop stars and that really irks me.


I assure you I'm not a "proper close-minded arsehole" and I'm surprised you're making that judgement based on my opinion of one album. I've listened to thousands of hours of electronic music so I'm pretty quick to judge something for what it is. That being said I'll give it another, more proper listen this upcoming weekend.


Although I'll form my own opinion after I listen to it, are there any tracks, feelings, or sounds on the album that especially stood out to you?


Id say surph and crystal echo are my favourite, but as an album there arent any tracks I would skip.


Ive no idea what age you are, but this album as reminisces of 90s r&b mixed with ravey and video game twangs to it. Which is nostalgia to me, maybe not to you though.


Thank you sir! I am looking forward to giving it another listen this weekend after a few beers and maybe a 'puff puff'. I will keep your highlights in mind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gave it another listen. Listened to it 3 times actually hoping it would grow on me, and I still can't stand it.


I guess everyone has different tastes.


The thing that got me the most is the vocoded voices. Not sure how people can hate shobaleader for the vocoder etc which was much better produced (IMO) and hype this up..... Especially the songs that sound like alvin and the chipmunks got in there...


On the plus side I like the attempt at.. I don't know what to call it? retro-80s sound? I do like Ultra Thizz, and All Nite, but I think Rustie should have put this out as a 12 inch with maybe 3 other songs....

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best song on the album

but i'm tired of glass swords, its just 2 flashy and poppy + it makes me feel old for some reason

*listens to coki trying to start a truck*


I don't know about feeling old after listening to it lol. But I find it too flashy/poppy.

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you're not getting 30 this year stephen

Seriously i gave this WARP REC release the best try i could but i'm afraid now it will gather dust forever


edit. next to the other people's place, jackson and his puterband and body riddle

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you're not getting 30 this year stephen

Seriously i gave this WARP REC release the best try i could but i'm afraid now it will gather dust forever


Glad someone shares my opinion of it!!!

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I loved this at first, but it's grown off me. It doesn't really satisfy anymore, and while I enjoy some of it on headphones, on most speaker systems I've heard it on the beats sound strangely weak and/or sloppy (even if I can see how they're trying to sound 'big') - and the synth sounds just don't it for me (though I can see why everyone describes them as 'fat'.)


Apart from the amazingly cringey lyrics, I still think Jimmy Edgar's 'XXX' album is super underrated and does this kind of thing better than Rustie (or Shobaleader One) - at least in terms of production. Way punchier, tighter and more refined. I love nostalgic, synthy, video-gamey, soul-pop music, and I had enjoyed Glass Swords before, but its overall sound just doesn't cut it for me like it used to.

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I actually think of Glass Swords as thin! Somehow the sounds all sound kind of ... flimsy? to me.


Haven't really listned to xxx, well, a couple of songs, that I liked a lot ... so I'll check out more thxbai

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I put this on and flipped through it for 5 minutes and was disgusted.


you turned a good album into a single mediocre VHS Head b-side. good job.

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I put this on and flipped through it for 5 minutes and was disgusted.


you turned a good album into a single mediocre VHS Head b-side. good job.


What doesn't occur to anyone is that perhaps I know what I like, and since "good" is subjective maybe I'm allowed to make that call for myself.


I knew that within 5 minutes of putting it on that it was not good for me, in fact it was terrible for me. I tried listening to it again after everyone said I should, and I still find I don't like it.


I guess that's a better way to say the exact same thing I said before?

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by that logic i hate every autechre album.


If you do, that's completely fine. At least, I don't see what's wrong with it.


Classical music surely has its merits but it quite simply isn't my thing. And either is 80s vocoder pop wank techno.


Different strokes for different folks I suppose.

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