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Rich Kids of Instagram


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Keep in mind there's also a lot of rich people who are trying to use (part of) their money for useful things and make the world a better place. They probably don't use instagram though.



Rich people piss me off. The wife of that couple had no fucking idea how detrimental her choices were to the environment. She threw EVERYTHING away (like, they'd fill up 3+ garbage cans and a few contractor bags of trash every week, and I would sort through their massive garbage (as much as I could stomach) to pull out huge amounts of recyclables every week.


Regarding why rich people aren't fat and lazy: Can you imagine if these people acted this way in public and were ugly pieces of shit?

a lot of richies also care a great deal about what people think. they just have to make sure they recycle and make sure everyone knows about it. but yeah, then dump bleach in the yard. (ive worked for the same types)

Yeah that's stupid. Mostly just imago building. There's plenty of hollywood stars who drive a prius but at the same time have ridiculous car fleets. (Can you say "car fleets" in english?)

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Keep in mind there's also a lot of rich people who are trying to use (part of) their money for useful things and make the world a better place. They probably don't use instagram though.


fun challenge: name one such person who who inherited their fortune

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Keep in mind there's also a lot of rich people who are trying to use (part of) their money for useful things and make the world a better place. They probably don't use instagram though.


fun challenge: name one such person who who inherited their fortune


Bruce Wayne

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Keep in mind there's also a lot of rich people who are trying to use (part of) their money for useful things and make the world a better place. They probably don't use instagram though.


fun challenge: name one such person who who inherited their fortune

Elliot Rosewater.
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Right, only fictional trust-fund babies actually contribute something to society. The real ones are entitled douchebags that eat whale eggs to impress their friends.


edit: or get addicted to heroin.


edit two: to impress their friends.

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Guest fiznuthian

Not to get too biblical here, but the one story I actually enjoyed having to read in school reminds me of this somehow..

The Book of Job.


Do you think it's because most of these kids have lost nothing, rarely suffered (yet.. wait til their loved ones die or something traumatic happens), or experienced anguish that they do not value their possessions and wealth in the same way most others would?


For a lot of us it's hard to even pay for our bills, nutritious food, our children, our medical bills, or any other whatever that is pretty important to our quality of life. I don't think any of the kids on that website ever had the joy (lol) of knowing what that feels like.. of not being ahead on anything and feeling like you're at a loss without control.


Does this not condition a person to devalue everything in their life? Not that it justifies there behavior in any way, but on some level I can understand why they never felt any other way about things.

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Guest Franklin

I feel sad for these kids tbh... they'll probably never experience joy in the same way that most kids would when they succeed at some venture or gain some accomplishment. They'll always have money and influence behind them in some way which actually can defeat one's experience of efficiacy. Worse than that it can defeat one's sense of autonomy and deflate the sense that one could truly author something of their own.


it might feel like I did as a child when I handed in an assignment that was fucking awesome but knew that my mom had created most of the thing herself in order to help me get a better mark. At a deeper level you always know how much you deserve and these kids may never feel like they achieved anything as they've been given the world already.

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Environment shapes people to an extent, the crap I have a problem with is people who grow up and continue to act that way without ever having the cojones to question what the fuck they're doing and how it's affecting everyone around them. Like the old people I worked for. TBH the old man in that family actually did seem to be aware of his miserable attitude, and he was dying as a depressed and ultimately disappointed old man when I left, hooked to his expensive life-preserving machines and hiring maids to help with every task, and watching nothing but republican news channels all day. True story: I got a subscription to Newsweek while I lived there, and when he noticed it mixed in with the mail and saw it was for me, he called me in to tell me that I had subscribed to a "liberal commie pinko rag," LOL. I laughed at him and took the issue and told him I wouldn't become a commie. look at me now.

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I have a pet theory that the natural order actually needs "cleansing events" every so often to maintain optimum health. Like they discovered with Yellowstone park when they stopped forest fires, the underbrush grew thick to the point that any subsequent fire would burn too hot, and therefore burn up all trees, whereas with periodic natural fires, the fires actually served to open seed pods and promote forest renewal.


I think the same could be our undoing; they say peacetime leads to prosperity, but too many years of peace just leads to the further concentration of wealth, and entrenchment of interests. The rich are just going to keep getting richer, and there are only two possible outcomes - the system will collapse, or we'll end up with a true tiered society...and perhaps corporations will really end up getting us to the stars, a la Alien/Prometheus. They're already more powerful than governments.

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Of course they're not fat - they can afford to eat properly and hire trainers/dieticians/chefs etc. Plus keep in mind these kids are all young, so they still have decent metabolisms.


Why do people care? Well the environmental reasons like luke viia mentioned are one. Their jet travel, ridiculous cars, all that stuff has an insane impact on the environment that we all have to live in. For me the idea of social imbalance is a huge factor. These kids didn't get rich through hard work and ingenuity (for the most part, I'm sure there are some exceptions - except those exceptions are probably too busy working to post shit on instagram) - they are trust fund babies. They got rich cause their daddy or daddy's daddy made bank. Do they give back to society? Fuck no. Their attitude of - "I'm rich and everyone who isn't should just ugggh die" is fucking abhorrent.


this is why I have at least some respect for Buffett....kids weren't allowed to leech off his profits....but i spose nepotism helped them in other ways....but at least that part is unavoidable, people hire people in powerful positions because they know the name is powerful.


Mostly cursed and mostly cursing the rest of us. Plenty of these people grow up to have business and political clout no matter how retarded and self-absorbed they are, and they vote to protect their habits and money. It's fine to say "meh" to all that, but it is pretty infuriating at the core.

This. Being rich is fine, being a rich douchebag is shitty but if the rest of us can avoid you then who really cares. But being a rich douchebag with real power, actively making the world a worse place because you're such a compassionless, short-sighted piece of shit that you can't fathom any other way of acting and existing is fucking awful. First against the wall indeed.


the over entitled children that grow up underneath them carry the same ideology, but are even more sloppy and presumptuous when executing it compared to their predecessors COUGHBushJr.COUGHCOUGH


Honestly, I care a bit less about those that grew up with money than those that made their money in some senses. For the kids that grew up with money, they never knew anything but that. I'd probably be like them in their situation. But people who earned their money can think that they're somehow better than everyone else and that they really deserve the money they got, and ignore the fact that the government helped them a ton as well as other people in their lives.


Looking at that 100,000 euro check did make me feel sick, though. And I mean that literally; like, my stomach actually hurts, in real life. Just thinking about how much that money could have done other than buy some rich twat's lunch.


But we're being hypocritical, myself included. Consider this: if you have a computer and a car, the poor people in this world view you the same way that we view these instagram people. We are the rich. We're not rich to the level of these people, where we can drop tens of thousands of dollars on a whim, but we've got money. I'm saying this from first hand experience; I've been into people's shanties in the Philippines, houses made of cardboard and metal sheets that often get torn down when the owners of the land need to do construction. They can't bring their children to a hospital when they get sick; the kids just die. They're not the poorest people either, and there are also plenty of people in America that are that poor, if not worse. When I see that 120,000 dollar check, I get angry because I know what it could do for the poor (or, that's why I SAY I get angry), but in reality I should be giving more of MY money and MY free time to charity.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i am so outraged by all of this, i am going to sit right here and drink my 1986 chateau lafite rothschild and just let the feeling simmer.

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But we're being hypocritical, myself included. Consider this: if you have a computer and a car, the poor people in this world view you the same way that we view these instagram people. We are the rich. We're not rich to the level of these people, where we can drop tens of thousands of dollars on a whim, but we've got money. I'm saying this from first hand experience; I've been into people's shanties in the Philippines, houses made of cardboard and metal sheets that often get torn down when the owners of the land need to do construction.


I think you've nailed it, it's the idea of comparison that leads to the corrosion of the soul. But it's human nature. "Rising expectations." Poor people are typically fine if there's a social net, and those around them are all more or less in the same boat. But allow them to see/interact with the uber rich, or the more technologically advanced for that matter, and things change drastically. Funny thing about human nature is that we *all* want to be the uber rich. That's why communism never worked, no social cohesion between poor people, if they are given the opportunity to screw one another over...

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I've known people WAY less wealthy than these kids who are just completely vapid and dull from what priveleges they have. I can't imagine talking to one of these people. YIKES

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How does this happen? Who charges $10 for a Coca Cola.


At a guess, smart people selling to stupid rich people.


They even payed four bucks a pop for whatever the fuck 'The' is...

I bet these kids have uncompromising morals and amazing personalities to go along with their parents piggybank.


I grew up in an area where there are tons of kids whos parents are very well off due to Boeing the aerospace company. I saw shit like this all through growing up. This one chick would drive her brand new Hummer H3 less than a block to school because she could. It was common to see Mercedes or BMW's in the parking lot of my high school with bows on them for presents to the kids. Makes me sick.



So this comes from St tropes which is not that far from Monaco so it's full of French people out there. Well I suppose you already know that.

Thé is the French word for tea.


Anyway this bill is insane. Just a guess : Johnny Hallyday (who is a mega rock star in France) might be able to pay this. He is always followed by a crowd of parasites and he always pay for them.

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I have a pet theory that the natural order actually needs "cleansing events" every so often to maintain optimum health. Like they discovered with Yellowstone park when they stopped forest fires, the underbrush grew thick to the point that any subsequent fire would burn too hot, and therefore burn up all trees, whereas with periodic natural fires, the fires actually served to open seed pods and promote forest renewal.


I think the same could be our undoing; they say peacetime leads to prosperity, but too many years of peace just leads to the further concentration of wealth, and entrenchment of interests. The rich are just going to keep getting richer, and there are only two possible outcomes - the system will collapse, or we'll end up with a true tiered society...and perhaps corporations will really end up getting us to the stars, a la Alien/Prometheus. They're already more powerful than governments.

All fine there, just don't think of anything republican. or neo-liberal.


And what usagi said. I laugh at them hard, because they are really funny. I used to work some design projects a couple of years ago for a guy that is not-that-rich at all, but he's all about appearances. He'd smoke cigars and act sophisticated, but he lacked any of the noblety and therefore looked fucking grotesque. He'd get drunk on his Moet bottle (the most disgusting beverage ever IMO) and talk white-trash shit to the ladies to notice him. His motto: "If you're not rich, act like you are. Because nothing reppels investors more than a poor man asking for money. They can smell you." I thought that was a nice revelation for him, but he really was as bad as I thought. Like, he'd buy a Swarowsky sofa for his office and a new Porsche, but fired half of his staff, and argued with me whether he will pay for my additional work fee or not. Fuck that shit. I've had it with these stupid bourgeois morons, who took money as their new religion. And they are the fanatical foundamentalists.

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