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Bleep 100 Tracks 2011


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Well I have to say that on the one hand I was really suprised from last years collections of the best 100 tracks 2010. Although I follow new releases quite attentive, there was a lot of stuff which I really loved and never heard before. But paying 35 € for 100 tracks really feels like a rip-off. So... I'm ambiguous I guess.

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Everyone's gotta try new angles to make some dough these days. Fancily-printed bits of card may just add enough of a tangible element for some people to think about giving one as a gift. Those photos do remind me of the business card scene in American psycho though. "Silian Rail?"


This is a shot in the dark, but Lucy, you don't work for Warp, do you? I talked to somebody named Lucy in the promotions department at Warp when I worked at a record shop.

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music is now worthless. you now pay for a lifestyle accessory and something that looks nice on your coffee table.


such is life in russia.

it's worthless if you don't know what the music is.


such is the case at the moment.

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it does seem a bit gimmicky. but every business needs to provide something gimmicky at christmastime because that's what christmas is all about- buying ridiculous things just because.

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If you buy a fair amount off of bleep then you would probably think you have bought most of the best stuff, in your opinion, of the year. So this collection would be a waste of money. You can't see the TL, so you won't know what you're getting until you've ordered it and it's "limited edition" which wants you to order before seeing what will be on it. And if you do order in advance there is always that nagging feeling that you will get at least 10-20% of it which you already have.


It seems like it's best that the only people who order it are Bleep 'lurkers' who don't buy shit.


Whether I've got my point across or not idk? But it seems pointless to someone who uses Bleep quite often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's 8 tracks on there I'd like and I own 7 of them (the last being a track from Byetone's latest album which I'll pick up in a week or two anyway). No thank you mister warp....

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Guest Greg Reason

The tracklist isn't actually as bad as I expected.


My problem with this is that all the worthwhile artists on here are album artists.. This is essentialy one big advertisment, presenting you with 100 albums to potentially invest in.


This should be dirt cheap, a gateway drug rather than presented as the main course.

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This should be dirt cheap, a gateway drug rather than presented as the main course.


This. Some picks on this definitely wouldn't be peaks of albums and often are part of some collective thats worth getting.


Maybe if you got a discount on any release that was featured on this once you bought this, or something like that.

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