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It's not really an MMO, but it has MMO elements. It's more like Journey in the sense of you walking around a world with other gamers.

But this is just typical gamer mentality of hating everything and dissing every game company because they aren't making the gamer's dream game.

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I've just started Dead Space 3. If anyone wants to team up for the co-op lemme know.

Gamertag: AlfredPMcLovely[/quote ]

Xbox or PS3? I'm still making my way through solo but I need someone to tackle co-op with


Dragonborn DLC has me sucked right back into skyrim also, even though I haven't even gotten to the actual DLC yet. I took a break for a while to play other stuff but I've fallen in love with it all over again, it really is more fun if you just wander and do things as you feel like doing them... Also fuck yeah daedric armor finally.

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Guest bitroast

playing mass effect 3.

i really enjoyed 1. and then absolutely loved 2.

but holy hell this game is a drag. bla bla bla war story, war story, war story. bla bla bla shepard has dialog options none of which seem to be in line with the shepard from me1 or me2. who the fuck is james. bla bla bla, war missions. bla bla bla, activate the defense tower, fight through waves of faceless soldiers. defend the defense tower. move a few metres and re-activate the defense tower. fight through more waves of soldiers. bla bla bla someone died because of the war. bla bla bla more fighting soldiers.


how the hell did any of this get a good score? it's like, the gameplays not terrible, if you're into completely boring mindless fps shooter games. but as a conclusion to the mass effect series this game ... seems... boring, shallow and horrible. bla bla bla.


i can't even be bothered playing it but i want to finish it so i don't have to play it anymore.

^(this review was farted out in a few seconds and is completely unedited. but it's more or less what i feel the game deserves).

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playing mass effect 3.

i really enjoyed 1. and then absolutely loved 2.

but holy hell this game is a drag. bla bla bla war story, war story, war story. bla bla bla shepard has dialog options none of which seem to be in line with the shepard from me1 or me2. who the fuck is james. bla bla bla, war missions. bla bla bla, activate the defense tower, fight through waves of faceless soldiers. defend the defense tower. move a few metres and re-activate the defense tower. fight through more waves of soldiers. bla bla bla someone died because of the war. bla bla bla more fighting soldiers.


how the hell did any of this get a good score? it's like, the gameplays not terrible, if you're into completely boring mindless fps shooter games. but as a conclusion to the mass effect series this game ... seems... boring, shallow and horrible. bla bla bla.

If that's all you're getting out of the game/story, it's no wonder you find it boring.

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Guest bitroast

it was all i was getting out of it for most of the intro of the game.

shepards responses seemed.. dumber(?) and less thought out. like, earth is under attack, and captain man is saying that it would be a smart idea for someone to go to the citadel and ask for help. and shepards two response options were like a. you're talking bullshit! or b. i'm staying here and fighting with you.

where was the option c. yeah, that's not a bad idea because we're getting wiped out here.


once mordin was re-introduced and the whole genophage story arc came back into it, i was enjoying it again. but then it's dragged me back into more more more war war war scenes. this place is under attack, fight waves of enemies. i'm finding it.. tiresome :(

and again. who the fuck is james ?



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I agree that a lot of Shepard's dialogue during the intro is awful. "We fight or we die!" Ururhghghhh...


The game is quite different in its tone compared to the other two games, just like ME2 was different to ME1. I can see why some might not like the constant focus on war, but meh. I think it works. But to be honest, I can't really identify with the whole wave of enemies thing. I'm replaying ME2 at the moment, and that one seems to suffer a lot more from waves after waves of enemies. The enemies just keep coming in that one.


I don't know if you're just rushing through the game or not. If you do, then it's no wonder you're not enjoying it. I rushed through the game to get the worst ending, and it wasn't very fun at all. The game is a lot more enjoyable when you spend a little time between the mission walking around the Normandy (which is a lot more alive than in 1 and 2) and visiting the Citadel.


If you want to know who James is, you should just go talk to him. I thought he was just some Gears of War bro-dude, and never really bothered to talk to him during the first few playthroughs, but he's actually not THAT bad of a character. Has some funny dialogue on missions.

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Guest bitroast

yeah. it's a weird game.

i feel like there's an awesome game in there, and a dumb game mixed in as well.


playing through it, i go through phases of loving it and thinking it's as good as games before it (albiet with a different focus). and other times i find it tiresome and too combat focused. it just happens that im going through a negative slump atm and am enjoying ranting about it :)

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Guest bitroast

yeah. i'm playing it on the ps3 and downloaded the extended DLC straight away.

i can't really see any way of confirming that the DLC is enabled, and when i started playing it i was flipping out that it didn't work properly and i'm going to get the bad ending. but i can't see any reason why this would be the case:)

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btw, make sure to download that extended cut dlc. It's free. The ending without it is baaaaaad.


Since I downloaded it, my last savegame won't load for some reason. It just freezes. I was annoyed, but then I realised that in the intervening weeks I'd entirely stopped giving a damn about Mass Effect.

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btw, make sure to download that extended cut dlc. It's free. The ending without it is baaaaaad.


Since I downloaded it, my last savegame won't load for some reason. It just freezes. I was annoyed, but then I realised that in the intervening weeks I'd entirely stopped giving a damn about Mass Effect.

That's sad. It's quite an improvement.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



btw, make sure to download that extended cut dlc. It's free. The ending without it is baaaaaad.


Since I downloaded it, my last savegame won't load for some reason. It just freezes. I was annoyed, but then I realised that in the intervening weeks I'd entirely stopped giving a damn about Mass Effect.

That's sad. It's quite an improvement.

agreed. the extended cut really improved the ending a lot. and personally i think 3 was the best of all of them (dialog aside, cause some of it was a bit bad).


as for James, hes actually a pretty cool character. his outer appearance in no way reflects who he really is.

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The ending fix was good IMO, I also got my paragon maxed so I could have the extra option, no complaints... Mass Effect was a great series and 3 was a great closer to it. Come to think of it now though, I know i DL'ed the Omega DLC but can't remember if I finished it or not, I see the new DLC is out too. Perhaps I should just do another play-through. However right now I'm working through Skyrim some more, got sucked back in again finishing up the main stuff before I start on the Dragonborn missions and I still gotta finish Dead Space 3.

Edited by ghOsty
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Guest Frankie5fingers

There's a new DLC coming out in two weeks. The last one EVER.

:cry: lol.


what do you guys think about there being a 4th one, think itll be as good as the Shepard trilogy? cause honestly, i highly doubt theyll be able to top it.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

It should be about the time humanity discovers those space travel machines that are floating around in space... I can't for the life of me remember what they're called.

Mass Relays


and do you mean like during The First Contact War? that could be cool. but from what i read they are most likely going to do an alternate timeline. like if Shepard and the Reapers never existed. so really it sounds like theyre only going to keep the alien species and thats it.

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Mass Relays.


That'd be quite amazing. First encounter with the other species maybe.


Yup! But not the other way around. That would be silly.


but from what i read they are most likely going to do an alternate timeline. like if Shepard and the Reapers never existed. so really it sounds like theyre only going to keep the alien species and thats it.


Where on Earth did you read that? That sounds fucking horrible.

"Alright, guys. Forget everything you know about Mass Effect because eyyyy"

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Guest Frankie5fingers


Mass Relays.


That'd be quite amazing. First encounter with the other species maybe.


Yup! But not the other way around. That would be silly.


>>>but from what i read they are most likely going to do an alternate timeline. like if Shepard and the Reapers never existed. so really it sounds like theyre only going to keep the alien species and thats it.


Where on Earth did you read that? That sounds fucking horrible.

"Alright, guys. Forget everything you know about Mass Effect because eyyyy"





“No, because the game does not have to come after. Or before. Or off to

the side. Or with characters you know. Or yaddayaddayadda.”

to be more clear, they still havent decided on it yet. but that they're considering it.

Edited by Frankie5fingers
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