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Facebook Shares Valued At $100bn


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If you buy shares now, how long do you estimate to keep them before trading in/selling or whatever? 1 year, 2, 10, 20??? I don't have much knowledge of shares or trading so I genuinely don't know? It just seems the only way to make a worthwhile share is by a huge increase in value in a short space of time. I can't see Facebook being worth anywhere near what it is valued at now in 5 years.

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Guest Drahken

I don't see how they can really suceed long term in terms of profit growth. If they start advertising agressivly, which seems to be the main angle they are persuing, that will just push everyone away like it did with Myspace. Short of a google-like invovation in advertising I don't think Facebook has a very clear path. I laughed at my friends who wanted to invest on day 1 thinking it would be another Google right out of the gate.

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Facebook ads can be targetted with much more detail and accuracy than the other big ad networks and they have an enormous reach. That's very valuable to a lot of people.


Good to see Facebook go public. Maybe some idiot shareholders can bring about their demise.

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Guest theSun

facebook is a data mining operation.


we live in a society where information is traded for various purposes. they just need people to keep giving them data and they will keep selling it.


that said, facebook has maybe 2 years left before the next site rises

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that said, facebook has maybe 2 years left before the next site rises

Not saying I disagree with you, I really have no idea, but is this guess of the educated variety or of the wild-ass variety?

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Guest theSun

since no real precedent has been set (myspace was too long ago, nowhere near the tech of 2012 fb), there's no way to know. the only way to predict fb future is to have some insider info


edit - wild ass

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Guest theSun

our society seems to value useless information about people. until this is changed it will only get sadder...


in other news, i'm moving out to the sticks mother fuckers.

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our society seems to value useless information about people. until this is changed it will only get sadder...

I see two possibilities, both of which we as a species are moving toward with accelerating pace since WW2:

- A climax of bullshit where everyone collectively gets sick of making shit worse and worse every day

- (more likely) Severe, apocalyptic climate/habitat change which both spurs and is spurred by increasingly desperate and devastating warfare over dwindling uncontaminated basic resources


Obsessive information gathering currently just happens to be the dominant tentacle of the giant bullshit squid.

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It all relies on the fact that where ever you are, there's always someone after your money. The capitalist way which is bringing everyone down to a desperate level.

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- A climax of bullshit where everyone collectively gets sick of making shit worse and worse every day

I think this is happening right now, but the people who profit from the bullshit are doing their best to quiet its progress and keep their power in place. Find your own truth & spread the love :flower:

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- A climax of bullshit where everyone collectively gets sick of making shit worse and worse every day

I think this is happening right now, but the people who profit from the bullshit are doing their best to quiet its progress and keep their power in place. Find your own truth & spread the love :flower:

Word. I hope you're right. I guess I am just edging into the age where I'm too jaded to believe that there any truly viable long-term alternatives to the shittiness.

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. I laughed at my friends who wanted to invest on day 1 thinking it would be another Google right out of the gate.


and whos laughing now?

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. I laughed at my friends who wanted to invest on day 1 thinking it would be another Google right out of the gate.


and whos laughing now?


I imagine Drahken is still laughing...

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Guest Drahken

It dropped from 38 to 31 on opening day and has lingered there most of the week. Definately not a overnight win like my friends assumed it would be. Lucky for them though they didn't have a shot in hell at getting a piece of the initial offering.

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Guest theSun

i think this was just a way for facebook's leaders to cushion the fall. plus the stock was overvalued from the getgo (for legal or illegal reasons), that's an easy way for a company to make more money than it should have made.

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It dropped from 38 to 31 on opening day and has lingered there most of the week. Definately not a overnight win like my friends assumed it would be. Lucky for them though they didn't have a shot in hell at getting a piece of the initial offering.

took a final last friday morning - sat next to a kid who mentioned in passing that he had 7 grand on it when the market opened. lol i bet he's pissed now. he's actually a pretty chill dude

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Facebook’s first week is the worst of any IPO in 10 years



I'm going to be honest here, i don't know what that headline means but it does't sound good. For the past few weeks my Facebook feed and real life was full of people telling me about their shares on FB and how great it is (some people were telling me they felt like "a wall street yuppie" whatever that means), i just think its great to see it didn't turn out how they planned, they got to live a fantasy for about a day then it all fell apart. This generation is so gullible and shitty.

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This is of all generations, imo.


It's about Wallstreet making money before and right at the moment where the shares start to be traded for the very first time. All the people and instances who got involved after that moment are the poor peasants of old. The losers. (With the exception of the high-frequency trading algorithms, but that's another story.)


The 1% got richer the day Facebook went to Wallstreet.


*pops champagne bottle*

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