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Dave Mustaine Accuses Obama of Staging Recent Mass Killings


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What an idiot.


"Back in my country, my president ... he's trying to pass a gun ban, so he's staging all of these murders, like the 'Fast And Furious' thing down at the border ... Aurora, Colorado, all the people that were killed there ... and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple. I don't know where I'm gonna live if America keeps going the way it's going because it looks like it's turning into Nazi America."








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Guest Frankie5fingers

wow. one of my favorite musicians circling the drain. i sure hope that he was drunk when he was saying that shit (given his history he most likely was). though in the vid it did kinda look like he was joking. but with that and the recent shit that hes been doing i don't think he was. Well, i sure hope that the music remains awesome.

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wow. one of my favorite musicians circling the drain. i sure hope that he was drunk when he was saying that shit (given his history he most likely was). though in the vid it did kinda look like he was joking. but with that and the recent shit that hes been doing i don't think he was. Well, i sure hope that the music remains awesome.

I know. In the video, he goes straight into Holy Wars and it automatically makes me feel happy.


This man sure knows how to fuck with my emotions.


I'm all :wtf:

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Guest RandySicko

Seeing that he was just interviewed by Alex Jones, his words should not come as a surprise. Congrats to Dave though... looks like he chose the red pill.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

He made a handful good albums, but has spent the last 20 years being a clown.

i thought we were talking about Dave not every musician that ever lived. lol
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another utter waste of space glorifying conspiracy theory culture, why don't they all move to their unvaccinated carcasses to the fucking mountains with their efoods and shotguns?

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fuck any "red pill" talk, this guy took the arsenic tablet. mustaine and his apparent info source - the NRA - can fuck right off. The NRA (according to factcheck.org, linked in the punknews article) is planning to spend $40 million this year to misrepresent obama's views, and their comment on their own behavior was "We believe our facts," which can be directly interpreted as "We have no idea what facts are."

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lol at this dickhole conspiracy nutter. most of the conspiracy things seem to come from an american conservative viewpoint but then you have the zietguest pricks so i dno i dont think either side have a monopoly on the conspiracy shit, i do like the expanded conspiracy mythology like with all the alien races and shit. but its always about the US or the UN taking over the US or FEMA camps in the US im all like where the fuck is the UK stuff i wanna hear about ann widicome and david davis being accused of going to secret satanic child rape island you know



also lol at randy, how come he aint got banned for either being a trol or a fuckin idiot

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Guest Frankie5fingers

lol at this dickhole conspiracy nutter. most of the conspiracy things seem to come from an american conservative viewpoint but then you have the zietguest pricks so i dno i dont think either side have a monopoly on the conspiracy shit

nah, all sides have some crazy extremist wacky people. always giving a bad name for the rest of the group.



Wow, Dave Mustaine. Wow.

after everything hes done, you now say wow? lol


This is the most he's impressed me thus far, yes.

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fuck any "red pill" talk, this guy took the arsenic tablet. mustaine and his apparent info source - the NRA - can fuck right off. The NRA (according to factcheck.org, linked in the punknews article) is planning to spend $40 million this year to misrepresent obama's views, and their comment on their own behavior was "We believe our facts," which can be directly interpreted as "We have no idea what facts are."


Michael Bloomberg, the Republican mayor of NYC, pinpointed his recent criticism of the NRA to a simple fact: the NRA isn't a guns rights group, it's a lobbying force for gun manufacturers. They've been tailoring the bullshit 2nd amendment rights rhetoric specifically to prevent any regulation upon gun-makers.


As for the conspiracy nonsense, there were right-wing nuts long before Obama, it's just now far more Republicans, conservatives, and religious nuts on the right have begun taking bits and pieces of conspiracy talking points and vaguely applying them to liberals, Obama, Democrats, etc. I think "the system" is quite corrupt and fucked up, but that doesn't mean Mustaine is even remotely insightful, he's just delusional and crazy. Talented people become wack-jobs all the time and he's gone for the right-wing hysterics instead of left-wing hysterics. I'll just say I'm glad he's not Russian: if he went off about Putin he'd be in jail.

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Guest RandySicko

where the fuck is the UK stuff i wanna hear about ann widicome and david davis being accused of going to secret satanic child rape island you know



also lol at randy, how come he aint got banned for either being a trol or a fuckin idiot


You don't stray too far from the herd do you. I hope the rock you live under isn't to large to prevent you from knowing folks in the UK can't even own a fucking gun. That should be enough "UK stuff" to soak in for a few days.


Also, it's the "impending alien invasion" and "Hitler is flying around in hollow earth" people who serve only to discredit any truth found in the more relevant, COMMON SENSE-dictated conspiracy "theories".


As for your last question... I'll let the fact that I am not banned serve as your answer.

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Guest RandySicko

So what did you guys think about Mustaine when "endgame" came out in '09? I'm guessing that no one hear is a Fear Factory, Threat Signal or Born from Pain fan either.

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