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iPhone 5


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I was worried that the iphone 5 was going to have some amazing new feature and make me hesitant about buying an android, but there is nothing here that is exciting for me.


I'm leaning towards the S3 or Note... but I'll wait a few months to see if anything new pops up (like a new Nexus).


Looking forward to making the switch.

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Looks like there will be a Retina iPod Touch, new Nano, and more. Can't wait!


are you gonna buy all that stuff?


Hell no - why would I? I've got a employer-provided 4S.







Holy hell, I knew it looked familiar - absolutely hate that white border - I can see this easily getting dirty. Very poor design choice on Apple's part, IMO.


Looks like there will be a Retina iPod Touch, new Nano, and more. Can't wait!


iPod Touch 4 has a Retina display, so that's nothing new.


I meant in regards to the new screen size/resolution.


I was worried that the iphone 5 was going to have some amazing new feature and make me hesitant about buying an android, but there is nothing here that is exciting for me.


I'm leaning towards the S3 or Note... but I'll wait a few months to see if anything new pops up (like a new Nexus).


Looking forward to making the switch.


Granted, I too am having a hard time thinking this is worthy of the "5" moniker, when the most notable changes are the screen size and case (which granted are amazing). A faster processor and longer battery life don't say "whole version increase" to me.


I'd be very careful of switching from Apple to Android - like someone who uses Adobe products, switching to something else (say from Photoshop to The Gimp) proves to be jarring and you never get used to it. Plus, IMO the Android UI is too inconsistent and not as smooth as iOS.

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Perfectly happy with my Iphone 4. I'm not going to upgrade anytime soon.


But I'm dissapointed that there isn't storage upgrade for the fifth. That could might have convinced me to buy a new one.

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didn't the 4s come out just a few months ago?


It came out in October '11. I remember it well, because I had to wait in line on launch day like a tool after fucking up my three year old 3G iPhone beyond repair the week prior.


I'm not a phone platform fanboy by any means, but the 4S has really been a pleasure to use for this last year.

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16:9 is kind of neat, Siri is kind of neat (I still have an iPhone 4), I'm curious about the new Apple maps app, which might be pretty neat too. This phone looks pretty neat, and I'll probably upgrade when I can in march. I don't need to customize my phone beyond app selection, so I'm looking forward to this neat new device.

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unfortunately, my do-something-with-yourself attitude these days prevents most watmming, but i'll be around occasionally, which should be neat


but i just dont really like most of the music discussed here anymore, which is kind of a bummer ( :cerious: ), but i'm listening to other neat music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyNcJTdQV0U



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Guest jasondonervan

I used to work for one of the main UK networks until very recently, I'm now a contractor with a different company but still working for the network. As such, I'm on an ex-employee plan which is heavily discounted, and it turns out I'm eligible for an upgrade. Called them this morning, and they let me have a 64GB model for £180... that'll do me.

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Another word of warning: despite now supporting LTE, the iPhone on Verizon/Sprint STILL cannot do CDMA calls and data at the same time. AT&T/T-Mobile (if you have an unlocked iPhone) are fine and can do data and calls at the same time.

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can someone give me an honest reason why someone would not WANT to have an iphone over different smartphone beyond simply not liking the "brand" of apple. (which makes sense, if only at a really whiny superficial 13 yr old boy level)


I mean just in terms of manufacturing and business practices companies like apple and samsung are LARGELY IDENTICAL, with myriad parts of iphones made by samsung. It's like you're getting a samsung phone that's been designed by serious engineers.


Surely it's not user experience right? I have seen really only 1 major design system that actually takes apple into a debate about UI and thats the windows phone, certainly not anything android related.


And certainly not in the realm of aesthetic industrial design - because apple have pretty much dominated that area for about 15 years.


I think the android "open" argument is pretty much down the shitter at this point, ja? Has that been deemed a failure yet or do we have to wait another 3 or so years until they admit that no one fucking cares about "open"ness and people just want a phone that works?


I think maybe the only passable argument is for like .000001% of the general populace who get off on managing the code or whatever of their phones are "can do shit iphones don't even allow" or something. Can anyone shed like on that please?

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I'm definitely not going to go into the whole open blah blah shite as I agree to a large majority of the populace it's pretty much a non issue. For me I enjoy the fact that the Android OS offers me a choice to use it exactly as I want - If I don't like the keyboard, I choose from dozens of options out there for replacements, don't like the way the phone dialer works - I can swap that, ditto with the whole home screen.


It also allows the elderly and those with visibility problems to use the phone by replacing the home screen. So this (which would scare the shit out of my mum):




Becomes this:




So yeah for me that's why I love the platform - Choice. A freedom to tailor it to entirely my way of working (and thats even before all the geeky rooting stuff)

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I'm definitely not going to go into the whole open blah blah shite as I agree to a large majority of the populace it's pretty much a non issue. For me I enjoy the fact that the Android OS offers me a choice to use it exactly as I want - If I don't like the keyboard, I choose from dozens of options out there for replacements, don't like the way the phone dialer works - I can swap that, ditto with the whole home screen.


It also allows the elderly and those with visibility problems to use the phone by replacing the home screen. So this (which would scare the shit out of my mum):




Becomes this:




So yeah for me that's why I love the platform - Choice. A freedom to tailor it to entirely my way of working (and thats even before all the geeky rooting stuff)


Exactly the same for me. I decide exactly how my phone looks.


Plus yeah, all the geeky rooting/ROM fun.


Edit: and this http://www.businessinsider.com/google-android-jellybean-versus-apple-ios-6-2012-9

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with myriad parts of iphones made by samsung. It's like you're getting a samsung phone that's been designed by serious engineers.



I don't really give a fuck about the "debate" but I just wanted to point out 2 things: Samsung makes some of the iPhone parts to be sure, but there are way more companies involved than just Samsung. 2 - calling Samsung phones phones not designed by serious engineers is kind of insulting to them. i guess whatever, but I know a few engineers at Samsung and they are very bright people who take their work seriously.


earthtone coalition vs forces of brightness, innit

Only with smaller implications for the global economy ;)

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