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BLOC cancelled.

Friendly Foil

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taken from facebook:


After checking Pleasure Gardens on last weekend's opening I was shocked about the mindless configuration and usage of the space. The linear nature of the place means you cannot go from A to D without going through B and C first. Half the venue space remained empty as all the action was concentrated on the East side. There was so much noise coming from the different stages they had to place containers to stop music from overlapping reducing the space further in the overcrowded area...We arrived early so we did manage to enjoy the ship and Amon Tobin's show but it is an outrage and blatant greed to sell so many tickets so much in advance when the venue hasn't even been completed or tested. It seems like greed was a growing trend in festivals this year i.e. Field day was overcrowded too (but the bigger space saved it). I personally am done with festivals. What is the point of such big lineups if you can't get to see more than a couple of acts in the end? I guess we are all greedy in the end eh? ...


I feared for myself and my friends lives in the resident advisor tent. We left after 10 minutes because we didn't know what would happen. I feel your comments on your website today to be despicable. You seem to be playing the victim "By now everyone will have heard that Bloc 2012 was closed due to crowd safety concerns." this turn if phrase is not acceptin


Bloc organizers you are a JOKE! The site was big enough for 7k people not 15+ you greedy fuckers! Having to wait over 1h to get on site and then not to be able to get in any of the stages because they were already full was shocking and very dangerous! To make things worse, you could not even provide us with buses to get out of that shithole! Spent £60 on festival the ticket, £40 on taxi to get me in c.london and then another £50 for trains from brighton & back! At least £150 refund please!!! Such a promising event only to become a massive disappointment for us all , thanks again Bloc!


‎2 hour queue to get in. Shit sound quality on all stages. More queuing to get INTO stages. Extortionate prices for drinks, even by festival standards. Then you kept us waiting for an hour and a half in the main arena, which was dangerously overstuffed, until you let us know the site was being closed. To add insult to injury, when we made it onto the shuttle buses to get the hell out of there, it dumped everyone in the middle of nowhere instead of taking us to Liverpool Street as promised. Many people didn't live in London let alone the UK so had no idea what they were doing. I feel most sorry for the people who came over from different countries. Adamant that I am getting a refund. Never seen anything like it.

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Guest chunky

Somebody needs to make an indiegogo or kickstarter for the people that lost money, to sue the organisers, and to put on a new festival next year

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As I've said in other threads, it was a disaster from the start. I've got a few videos from the closure. I'll put them up later. Right now I'm stuck in a fucking hotel wondering what to do with the rest of my weekend.

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My first impression was the disaster on the Loveparade 2010- way too many people and no proper security. For god sake nobody got hurt on bloc but hopefully there will be come more from the festival stuff as yet.

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The only people who did get hurt were the few who started fights amongst each other, luckily. I'm not usually a fight sort of person but the situation was that bad that you couldn't help hating the world at that point.

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Why on earth did they even think of overselling that much? Was there noone in the process who said "hey guys, if all these people turn up it's gonna be a huge mess"? It's ridiculous.


On a side note, last year I went to the sziget festival in hungary, which is held on an island (with plenty of room btw) in the danube. Then some day a group of "political activists" tried to gain access to the island. Wtf. Just had to mention that because I thought something similar had happened when I read the thread title.

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lol. Absolute fail Then! Sorry for anyone who made plans to go though, and sorry for my mates who chose bloc over glade. Bloc should have stayed at minehead, that place was awesome


Yep, I said that right from the start. Lets hope they learn from this & go back to Minehead or somewhere similar.

For me, Bloc was all about the chalets.

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