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Unobvious things that make you sad.

Fred McGriff

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Watching a rainbow as it fades to nothing.


the double rainbow must have gutted you


Sooooooo intense!

I almost edited my post to mention that double rainbows fading are doubly sad, but then I didn't.


When a cat follows me for a while after I've pet it, and it keeps meowing crying out desperately for attention, but I refuse to look back because I don't want to encourage it to stray any further than it already has.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

plus she sounded cute.


phone calls.


girls (almost) always sound cute on the phone, it can be entirely misleading in my personal experience.


seeing old people crossing the street with walkers in hand, and knowing that, even should i try to help them, they'd still only be able to move just as slowly. it doesn't help when the intersections are particularly busy...

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The number PI.


I started dating a girl on 3-14 and we always joked that our anniversary was PI day. Now whenever I see that number I want to shoot myself in the face.

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A long long time ago when I was finishing high school, after exams, It hit me that it was all over. I suddenly became quite sentimental. I would look at things like clocks, doors, lockers etc. and think of all the stories they could tell. All of the things they had seen. Corners of rooms that nobody noticed. A faded peeling sticker stuck on a brick years before.






Then I got my exam results.

Haha, I went through that exact same fase I think

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Walking around a really beautiful, scenic village on a hot sunny day and noticing there is no one around - cars are in driveways and most are tucked away inside, probably watching television.

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Christmas shopping. I always have this dread that I'm buying them the people I love total shit that they're just going to throw away. Which is wasteful, spendy, and for some reason humiliating.


Also, proof-reading my post 4 times, hitting post, and then finally seeing the fucking mistake I made. I guess both of these things make me more frustrated vs. sad.

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Guest uptown devil

parents treating their children like shit. i've been noticing it a lot recently.. i was at the beach today and this mother kept telling her 4-year oldish son that 'he was worse than a girl' as the kid was balling his eyes out over something; then the dad hit him with his sandal a few times and the mom turned around and said 'hit him harder'. the whole thing was just so strangely casual and malicious.


why do people like that even have kids? is it just the ability to control someone that they find appealing?... or are they just fucking deranged and overflowing with hate-lust?


/drank post

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parents treating their children like shit. i've been noticing it a lot recently.. i was at the beach today and this mother kept telling her 4-year oldish son that 'he was worse than a girl' as the kid was balling his eyes out over something; then the dad hit him with his sandal a few times and the mom turned around and said 'hit him harder'. the whole thing was just so strangely casual and malicious.


why do people like that even have kids? is it just the ability to control someone that they find appealing?... or are they just fucking deranged and overflowing with hate-lust?


/drank post

fuck, this really pisses me off - I know I have to keep my mouth shut though to keep the "norm" flowing in a given social setting - but yeah I totally agree with you. I see this a lot in public.

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parents treating their children like shit. i've been noticing it a lot recently.. i was at the beach today and this mother kept telling her 4-year oldish son that 'he was worse than a girl' as the kid was balling his eyes out over something; then the dad hit him with his sandal a few times and the mom turned around and said 'hit him harder'. the whole thing was just so strangely casual and malicious.


why do people like that even have kids? is it just the ability to control someone that they find appealing?... or are they just fucking deranged and overflowing with hate-lust?


/drank post

fuck, this really pisses me off - I know I have to keep my mouth shut though to keep the "norm" flowing in a given social setting - but yeah I totally agree with you. I see this a lot in public.


There's so many levels of bad parenting beyond the obvious abuse as well. It's not uncommon to see parents eating "dinner" with their kids at 9-10 pm at restaurants or dragging them around walmart or a 24 grocery at the same time of night or later. When it comes to higher income families I often see elementary school girls texting nonstop while their parents gossip and shit.


Yeah, it sucks that unprotected sex can lead to an automatic chance at raising kids, and if you're terrible at it, it's at the expense of your children and society. On top of that, in most of America, everything is being done to make abortion illegal, adoption options limited, contraceptives difficult to acquire, and school based safe sex education nonexistent. :angry:

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When i was in the Navy many years ago, my dad sent me a letter (pre email days). and on one of the pages, he for some reason drew one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. Now around the time I went to the navy, TMNT were really popular and it wasn't my thing. But when I saw my dad's drawing, I teared up a little and hung it on my bunk.

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seeing small business's that i havent even cared about, or used, shut down. gives me a real sense of melancholy for about 3 minutes whenever i see it.



i can also put seeing tescos shut down in the subtle delights, unfortunately ive never seen it happen.

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I hate seeing small businesses fail/go under as well. There's a pho place right outside my local train station that looks like it gets absolutely no business whatsoever, I always feel bad seeing the place empty as I walk by.


One time when I lived in South Pasadena, I was walking past a local sandwich shop that was owned by an old lady. I stopped because I dropped something and when I got up I looked inside and the lady walked fast to the counter thinking I was going to come in. I felt pretty bad, so I went in and ordered a turkey sandwich. It was so damn good. there was no one else there when i went in.


I made it a point to go at least once a week to get a sandwich afterwards. everytime I went, there were always the same people ordering sandwiches from her. I then moved to Florida and 2 years passed. Last time my wife and I went to south pasadena, we walked down that street and the sandwich shop was gone... I was pretty saddened by that.

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I hate seeing small businesses fail/go under as well. There's a pho place right outside my local train station that looks like it gets absolutely no business whatsoever, I always feel bad seeing the place empty as I walk by.


One time when I lived in South Pasadena, I was walking past a local sandwich shop that was owned by an old lady. I stopped because I dropped something and when I got up I looked inside and the lady walked fast to the counter thinking I was going to come in. I felt pretty bad, so I went in and ordered a turkey sandwich. It was so damn good. there was no one else there when i went in.


I made it a point to go at least once a week to get a sandwich afterwards. everytime I went, there were always the same people ordering sandwiches from her. I then moved to Florida and 2 years passed. Last time my wife and I went to south pasadena, we walked down that street and the sandwich shop was gone... I was pretty saddened by that.

awww =/

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Yeah Luke said it. Losing my dogs was really heart/soul wrenching. I haven't had a pet since my last buddy Catfish died, she was an amazing creature.


edit: oh shit, totally obvious, sorry

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Yeah, it sucks that unprotected sex can lead to an automatic chance at raising kids, and if you're terrible at it, it's at the expense of your children and society. On top of that, in most of America, everything is being done to make abortion illegal, adoption options limited, contraceptives difficult to acquire, and school based safe sex education nonexistent. :angry:

just like jesus wanted!


lol (followed by depressing sigh)

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