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Did anyone see Die Antwoord on Letterman?


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yeah, its promotion, they were signed to universal I reckon, I was just loling about the cynical reaction from you guys, but thats why I like watmm after all.


they were signed to interscope but then dropped them and made their own record label.


im sure they still have a very big booking agent who does stuff for commercial labels working for them, otherwise they wouldnt be on letterman.

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yeah, its promotion, they were signed to universal I reckon, I was just loling about the cynical reaction from you guys, but thats why I like watmm after all.


they were signed to interscope but then dropped them and made their own record label.


im sure they still have a very big booking agent who does stuff for commercial labels working for them, otherwise they wouldnt be on letterman.


their agent used to manage marilyn manson.

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I wish the band would take the first part of their name literally... in a fire.


die = the


they should the in a fire


Goddamn, man - you going to follow me around again pissing in my cornflakes wherever I go? You know what I meant.

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i couldn;t give two shit abut antwoord (even after they hooked up with korine who's kinda a fav of mine), but this album and this song and aw are just some great prodigy-like stupid bouncy fun. i really don't get the haters. were were you in '96? reading poetry?

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I wish the band would take the first part of their name literally... in a fire.


die = the


they should the in a fire


Goddamn, man - you going to follow me around again pissing in my cornflakes wherever I go? You know what I meant.


wait, what did you mean?

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I wish the band would take the first part of their name literally... in a fire.


die = the


they should the in a fire


Goddamn, man - you going to follow me around again pissing in my cornflakes wherever I go? You know what I meant.


wait, what did you mean?


i think he meant that he wanted them to be burned and subsequently die in a fire

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Guest RadarJammer

I was interested in them so long as they stayed interesting and offbeat but it feels like they are in a race to be as empty and shallow as possible so they can be accepted by the greater homogeny. I'm not sure why I ever thought they were supposed to be any different but I think it had something to do with the flocks of fringe artists raving about them nonstop for the past year. Borrowing marketing tricks from the Marilyn Manson/Lady Gaga bag of crumbs is transparent and boring. Good music for doing dishes in the kitchen though.

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I was interested in them so long as they stayed interesting and offbeat but it feels like they are in a race to be as empty and shallow as possible so they can be accepted by the greater homogeny. I'm not sure why I ever thought they were supposed to be any different but I think it had something to do with the flocks of fringe artists raving about them nonstop for the past year. Borrowing marketing tricks from the Marilyn Manson/Lady Gaga bag of crumbs is transparent and boring. Good music for doing dishes in the kitchen though.


they are commentary upon the race to be as empty and shallow as possible so they can be accepted by the greater homogeny.

they *are* empty. they *are* commercial. this is the intent. you either get it or you don't. do you think a talented man like waddy jones would cover his body in prison ink if he didn't take what he did seriously? he is 100% serious about what he does.


edit: regardless of that, even, i like the music. it's fun ravey fistpump shit.

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I was interested in them so long as they stayed interesting and offbeat but it feels like they are in a race to be as empty and shallow as possible so they can be accepted by the greater homogeny.



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much like troon provides a little commentary on watmm.


Rapped for 20 years, never made a cent

Borrowed money from my mom to pay the rent

Now how'm I gonna get out of this mess

Yo- landi shows me two stripes on the fucking piss-test

Broke-ass Ninja gonna be a daddy

Little baby Ninja gonna need some nappies.

(from 'so what?')




it annoys me when people call DA a comedy band or a novelty band. there's a lot more going on than just that.

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I wish the band would take the first part of their name literally... in a fire.


die = the


they should the in a fire


Goddamn, man - you going to follow me around again pissing in my cornflakes wherever I go? You know what I meant.


sorry Joyrex :(


*pours some milk on you*

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Guest Backson

i don't like DA 'ironically', i just like em.




ITT: some people like die antwoord, some people think they're fucking awful. pretty standard watmm fare.


oh, i see. right, don't worry.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Oh boy, that performance was pretty entertaining. I still don't understand what this band has turned into and I'm not sure they do either.

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much like troon provides a little commentary on watmm.


Rapped for 20 years, never made a cent

Borrowed money from my mom to pay the rent

Now how'm I gonna get out of this mess

Yo- landi shows me two stripes on the fucking piss-test

Broke-ass Ninja gonna be a daddy

Little baby Ninja gonna need some nappies.

(from 'so what?')




it annoys me when people call DA a comedy band or a novelty band. there's a lot more going on than just that.


not everyone will ever agree but that is a pretty awful example to say that they are not a novelty or comedy band lol...

they rep their image, much like any artist that makes more money than I ever will. That music they played on letterman was shit, utter gobshite in fact. if it were performed by no named, faceless entities with no image or cunty gimmick to sell you on some myspace you'd never heard of you'd skip it and walk away most likely. You bought the novelty.


them lyrix Ninja penned was deep-- people rapping about not making money in deez streets or rapping, not having money, getting people pregnant and then talking about how they rap to live is like oldest rap shit in the book, the novelty wore off on these dudes a long time ago, now I'm just confused as to how they get gigs...


maybe it's just me?



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I was interested in them so long as they stayed interesting and offbeat but it feels like they are in a race to be as empty and shallow as possible so they can be accepted by the greater homogeny. I'm not sure why I ever thought they were supposed to be any different but I think it had something to do with the flocks of fringe artists raving about them nonstop for the past year. Borrowing marketing tricks from the Marilyn Manson/Lady Gaga bag of crumbs is transparent and boring. Good music for doing dishes in the kitchen though.


they are commentary upon the race to be as empty and shallow as possible so they can be accepted by the greater homogeny.

they *are* empty. they *are* commercial. this is the intent. you either get it or you don't.


I don't get it. How is this empty and commercial music different than all the other empty and commercial musical acts out there? Why is Die Antwoord "commentary" while the others aren't?

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