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the inescapable onslaught of blu ray

Guest yikes

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When blu-ray first came on the scene, I wasn't all that interested. I have quite a large collection of movies on dvd and my instant thought was 'great, yet another way for movies companies to fleece consumers in to buying their collections again'. My view changed however once I actually saw a blu-ray playing; the picture quality knocks dvd out of the park.


I've since switched from buying dvd's to buying blu-rays, barring the odd dvd here and there. That being said, I in no way intend to go and replace my collection with the newer format, as that would just burn an unwanted hole in my pocket. I just picking up some of my favourite movies on blu-ray that I already own when I can, and stick with dvd for the rest.

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As someone else said film grain looks great in HD and they're also great for pc monitor viewing... I love'em. Although I like the slightly fuzzier look of full screen (and thus upscaled resolution) rather than the completely sharp look when played at native resolution. Seems counter-intuitive, but for some reason too sharp isn't that great for me.

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"35 mm film actually has higher resolution (around 5k) than hd cam's are capable of, and it would take a format nearly 5 times more detailed than Blu-ray to fully appreciate the level of detail on a 35 mm film.

Except for Red Cameras, some of which are capable of shooting 5k, but good point! And also, there are developments underway on 500gb optical discs for higher-resolution video playback, but also, good point!


blue ray is bullshit!

most movies they release are shit anyway and they just want the feeble minded to spend even more money on their crap.

HD makes it even worse by showing every microscopic detail of how much the movies and their actors suck

and fucking lol at those shitty blue ray trailers they put on every dvd you rent, they show a bunch of explosions and cheese and i bet thousand retards say "did you see that, i want blue ray, looks so good!

yeah dude, i just got Inferno and Riki-Oh, just more proof that total Hollywood garbage is all they put out on Blu-Ray. And have you seen those faggots at Criterion? lol why would I need to see film classics in the highest resolution possible? lol suck my dick, 8 1/2 in 1080p

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

This thread is pointlessly retarded. No LoLs our interesting subject matter found anywhere near this joint.

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cds=jewel case breaks at hinges,remastered versions usually inferior to og vinyl mastering,smaller artwork ,poor resale value,etc.

not to mention - a well pressed /cut record played on a decent deck sounds leagues ahead of a cd


to hastily label me a luddite/troll/moron etc says a lot about how easily all of you are led by "the man" and typifies a lockstep sheeple consumer mentality where everything "new" is better.


it's funny that joyrex was the first to make the analogy of books,8 16 mm film being "outdated" but the truth is these mediums outlast digital and have been proven more reliable over time.


cds are error prone and loose data over time.

hard drives become corrupted and the the drives freeze after time rendering data stored on them useless.

This is not the case with vinyl or properly stored tape/film


no one is stopping any of you assholes who are quick to call me names over this from dropping more of your dough on this godsend of a corporate dictated format of which you love so much.


if you are so fucking brainwashed and can't see the point than it's true,you've disappeared up your own ass and have lots of money to burn,enough to replace your dvd/vhs collection in it's entirety with this incredible new format and even more money in another 5 years to pay for the next better format that "they" dream up.


Are you honestly trying to say that vinyl/film/VHS are more stable mediums? The very fact they are physical (and have friction/moving parts in their players) makes them inherently inferior to most digital mediums, not to mention how "film preservationists" are scrambling to digitize old film and recordings before they erode, decay, or lose their magnetic signatures. Now, if you had brought up the fact that unless your data is stored somewhere on a format that won't become obsolete and rendered unreadable by future technologies, I might accept your argument as being something more than just trolling.


let's implicitly trust SONY the folks that brought you the beta format




Funny you mention Betamax, as it was superior to your lauded VHS - had Sony allowed the adult movie industry to use the format, they probably would have ultimately won out against VHS due to the superiority of the format.

It's Dr. Eldon Tyrell from Blade Runner.


Which the Final Cut of Blade Runner (on Blu Ray, of course) is the best looking/sounding version of the film, even compared to the original film stock - Ridley Scott himself championed getting the flim digitally cleaned up and preserved. My favourite film of all time.

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I have my media collection etched into my cave walls.

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i refilm all my blu-rays off the TV using 8mm cine film


You god damn lovable hipster.


I take fake polaroid photos of all my films. Frame by frame. *drops mic*

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I will only watch a film if its on film and in a theater. I remember back when the films would be about trains and cities, and you would just shut the fuck up for two seconds and watch in amazement. Now they got all this plastic crap they want me to buy, but I'm no fool! I am patient... for example Blade Runner a fantastic film, is being shown in 8 months at my local theater. I can't wait. :w00t:

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Black and white tvs are the way forward. To hell with anyone who gives these capitalist bastards a bit of money to get a tv that has colours in it.

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i refilm all my blu-rays off the TV using 8mm cine film


You god damn lovable hipster.


I take fake polaroid photos of all my films. Frame by frame. *drops mic*




i refilm all my blu-rays off the TV using 8mm cine film


I Instagram all my album covers in iTunes for that "vintage" look :emotawesomepm9:


good idea


Black and white tvs are the way forward. To hell with anyone who gives these capitalist bastards a bit of money to get a tv that has colours in it.


i feel you

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