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Deftones Appreciation Thread


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i fucking love these guys. i listened to them in the late 90s but when white pony came out, i became a fanboy for life. they really have zero bad albums (maybe saturday night wrist) but seem to be hitting a new stride as of late. diamond eyes was a beast. around the fur has to be one of my favorite albums of all time. seriously flawless record that i still listen to on a regular basis. they are monsters live too.










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i would hope team sleep could still release some material. but zach hill is always busy doing other stuff like death grips. maybe team sleep just got subsumed by the crosses project?


but anyways, white pony is still one of my favorite albums and diamond eyes has a killer sound. i don't think adrenaline has aged very well though. was put off the last time i flipped through these tracks. they just sounded thin and strange.

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Jules, do you and I have the same record collections? :music:


I too got into them when White Pony came out, I'd heard of them before but for some reason they seemed to avoid me (pre internet days were like that, nowadays there would be no excuse lol). TBH White Pony initially didn't do much for me I only liked a few tracks (Korea and Passenger), but along with Joy Divisions first album they are the slowest burners in my collection. I'd now put WP in the top echelons of my metal albums. Classic.


For reasons unknown I don't know much of their other stuff (apart from the album with an owl on the front, that's pretty good too), maybe this thread will enlighten me.

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For reasons unknown I don't know much of their other stuff (apart from the album with an owl on the front, that's pretty good too), maybe this thread will enlighten me.


i kind of ignored the album before diamond eyes (i.e., the owl album) for a while then revisited it over the past year. found it much better than i had initially thought. it's not quite as intense but you should check it out if you liked diamond eyes. there are a few songs that a little dull but there are some top-notch deftones songs in there.

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beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.


i agree about adrenaline aging, but to me, it is because of the production, not the music. it is very raw and thin.


beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.



beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.



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beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.



beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.



beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.




Roger that! Message recieved loud and clear Uncle Jules.


Beerwolf over and out!



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Fantastic band! Saw them live on the WP tour, even got Chi and Chino to sign my CD. Around The Fur got me through my first shitty summer job. So many great memories of this stuff.


Oh and anyone doubting Adrenaline: Birthmark and One Weak.


Their non album cuts are great too. The Boys Republic...Can't Hardly Breathe...oh and their cover of To Have And To Hold is excellent. They played that when I saw them, along with a compete cover of Weezer's Say It Ain't So in the middle of 7 Words right when it breaks...

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I only really listened to White Pony, but really liked that album. But at that age, I listened to so much angsty/metally rock, that I can't really listen to it now without feeling embarrassed of myself!

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I only really listened to White Pony, but really liked that album. But at that age, I listened to so much angsty/metally rock, that I can't really listen to it now without feeling embarrassed of myself!


i know what you mean. if a random song from the album pops up in the shuffle, i do get a little embarrassed. however, if i start the album from the opener, i lose that self-awareness and just jam it out until it's finished. i do think i probably listened to white pony way too many times though

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i always kind of thought they wouldn't be all that great to see live. i had heard chino's singing could be suspect at times, but then again i haven't seen any of this in person. any comments from those that have gotten to see them?

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never bothered with them until i lived with my friend for a while. he would play one of their albums in the morning while we cooked breakfast. really fun stuff. maybe I should seek an album out and listen more intently.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

dude... saturday night wrist is a fucking stellar album. take out pink cellphone and that album is near perfect.

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Some essentials yet to be posted:









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i always kind of thought they wouldn't be all that great to see live. i had heard chino's singing could be suspect at times, but then again i haven't seen any of this in person. any comments from those that have gotten to see them?


Only seen them once (last year, as mentioned) and his voice was great. He seemed to alternate screamy songs with less screamy songs and that seemed to work well. They rocked really hard for 90mins and he was climbing around the balcony (at Nottingham Rock City) and seemed to be really enjoying life. Definitely catch them if you can, I'm not a big metalhead but it was an excellent gig.


Also, new album is on its way!

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Ok now that I've read the thread I will say a few things:


Around the Fur was my first and still my favorite.

Diamond Eyes was really solid considering it's their newest.

Saturday Night Wrist has not grown on me all that much, so it's probably bottom of the list, but it has my second favorite artwork. Actually it could be the best.

Deftones (s/t) is under-appreciated, and probably only because everyone loved White Pony so much anything that followed was destined to fail. I think it's very solid - maybe too by-the-numbers for folks though.

Adrenalin is really great and last I checked, I didn't mind the production. It's raw and hard.

White Pony, the one everyone loves to love the most. It's good of course but something about it never struck me as their best. I'm not really sure what that something is.


I would also like to hear more from Team Sleep. I'm also a big fan of Rob Crow who did some vocals on a few tracks.

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that drive cover is so awesome.


i've seen them live a few times and chino's voice was hit and miss. when he is on, they are fucking amazing. i haven't seen them in awhile though. last time was 04 in nj at a small place, maybe 2000 people. they played so much from adrenaline and around the fur. it was a rager. very sick show.







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beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.



beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.



beerwolf, go get around the fur right now.




Roger that! Message recieved loud and clear Uncle Jules.


Beerwolf over and out!




if you don't love it, I will personally refund your money. for real.

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Oh and anyone doubting Adrenaline: Birthmark and One Weak.



100% with you there, birthmark is my fave off that album.

oh god, the memories!


I'm still quite fond of these guys, they were my formative band in primary school while everyone else was crazy for Korn and Limp Bizkit.

Adrenaline --> White Pony - great albums

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I'm a huge fan of the deftones too. I saw them live in 2010 with mastodon and alice in chains and they were awesome. I went to a pinback show a few years ago and got the chance to ask rob crowe personally if he planned on being involved in Team Sleep if there was another album and he said that he had only spent like 20 hours on that project and he wasn't really apart of it.


I agree that the self titled album is under appreciated, it's probably one of my favorites.


"bored" was the first song I ever heard while high.. but it was also the first time i'd ever heard the song lol so it was pretty epic

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