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Dave Mustaine Accuses Obama of Staging Recent Mass Killings


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Guest RandySicko

lol mad hate. Truth is, I don't mind having nobody on my side and I don't mind the jokes people make cause a lot of them crack me up too, even though they most likely stem from insecurities.

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lol mad hate. Truth is, I don't mind having nobody on my side and I don't mind the jokes people make cause a lot of them crack me up too, even though they most likely stem from insecurities.


lol, insecurities


yeah living in the real world is so insecure

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lol mad hate. Truth is, I don't mind having nobody on my side and I don't mind the jokes people make cause a lot of them crack me up too, even though they most likely stem from insecurities.


you know what else stems from insecurities? The idiotic fantasy that a bunch of rag tag beer swilling militia people will be able to save us if shit hit the fan. And the 'mass shootings are false flag' theories all stem from this


if you're going to believe that the government is here to just rape the absolute shit out of us, which is reasonable to believe, stop having faith that an armed citizenry is even a remote threat to their plans. And that the government would have to stage mass shootings in order to take away guns from the "last hope for freedom" that stands in their way


Obama doesn't have to stage false flags to take away people's guns in order to keep pushing the so-called 'new world order'. Its not necessary at all in the bigger scheme of things.


Guns = our last freedoms, is one of the most backwards misguided and sad masculine american fantasies in existence right now.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Fuck Mustaine and fuck Randy.


Actually, we're all fucked, Bert. Too many people like you watching too much television.


wow. one of my favorite musicians circling the drain. i sure hope that he was drunk when he was saying that shit (given his history he most likely was). though in the vid it did kinda look like he was joking. but with that and the recent shit that hes been doing i don't think he was. Well, i sure hope that the music remains awesome.

Dave Mustaine is one of your favorite musicians??....... I still like metal and I gotta stay that's pretty emberassing. Everything Dave Mustaine is fucking lame.

sorry to disappoint you (im not really, cause i don't give a fuck what you think of me. lol), but yes. and Megadeth is my #1 favorite band. say what you want. but thats my opinion.


And I get called the troll here lol. Frankie, since they are your #1 band, don't you care enough about what your idol is talking about to atleast research some of it before dismissing him as drunk? I believe he mentioned operation fast and furious in his rant as well ..that wasn't by accident. I mean, has the lyrical content of almost EVERY Megadeth album resonated with you in the least?


I don't see how a false flag against the 2nd ammendment is a completely rediculous idea for a government like ours. The only thing 13 people dying on our own soil means to our government is "opportunity". Thats why they let 3000 die on 9/11. Think those in power have any moral values or care about human life? Who dropped the A bomb?


Too much television telling everyone what to think.



he isn't my idol though. never said that. what i said is that he is one of my favorite musicians. meaning, i like his music. end of the line. anyone who gets their political/social info from a musician is an idiot. im ok with him giving his opinion, no matter how fucked up and misguided it is, and there are some things that hes said that i do agree with (IN HIS SONGS, NOT THIS WHOLE OBAMA GUN THING. just to be clear to everyone. lol) but i dont have to believe or agree with all of it. since when do i have to obey agree with everything a band says just cause i like their music? If RDJ released a song called "The jews are destroying this world" and the whole thing had samples from Hitler speeches i wouldn't dismiss him as a musician and blacklist him from my playlists. the dude has some very amazing songs that i absolutely love and im not going to stop listening to him even if he did believe it. if its a good song then i listen, if not then i wont. and im pretty sure everyone here feels the same.

end of story.

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lol mad hate. Truth is, I don't mind having nobody on my side and I don't mind the jokes people make cause a lot of them crack me up too, even though they most likely stem from insecurities.


you know what else stems from insecurities? The idiotic fantasy that a bunch of rag tag beer swilling militia people will be able to save us if shit hit the fan. And the 'mass shootings are false flag' theories all stem from this




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Guest RandySicko

That is a pretty amazing picture.


I'm not denying the fact that we may be royally fucked beyond any hopes of a revolution, but atleast those beer swilling militia folk will be fighting for something worthwhile while you're at home sitting on the couch with cheeto crumbs around your lips. Your apathy already has you in shackles.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

if the shit hit the fan, i'd be making friends with the anarcho hippies a lot faster than the christian dudes with guns

im a christian and id be right there with ya. lol if Mad Max has taught us anything its that thats a group that must have some kinda plan ready.

though honestly, most anarchists i know are stupid drug addicts that don't have a single original thought in their massively empty skulls. so im talking real Anarchists. not the pussy wannabes.

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Guest RandySicko

if the shit hit the fan, i'd be making friends with the anarcho hippies a lot faster than the christian dudes with guns


Good move. you won't touch a thing as long as they don't touch your bud.

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Guest RandySicko

I've only known one conspiracy theorist in real life & he


A. thought the Toronto Public Library was monitoring him with spy satellites for some reason

B. claimed he wrote the script to the matrix in the 70s & the Wachowskis stole it from his house

C. lives in his car most of the time

D. lives with his mom the rest of the time (he's 60 years old)

E. got arrested for taking a dump behind an elementary school during Recess. Says this was a plot against him

F. lies naked on picnic tables & yells at those passing by

G. claims he is more black than people who actually are black


At first this was funny but now I feel pretty bad to know you are describing a man whose life has been ravaged by either drugs or mental illness ... maybe both.


DId you know that Bin Laden was not formally charged for the attacks on Sept 11th because of lacking evidence? The idea that he was behind the attacks is a conspiracy theory... so you now know a lot more "conspiracy theorists". And another thing... You say "conspiracy theorist" it like you would say "I've only known one truck driver in my life" like it's some kind of job. Yeah, there are people who question everything for the sake of questioning, but most people know where to draw the line.


Randy, Randy, do you have a pistol permit and license to carry?


This isn't facebook.

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I can't be arsed to read all of what's become of this thread but I just wanted to say that when someone starts saying arrogant, lazy shit like "sheeple" and "wake up" I stop taking them seriously. Think (yes, THINK) of some more meaningful judgments of people who aren't in your own little flock of tinfoil wearers.


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I like how conspiracy nuts use critical thinking when watching mainstream news but once they are in their conspiracy filled realm they take all hook, line and sinker without even batting an eyelid.

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I'm watching the Weird Weekend's episode where Louis meets the survivalists.


Seems very appropriate.


yes it does, and the Ruby Ridge family is probably some of the more sane acting people on that spectrum, which is part of why i'm pretty terrified of these so called 'saviors' of our freedoms who own guns

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Your apathy already has you in shackles.


Really? Perhaps you haven't been on this forum very long, but i find it amusing how quick you are to say something this absurd. I've ran a political alternative news website with my sister for years probably covering a lot of the subjects you would find yourself in line with. I've been a 'truther' since 2004, and was a regular Infowars listener from 2004-2008 . I just think things like infowars are poisoning the well of the alternative media movement with sensationalist bullshit and fear porn and pretty much anybody i know in the 'movement' who isn't totally a cult member agrees that Alex Jones has done a significant amount of damage to critical thought within it. I watched his followers start as well meaning people who supplemented their other alternative news intake with alex jones. A lot of them didn't believe everything he said, after all how could they? If you listen to his show long enough you will find extreme holes in his logic, false claims and flat out lies. I was able to tolerate this for whatever reason. As time passed i noticed that he started to get a new breed of followers, ones who were literally in lockstep with every claim he made, about the poison in the water, chem trails, theories about 'feminization of men' which is not very coded wording for 'they're turning as all into queers!' Fear is addictive, and alex jones sells fear.

These mass shootings are false flag theories come primarily from Alex Jones, and he literally has made the same claim about every single mass shooting since Columbine. Can you say the boy who cried wolf?

What actual logic or factual basis do you have personally for believing that the Colorado shooting was anything other than a determined psychopath? I've read a great deal of the 'alternative' theories out there, and they are all extremely unconvincing.

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Your apathy already has you in shackles.


Really? Perhaps you haven't been on this forum very long, but i find it amusing how quick you are to say something this absurd. I've ran a political alternative news website with my sister for years probably covering a lot of the subjects you would find yourself in line with. I've been a 'truther' since 2004, and was a regular Infowars listener from 2004-2008 . I just think things like infowars are poisoning the well of the alternative media movement with sensationalist bullshit and fear porn and pretty much anybody i know in the 'movement' who isn't totally a cult member agrees that Alex Jones has done a significant amount of damage to critical thought within it. I watched his followers start as well meaning people who supplemented their other alternative news intake with alex jones. A lot of them didn't believe everything he said, after all how could they? If you listen to his show long enough you will find extreme holes in his logic, false claims and flat out lies. I was able to tolerate this for whatever reason. As time passed i noticed that he started to get a new breed of followers, ones who were literally in lockstep with every claim he made, about the poison in the water, chem trails, theories about 'feminization of men' which is not very coded wording for 'they're turning as all into queers!' Fear is addictive, and alex jones sells fear.

These mass shootings are false flag theories come primarily from Alex Jones, and he literally has made the same claim about every single mass shooting since Columbine. Can you say the boy who cried wolf?

What actual logic or factual basis do you have personally for believing that the Colorado shooting was anything other than a determined psychopath? I've read a great deal of the 'alternative' theories out there, and they are all extremely unconvincing.


Pretty much all that needs to be said on the matter. I get the impression that Alex Jones serves to discredit conspiracy theories by crying wolf for whatever pops into his imagination. 9/11 seems like a legitimate example of incompetence leading to the attack, not a lack of military in the middle east/tsa/patriot act/gitmo/national defense law etc... theres been little evidence since 9/11 to suggest that we are under any form of significant threat aside from domestic violence which is already rampant in the US of A anyway. The main reason I question the governments incentive to act incompetently is their attitude and reaction towards it. For example following 9/11 the "threat level" color gradient was totally unnecessary. Not only did it cause further problems to the airline industry, it serves no purpose on a conceptual level. How does public knowledge of potential odds of another attack keep them safer? What exactly is it suggesting the public does? Stay at home and don't go to work in the city skyscraper? Quit their job and don't fly to a business meeting? Cancel their vacation? The odds of a terrorist attack effecting an individual is so small, the vast percentage of people who would decide to change their plans due to an increase threat that wouldn't be affected would be 99.8%. That and the Bush Administrations' focus and intent on invading Iraq for one reason (WMDs) and staying to save the Iraqi's from their evil tyrant (which we armed), because it's not just terrorist that pose a threat to our freedoms but the Islam ideology. Establishing an apathetic attitudes towards Western/Christian corruption by contrasting us to the "real" threat, our drug dealers (oil). Cuing a culture of fear for the West and a regression of energy due to economic instability (national defense budget).

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