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Fox News just aired a suicide live


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There is a savage in all of us. We all know the intentions of Fox News, but we have been domesticated by the media as well. All of us are capable of brutality.


You all think I'm crazy.

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To all of you self-deluded dogfuckers who claim that this is equal to the exposure to death that is a normal part of life, and people who disagree have their head in the sands.


No. Just no. This is nothing but masturbatory vicarious death-celebration to cement the sense of having your own ivory tower in the food chain by watching the tragic fates of lesser citizens, then masking this fucking shit agenda with the justification that "oh, this is death, this is real and it's so tragic". No. You're watching a fucking screen. None of it is real. This is your fantasy and your need to feel important and know stuff. Fuck you. I have no problem if you admit that you are a sick pervert and it's in your nature. But if you have the audacity to even try to justify this shit with the idea that you're being objective about it because it's "real life", just no. Get the fuck out.


Morbid curiosity is white people speak for masturbatory, self-aggrandizing, sickening, soulless glee that makes sure this shit is what fills the TV, what fills our society and ultimately what reminds us that we are completely at the mercy to the lesser aspects of our nature, that we need not fear the apocalypse because we will create it.


Come back to me when your grandma is out working in the field and has a snake crawl into her anus and can't breathe because the snake needs the oxygen to live so it steals the oxygen and then she dies.



just kidding the video was rad.


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Guest fiznuthian

To all of you self-deluded dogfuckers who claim that this is equal to the exposure to death that is a normal part of life, and people who disagree have their head in the sands.


No. Just no. This is nothing but masturbatory vicarious death-celebration to cement the sense of having your own ivory tower in the food chain by watching the tragic fates of lesser citizens, then masking this fucking shit agenda with the justification that "oh, this is death, this is real and it's so tragic". No. You're watching a fucking screen. None of it is real. This is your fantasy and your need to feel important and know stuff. Fuck you. I have no problem if you admit that you are a sick pervert and it's in your nature. But if you have the audacity to even try to justify this shit with the idea that you're being objective about it because it's "real life", just no. Get the fuck out.


Morbid curiosity is white people speak for masturbatory, self-aggrandizing, sickening, soulless glee that makes sure this shit is what fills the TV, what fills our society and ultimately what reminds us that we are completely at the mercy to the lesser aspects of our nature, that we need not fear the apocalypse because we will create it.


Come back to me when your grandma is out working in the field and has a snake crawl into her anus and can't breathe because the snake needs the oxygen to live so it steals the oxygen and then she dies.



just kidding the video was rad.



I think my heart just stopped :cry:

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Morbid curiosity is white people speak for masturbatory, self-aggrandizing, sickening, soulless glee that makes sure this shit is what fills the TV, what fills our society and ultimately what reminds us that we are completely at the mercy to the lesser aspects of our nature, that we need not fear the apocalypse because we will create it.


made me think of that louis ck joke on "the n word"

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i don't, i just think you're being a little cryptic


The media has been making us docile for decades, not more violent. I don't even care enough about this to have a debate over it.

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I don't see what the big deal is. Death happens.


Desensitized much?


This is why I don't watch tv. Fucking death obsessed culture... this shit is mind altering.

head in sand much?


Yeah, you can close your eyes to the world and tune it out like it doesn't exist but it's reality and happens every day.

It makes people curious because they are afraid. Everyone is.

I don't see how exposing yourself to a guy shooting himself after a car chase does anything positive for oneself. Yea, I know this shit happens, but why does Fox think I need to see it?

I'll continue to educate myself on world affairs, but whenever this kind of shit happens, I'll put my head in the sand.


Edit: Minus the spoiler and the cryptic apocalypse shit, I'm with Chimera, whether he's serious or not. I'm tired of people thinking that leaving CNN/MSNBC/FOX news on in the background is somehow making them a more informed person. Constantly exposing oneself to Dark Knight Shootings and Car Chases, and on a more local level; rapes, suicides, and robberies doesn't make a person more informed about the world they live in, nor does it give them a healthy perspective of human nature. It's just a bunch of sad events that people feel a loose connection with (but enough of a connection to feel emotional about it), and then a conversation piece.

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Guest Franklin

Who Is Doug?




Who Is Doug?


I feel bad about how hard I laughed when this came on. It was one of the most jarring transitions I've ever seen.


Sometimes we laugh after having been exposed to emotional stress. it's thought to help us cope with it.

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News anchor Shepard Smith is such a douche ''Get off it, get off it, get off it...'' He was far too late. He was sitting there loving every minute of the chase, he was glued to the screen...then once the guy pulls the trigger he tries to take the moral stance. He was as guilty as anyone.

Plus he looks like Leyland Palmer from Twin Peaks.

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Guest Social Spastic

your all harping on about live news chasing trash in the name of entertainment and the fact that people watch it. waiting, hoping for that terrible moment when something awful might happen.


in this case it seems it did happpen and a man is dead


its just what i don't understand is why this thread is in general banter ???

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where else would it be?



It would probably be better suited in BoC subforum as another "public message" to BoC about what happens when they keep us in the dark for this long.

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The t.v.'s got them images

T.v.'s got them all

It's not shocking!

Every half an hour

Someone's captured and

The cop moves them along...

It's just like the show before

The news is

Just another show

With sex and violence...

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