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Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'


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theres no way thats real.



if it is real (which its not), that man has obviously never worked waiter/restaurant jobs in his life.


Most obscenely wealthy people have never even thought of waiting tables at any point in their lives.

It's not something they ever need to do. It's just something other people do for them.


I have had plenty of experience in service jobs for ridiculously wealthy clientele. In many situations, they have behaved badly in ways that illuminate the fact that they feel entitled in ways that none of us will ever comprehend.



This is not hard for me to believe, in the slightest.




Also, funny enough, I've actually been to that restaurant. I didn't eat there but I was working on a photo shoot that shot there.

I think Weed might actually live very close to there.

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I don't think people should get tips at all.


very true. but this is an american thing. restaurants get away without paying their servers anything so they can make it up in tips. its pretty stupid. Americans justify this by saying " oh but its a service", however when asked, no one I asked tips the cashier at the grocery store or the person who sells them a tshirt at a shop. its inconsistent.

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I don't think people should get tips at all.


very true. but this is an american thing. restaurants get away without paying their servers anything so they can make it up in tips. its pretty stupid. Americans justify this by saying " oh but its a service", however when asked, no one I asked tips the cashier at the grocery store or the person who sells them a tshirt at a shop. its inconsistent.


exactly. One of the reasons I love living in China. No tips for anything: waiters, taxi drivers, etc. Traditionally the Chinese have considered tipping to be offensive, because it means the tipper pities you. Though these days I have come across a few drivers who have been corrupted by Western passengers and are starting to expect a tip...

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that's not 1%.


Yeah. Somebody should mail him and tell him to take a real math lessons. 1% of 133.54 $ is 1.3354 $. What an idiot.

indeed, he should have left 1.34$.

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that's not 1%.


Yeah. Somebody should mail him and tell him to take a real math lessons. 1% of 133.54 $ is 1.3354 $. What an idiot.

indeed, he should have left 1.34$.


If I was a waiter and got that shit from him, I wouldn't allow him to leave the restaurant until he gives me exactly 1.3354 $ tip. He's a fucking banker after all, money is his business.

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theres no way thats real.



if it is real (which its not), that man has obviously never worked waiter/restaurant jobs in his life.


Most obscenely wealthy people have never even thought of waiting tables at any point in their lives.

It's not something they ever need to do. It's just something other people do for them.


I have had plenty of experience in service jobs for ridiculously wealthy clientele. In many situations, they have behaved badly in ways that illuminate the fact that they feel entitled in ways that none of us will ever comprehend.



This is not hard for me to believe, in the slightest.




Also, funny enough, I've actually been to that restaurant. I didn't eat there but I was working on a photo shoot that shot there.

I think Weed might actually live very close to there.


True, but if we are going on personal experience, I have waited at a 5-star restaurant for 8 years of my life, and while I have had bad tippers, there was never, never any story of someone tipping less than 1 percent. There were rich, self-entitled assholes no doubt. But this reeks of a setup.


In other words, while its certainly possible to have happened, I find it very hard to believe that in this instance it did.

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Life is what you make of it and if you've made your life out to be a waiter/waitress expect some of the dumb shit and low tipping assholes that come with it.


Besides, whos to say the server wasn't a complete POS and they deserved 1%?


For example last night my bill was $265 but the service was below avg so I only tipped 20$...

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Life is what you make of it and if you've made your life out to be a waiter/waitress expect some of the dumb shit and low tipping assholes that come with it.


Besides, whos to say the server wasn't a complete POS and they deserved 1%?


For example last night my bill was $265 but the service was below avg so I only tipped 20$...


What a dumb thing to say.

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do yanks tip the same when they go overseas or do they pay their waitstaff better in other countries?


serious question btw. i mean, we have tip jars and sometimes we'll leave a tip after a meal if we're feeling generous but on the whole it's not such a big thing here.


not if we read our handy dandy Rick Steves guide book

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Life is what you make of it and if you've made your life out to be a waiter/waitress expect some of the dumb shit and low tipping assholes that come with it.


What a dumb thing to say.




Unfortunately, in America, lots of people have to take up professions like serving to support other endeavors (especially creative ones that the government would normally subsidize in other countries).

Plus, the economy just so happens to be shit right now, in case you haven't noticed. I know lots of people with advanced degrees that have to take jobs like serving to pay the rent and in particular, student loans (... student loan debt is something wealthy people [who never had serving jobs] most likely know nothing about).


Not everyone goes on to become wildly successful in this world.

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Honestly... Tipping is the part I hate the most when I'm at a restaurant. I let my wife handle that. I've gone Mr. Pink in the past as well.


This topic has come up a few years ago here... So I'll be expecting the same treatment as last time probably! :)

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Honestly... Tipping is the part I hate the most when I'm at a restaurant. I let my wife handle that. I've gone Mr. Pink in the past as well.



I let my wife figure out the tip stuff usually, but she always goes 20-25% and it makes me a bit crazy.

I'm fine giving a good tip to a good server, but I certainly never deny someone a tip if they don't impress me.

I feel if you willingly eat in a place with table service, you should give at the very least 10-15%. If you really feel like you had SHITTY service, I think it's ok to give a shitty tip. If it is REALLY SHITTY service (meaning the server is a straight-up asshole who doesn't give a fuck about their job or the customers), then it is ok to not give a tip.

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Last time I checked serving was a real job. I don't ever tip, but that's cause I live in Norway and shit is expensive enough as it is for a student.


That's because in Norway waiters get a living wage and service charges are already included in the price. That's what civilized countries do.

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