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hurricane sandy


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Very glad to hear you and your family (and your home) are safe, Jules.


Looking at pics of all the homes lost in NJ is making me sick, frankly. That 100 home fire in Queens is also some fucked up shit.

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I'm happy I didn't have to go through all of that shit that you guys did. However, I feel like I belonged there, after living there for so long.

I wish I could be there to pitch in and lend a hand and to see New Yorkers in their best light. Nothing like it.

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good christ what a mess. tonight is my 3rd wedding anniversary and the 2nd one in a row with no power. I'm at my inlaws now as they are one of the very few pockets of homes in the area with power. I think there is something like 8 million homes with no power? no idea, I haven't seen much news or even had any cell contact before a couple hours ago.


last night was something else. we hunkered down in the heart of my house, the wife, little guy and myself. the rain and wind were just relentless and I swear at points I thought my windows were going to blow in. I live in a woodsy area and I was really nervous with all the trees around. after it got dark you could hear cracking and bending but had no idea where. I was just hoping nothing was going to split my home in half or land on my sleeping family as I was clutching a flashlight trying to talk myself to sleep.


I lost four trees in the back but nothing hit my house, thankfully. a neighbor down the street had one laying on his roofing and there was roofing shingles from multiple homes all throughout the neighborhood. siding was torn off of houses and there are downed trees and power lines everywhere you look. it was very depressing until I saw the images of NYC and the jersey shore.


I've spent more than my fair share of time in NYC and still have a ton of fam there but it's the jersey shore that's got me all fucked up. I've spent my childhood there, and have had the good fortune to spend part of my summer there every year since the mid 1980s. my parents have friends who own houses in seaside. that stupid fuckin MTV show has done nothing but make it look like a joke there but it really is one of the nicest places I've ever been too. the vibe at the jersey shore is like nothing anywhere else. to see it literally gone is just hard to comprehend. there are total iconic places that my parents took me to that I won't be able to bring my son to. that sucks, as I was looking forward to that. he got his first taste of the beach this year.


anyway, the people talking about over sensationalizing storms because they are in the NYC area can fuck right off. seriously. hope all the east coast watmmers are doing ok, a week without power is nothing to a lifetime of memories washed away like so many people who lost their homes. oh yea that's right, in mantoloking (a jersey shore town) there are 12 homes missing. yea. they can't find them. wtf.


be well folks I will be in and out over the next week as we try to get our lives back to normal. I need my watmm fix but I also need a flushing toilet and Internet porn first so...


Nice post I second all the sentiments.


Talking to tons of east coasters after this I how realize how unexpected these kind of destructive weather patterns are. I don't want to minimize the impact of the storm, or shit on tri-staters, but at no point was I fazed by any occurrences having spent my entire life in severe tornado zones of the midwest. People in the fly-overs are so prepared to find areas of shelter, and have dried food and water simply because of the year-in year-out routine of serious life-threatening tornadoes and good honest midwest thunderstorms. I've had a 20 foot long 3 feet in diameter long jettison through my roof into my bedroom, landing 5 feet away from my soft, crushable body in my soft crushable bed. My small town has experienced death tolls from tornadoes much larger than what was experienced here for Sandy, and for that I'm very grateful, because in a small town to lose even over 100 people is really a crushing crushing blow.


I can rest easier knowing that the majority of the damage and problems are economic, and not # of lives lost in a city of 8-9 million. It's a huge pain about the subways and not getting to work, and new yorkers love complaining about shit like that, but it's the worst thing in the world to show up to 4th grade the next day and a kid is not returning because his house was blown away. I'm happy those stories seem to be at a minimum out here!

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following up on the Chris Christie douchebag alert....heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio today suggesting that Chris Christie refuse federal help and wait 9 days until Romney can provide better assistance. I cannot believe this guy has serious admirers. What a piece of human excrement.

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Dude. Shit in the coastal NYC area is fucked.


Listen in for updates and coverage. I've had it playing in the house since before the storm.



They're talking about how people are still stranded in the Rockaways.


They were just playing this:

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it's like fucking mad max up in this piece. gas stations are like war zones with lines for miles. seriously. fucking crazy shit. 1 day in. what would these people do after 5 or even 10 days? a zombie apocalypse might be easier to negotiate because head traumas would be encouraged. man alive.


thanks for that pic keltoi. warms my heart just right. bastard.





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