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We found something amazing on Mars


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"The press description of the SAM results as 'earthshaking' is, in my view, an unfortunate exaggeration. We have not (yet) found anything in SAM that was not already known from previous missions: Phoenix and Viking."



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they found me cuz I'm GOIN


Can we send the entire cast ofBio Dome first, just to make sure it's safe? (and by safe, I mean tactical nuked from orbit while no one's looking)

Actually, scratch that... let's just round up everybody who's ever been on Survivor, Real World, Big Brother, or any other obnoxious reality TV series, and then drop them off on opposite sides of the planet with space suits, a month's supply of oxygen, and a trowel. Let the attention whores fumble around in minus 100 degree cold and 38% gravity assembling prefab pressurized huts and growing algae, while the major television networks foot the bill, and NASA quietly monitors everything remotely.

Oh, and the Ghost Hunter guys get to explore the vast martian caves with flashlights, thermal imagers, EMF detectors, and crappy directional microphones. I don't actually care if they discover anything, I just like the idea of them being 140 million miles away and sealed in a cave.


Made me lol.

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Fucking science, always building us up and letting us down. Where are the fucking hoverboards already?


it was all a lie

not yet






they found me cuz I'm GOIN


To make it happen, SpaceX has already started to work on their next-generation reusable Falcon 9 rocket. The prototype, called Grasshopper, is a Falcon 9 first stage with landing legs. This rocket has already made two short flights, including one in which it reached a height of six feet (two meters), and another in which it leaped to a height of 17.7 feet (5.4 meters).
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Organics are 'clearly there', but need to be cautious to make sure these organics are A) definitely from Mars and not introduced by Curiosity and B) not just part of inorganic compounds.


so basically, they found "organics" but now they need proof they're martian and not stow-aways from earth or from a comet


oh- and supposedly the whole "this is for the history books" was misinterpreted what it was meant to be was "this might be big, but probably won't be big news because we're not sure how big it really is- just don't tell anyone it's big until we confirm that"

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The mainstream news media makes a lot of hype about Mars having common elements with Earth and having ancient dried-up rivers and whatnot. But it still doesn't seem like much to get excited over. It's just barren inactivity.

Now if NASA were to send rovers to survey specific regions like Olympus Mons or Cydonia, maybe that might be worthwhile. Would still take a long-ass time though.

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The mainstream news media makes a lot of hype about Mars having common elements with Earth and having ancient dried-up rivers and whatnot. But it still doesn't seem like much to get excited over. It's just barren inactivity.


Now if NASA were to send rovers to survey specific regions like Olympus Mons or Cydonia, maybe that might be worthwhile. Would still take a long-ass time though.



the whole thing about rivers and shit is that molecules need to be able to move about if they're going to mash themselves into amino acids, the proteins that make up the simplest forms of replicating matter (life).


that's why titan is interesting, tho not inhabitable by Earth-species. there could be other life that is conducive to forming in liquid methane. i'm really not educated on the specifics but i think there are a few watmmers who are.

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Lol this just made my morning, watched Alien the other night...


Maybe they found David Duchovney and new episodes of the X files, he still wants to believe...


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that's why titan is interesting, tho not inhabitable by Earth-species. there could be other life that is conducive to forming in liquid methane. i'm really not educated on the specifics but i think there are a few watmmers who are.



I'd love to be proven wrong, but my semi-informed hypothesis is that methane cannot be a substrate for life because it's a not a polar molecule (unlike water, which is). So in this sense it's much more "indifferent" to any other building-block material floating around in it and can't facilitate organic/inorganic chemistry in the way water can.

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The mainstream news media makes a lot of hype about Mars having common elements with Earth and having ancient dried-up rivers and whatnot. But it still doesn't seem like much to get excited over. It's just barren inactivity.


Now if NASA were to send rovers to survey specific regions like Olympus Mons or Cydonia, maybe that might be worthwhile. Would still take a long-ass time though.



the whole thing about rivers and shit is that molecules need to be able to move about if they're going to mash themselves into amino acids, the proteins that make up the simplest forms of replicating matter (life).


that's why titan is interesting, tho not inhabitable by Earth-species. there could be other life that is conducive to forming in liquid methane. i'm really not educated on the specifics but i think there are a few watmmers who are.


they actually found hydrocarbons.. or organic molecules, in Titan's atmosphere. why that wasn't a HUGE story, i have no idea. it basically says "any asteroid or rock from space that flies through this stuff and lands on Titan could potentially start life". but it's a moon on some planet other than Mars (that we've landed on , as well via Cassini ... crickets). the media is weird.. it's like a popularity contest in the form of news articles.

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