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I may need an operation :(


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So remember when I got in that bike accident and broke my face and was on crutches for a month?


Well, since then, I've had some pain in my left hip. I've seen an orthopedic and have been going to physical therapy regularly. Now we are at the point where they want to do an MRI of my hip joint to see if there is a tear in my labrum (membrane around the inside of my hip socket).


In order to do the MRI, they need to inject dye WITH A BIG ASS MOTHERFUCKING NEEDLE INTO MY HIP JOINT! I have a terrible fear of needles. They have been calling me asking when I want to schedule the exam, but I keep putting it off because the thought of it makes me nauseous.

If they find a tear, I most likely will need arthroscopic surgery.


Fuck my life.


Has anyone been through this procedure? I'm scared as fuck... mostly of that big needle.



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maybe request a blindfold? it isn't as crazy and rare as you might think.



i hate needles but i usually just ask them to tell me when they are whipping it out and i just look away from that point on

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Hypnotis is definitely where it's at nowadays .... But good luck man, you'll be fine - I've had many MRI scans which involved the injection of contrast dye and it's far less painful than having say blood tests. I'm shit at needles too, just look away when they're doing it and it will all suddenly becomes 99% less intimidating.

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So remember when I got in that bike accident and broke my face and was on crutches for a month?


Well, since then, I've had some pain in my left hip. I've seen an orthopedic and have been going to physical therapy regularly. Now we are at the point where they want to do an MRI of my hip joint to see if there is a tear in my labrum (membrane around the inside of my hip socket).


In order to do the MRI, they need to inject dye WITH A BIG ASS MOTHERFUCKING NEEDLE INTO MY HIP JOINT! I have a terrible fear of needles. They have been calling me asking when I want to schedule the exam, but I keep putting it off because the thought of it makes me nauseous.

If they find a tear, I most likely will need arthroscopic surgery.


Fuck my life.


Has anyone been through this procedure? I'm scared as fuck... mostly of that big needle.




Now I feel bad that I'm totally pwning you in words with friends. Maybe you can ask them if they can knock you out? I don't have a fear of needles at all, but what you describe sounds fucking terrifying.

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Guest disparaissant

i was terrified of needles for a while but yeah just look away. or start getting blood drawn all the time, that helps!

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I bet it is.


I'm hoping that, if I need surgery, that they'll knock me out. I hear a lot of times they only knock you out if it is something where they need to get into your guts. I'm worried they'll give me an epidural or something. All I need is another needle.


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Guest fiznuthian

I chopped one of my fingers wide open cutting some peppers in the kitchen at work. At the hospital I was going to get stitches but they needed to number my finger.

Instead of giving digit block which numbs all of my hand, he decided on a local anaesthetic.

The first 5-6 stabs were through the front pad of my fingertip and went in an inch or so. A couple he sent straight through the top of my finger nail deep in.

Only about 10 stabs in did the anaesthetic finally kick in and the pain started to stop, but FUCK I was screaming like a little girl.


My advice:

Do everything and anything possible to keep your mind distracted. Count numbers, while thinking of pretty scenes. Maybe find a hot nurse to stare at, anything.

How you perceive the pain has a lot to do with how much it hurts, and the more your mental facilities (especially pre-frontal cortex) are distracted the less severe the pain will seem.

Maybe you can ask the doctor to let you play Snowworld VR while you take it in the ass?

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similar experience with an ingrown toenail. the doctor had to inject the numbing agent into my toe by hitting the nerve. i swearing my head off. now i am missing a big to toenail on my left foot because we decided to just remove it.

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just repeat the Mentat Mantra over and over during the procedure;


"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains. The stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."

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Guest Iain C

I had an MRI for my faulty heart a few months ago - including the dye and the big needle and all that. You barely feel it, and that comes from someone who's pretty nervous around needles and doctors and all the rest of it.


Having the MRI is like lying on the world's most claustrophobic bed for half an hour while you listen to Autechre. If you like IDM you'll probably enjoy the noises. It's not that bad. Just boring.

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Guest Iain C

I chopped one of my fingers wide open cutting some peppers in the kitchen at work. At the hospital I was going to get stitches but they needed to number my finger.

Instead of giving digit block which numbs all of my hand, he decided on a local anaesthetic.

The first 5-6 stabs were through the front pad of my fingertip and went in an inch or so. A couple he sent straight through the top of my finger nail deep in.

Only about 10 stabs in did the anaesthetic finally kick in and the pain started to stop, but FUCK I was screaming like a little girl.


I needed six stitches right next to my eye - and because there are a lot of blood vessels in that area, local anaesthetics don't last for long. You better believe I was screaming like a little girl, but I at least tried to make them low, manly, growling screams. My housemate who was with me said it was terrible to watch. It was certainly fucking painful.

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I had an MRI for my faulty heart a few months ago - including the dye and the big needle and all that. You barely feel it, and that comes from someone who's pretty nervous around needles and doctors and all the rest of it.


Having the MRI is like lying on the world's most claustrophobic bed for half an hour while you listen to Autechre. If you like IDM you'll probably enjoy the noises. It's not that bad. Just boring.


I found the mri machine to be amazing. It was snuggly. I'd totally sleep in one if I had one. I kept almost falling asleep when I was in there, noises and all.

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It's just arthroscopic surgery, big deal. It's not like they will cut you up proper. Get over it and don't be a big baby. Rather have a chance to fix it properly instead of the risk of living with a wonky painful hip the rest of your life, just because you were a pussy afraid of needles. Boohoo.

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I've never been a big fan of needles. I had surgery on my collarbone about two years ago. The anesthesiologist said that he would have to stick a six inch needle down my neck to numb a nerve that runs through my upper body. I asked if I would be awake for the process. He kind of snickered and said "yeah, but you really won't care at that point."


A man has never been so right. I was laying on a table in the OR before they operated and I asked about the big ass needle and they told me they already did it.


There's nothing to worry about. When in doubt, you can always just look away.

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