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Rich Kids of Instagram


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I had the opportunity to house-sit / groundskeep for an elderly couple of millionaires a few years ago. It was wonderful for me, I worked about 15-25 hours a week for them, and got free rent in a little mother-in-law apartment (wood-paneling, classroom floor style "carpet"... it wasn't a millionaire's room, that's for sure). These old people had NO idea what it was like to save money, and they had no respect for the environment, other people, or anything except maintaining their lifestyle. They lived on the water. When I was told to deep-clean the sides of the house (at least once a season), they would send me to the store to buy a particular brand of cleaner - pretty much nothing but bleach water. I refused to use it at first, but they wouldn't have that. So I bleached the sides of the house, and washed off the water... into the bay. Salmon, Great Blue Herons, Sea Lions, Bald Eagles - all of them lived in this habitat, and all of them got to enjoy bleach-water runoff from a millionaire's house a couple times a year. That's just one example. These people weren't even stinking wealthy, just rich. Their son - a rich man who ran a used car dealership - was always trying to convince me to get a lucrative job, so my life would be better. Even my parents encouraged me to buddy up to these people as much as I could, because "it's not what you know, it's who you know." When I left their place, I stopped taking any of their calls and have lost contact with them.


Rich people piss me off. The wife of that couple had no fucking idea how detrimental her choices were to the environment. She threw EVERYTHING away (like, they'd fill up 3+ garbage cans and a few contractor bags of trash every week, and I would sort through their massive garbage (as much as I could stomach) to pull out huge amounts of recyclables every week.


Regarding why rich people aren't fat and lazy: Can you imagine if these people acted this way in public and were ugly pieces of shit?

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Why do people care so much? Apparently they were lucky and sold their company (and mostly its name/user base) for an insane amount of money. Now they can spend it on whatever they want.


How'd you come to that conclusion?

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I mean the part about these kids selling their businesses to earn their riches. I really don't think many of them have done such a thing.


And yes, it's their money. I am not saying they should be banned from spending it. I am claiming they're douchebags and that people who find this sort of thing alright, or in some way hope to achieve similar riches, are doing the world a huge disservice. As chen said, first against the wall if/when the civil war breaks out. :wink:

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I have to say that I think living on just enough money to provide just enough insulin to survive and rent money for a hole in the ground was more fun than any 100k lunch. But I've also never had a 100k lunch.

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How does this happen? Who charges $10 for a Coca Cola.


At a guess, smart people selling to stupid rich people.

It's actually in St. Tropez - which uses the Euro - so it's even worse, lol 10 euros is 12 US dollars.

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Of course they're not fat - they can afford to eat properly and hire trainers/dieticians/chefs etc. Plus keep in mind these kids are all young, so they still have decent metabolisms.


Why do people care? Well the environmental reasons like luke viia mentioned are one. Their jet travel, ridiculous cars, all that stuff has an insane impact on the environment that we all have to live in. For me the idea of social imbalance is a huge factor. These kids didn't get rich through hard work and ingenuity (for the most part, I'm sure there are some exceptions - except those exceptions are probably too busy working to post shit on instagram) - they are trust fund babies. They got rich cause their daddy or daddy's daddy made bank. Do they give back to society? Fuck no. Their attitude of - "I'm rich and everyone who isn't should just ugggh die" is fucking abhorrent.

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I have a friend who knows of a family that no one knows what the husband does because quite frankly... he surfs and works out all day and his wife works in real estate and looks all lavish and what not. Then finally, my friends asked them while they were eating an expensive dinner or something that the surfer dude payed for "What do you do?" Basically, he's a grandson or something of Berry Gordy. According to my friends, They do live in a big house but it's not obnoxiously big. And the surfer dude is one of the most laid back people they know. They know people that make money a tad above their means and they are worse.

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Mostly cursed and mostly cursing the rest of us. Plenty of these people grow up to have business and political clout no matter how retarded and self-absorbed they are, and they vote to protect their habits and money. It's fine to say "meh" to all that, but it is pretty infuriating at the core.

This. Being rich is fine, being a rich douchebag is shitty but if the rest of us can avoid you then who really cares. But being a rich douchebag with real power, actively making the world a worse place because you're such a compassionless, short-sighted piece of shit that you can't fathom any other way of acting and existing is fucking awful. First against the wall indeed.

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everyone is just jealous of their success. why don't you actually try to work hard and succeed in life so you can have the same things. All poor Americans are so damn lazy it infuriates me.






















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Of course they're not fat - they can afford to eat properly and hire trainers/dieticians/chefs etc. Plus keep in mind these kids are all young, so they still have decent metabolisms.


Why do people care? Well the environmental reasons like luke viia mentioned are one. Their jet travel, ridiculous cars, all that stuff has an insane impact on the environment that we all have to live in. For me the idea of social imbalance is a huge factor. These kids didn't get rich through hard work and ingenuity (for the most part, I'm sure there are some exceptions - except those exceptions are probably too busy working to post shit on instagram) - they are trust fund babies. They got rich cause their daddy or daddy's daddy made bank. Do they give back to society? Fuck no. Their attitude of - "I'm rich and everyone who isn't should just ugggh die" is fucking abhorrent.


this is why I have at least some respect for Buffett....kids weren't allowed to leech off his profits....but i spose nepotism helped them in other ways....but at least that part is unavoidable, people hire people in powerful positions because they know the name is powerful.


Mostly cursed and mostly cursing the rest of us. Plenty of these people grow up to have business and political clout no matter how retarded and self-absorbed they are, and they vote to protect their habits and money. It's fine to say "meh" to all that, but it is pretty infuriating at the core.

This. Being rich is fine, being a rich douchebag is shitty but if the rest of us can avoid you then who really cares. But being a rich douchebag with real power, actively making the world a worse place because you're such a compassionless, short-sighted piece of shit that you can't fathom any other way of acting and existing is fucking awful. First against the wall indeed.


the over entitled children that grow up underneath them carry the same ideology, but are even more sloppy and presumptuous when executing it compared to their predecessors COUGHBushJr.COUGHCOUGH

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All of these rich kids are so boring and cookiecutter. They all do and buy the same shit. Think of all of the possibilities that kind of money could provide, even if it was just motivated by selfishness.





I knew a rich kid that ended up spending his entire trust fund on opening a professional studio/label combination. I haven't talked to him in a few years so I dunno what became of that, but if it actually happened that kid is decent.

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Guest kokeboka

These images remind of arrested development


It would be so funny (albeit in a sad painful way) if all rich families were like the Bluths.


And yeah, they do all tend to spend their money on the same things. Wealth is wasted on the rich.

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How does this happen? Who charges $10 for a Coca Cola.


At a guess, smart people selling to stupid rich people.


They even payed four bucks a pop for whatever the fuck 'The' is...

I bet these kids have uncompromising morals and amazing personalities to go along with their parents piggybank.


I grew up in an area where there are tons of kids whos parents are very well off due to Boeing the aerospace company. I saw shit like this all through growing up. This one chick would drive her brand new Hummer H3 less than a block to school because she could. It was common to see Mercedes or BMW's in the parking lot of my high school with bows on them for presents to the kids. Makes me sick.

strange, a dude i know who works for boeing went (on an all expenses paid trip) to las vegas and was saying that a coke was $10 and bottle of champagne was $1000


edit: i mean, it's not that strange, but like, yeah

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You should all stop complaining and be thankful for the trickle-down money that these ubermenschen are spending out of compassion for you plebeians.

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Guest drukqs

All of these rich kids are so boring and cookiecutter. They all do and buy the same shit. Think of all of the possibilities that kind of money could provide, even if it was just motivated by selfishness.


Ha, reminds me of that chapter in David Cross's book called "Rich people are boring" where he talks about the things he would do if he had that much money. Things like hunt one species into extinction, or copyright a word like "Maybe" so you have to say "David Cross's Maybe" every time you say it.

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I mean the part about these kids selling their businesses to earn their riches. I really don't think many of them have done such a thing.


And yes, it's their money. I am not saying they should be banned from spending it. I am claiming they're douchebags and that people who find this sort of thing alright, or in some way hope to achieve similar riches, are doing the world a huge disservice. As chen said, first against the wall if/when the civil war breaks out. :wink:

Oh shit. I thought these were just the kids who made the whole instagram app/website/thing and sold it. Lol what was I thinking.


But yeah, the capitalist economic system has derailed quite a bit. I wonder if, and if not, for how long, it will be maintainable.

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Rich people piss me off. The wife of that couple had no fucking idea how detrimental her choices were to the environment. She threw EVERYTHING away (like, they'd fill up 3+ garbage cans and a few contractor bags of trash every week, and I would sort through their massive garbage (as much as I could stomach) to pull out huge amounts of recyclables every week.


Regarding why rich people aren't fat and lazy: Can you imagine if these people acted this way in public and were ugly pieces of shit?

a lot of richies also care a great deal about what people think. they just have to make sure they recycle and make sure everyone knows about it. but yeah, then dump bleach in the yard. (ive worked for the same types)

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