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A Perfect World


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almost stopped reading when I read

There’s a suprising number of inventors our there that claim to have already developed practical free energy machines for households, and from what I’ve seen, I have no reason to believe they’re not telling the truth


This would be great, but I doubt "practical free energy machines" will ever be discovered by a guy in his basement. Show me the proof.

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Guest RadarJammer




1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.


2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.

10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

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Guest Al Hounos

we tried anarchism for the first several thousand years of our existence as a species. it didn't work. if you would like to live in anarchist utopia, move to somalia.


i'll stick with ugly old capitalism and democracy a la Northern Europe. it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn close. as close as us humans will ever get.

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Cute ideas, but naive. Already in the start comparing people with ants, as how they work kinda better because none of them work for their own good or to be better than others. Well, what motivated people to advance technologically and sociologically? Sometimes it was sheer enthusiasm, but most of the time I'd say it's compensating for some personal complexes and getting you ass wealthier than your neighbor.

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and have a look at this:



Christiania is lame. Filled with dirty hippies and drug dealers.


I like how the video tries to make it look like heaven on earth though.

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Skinner came up with methods on how to induce cooperative behaviours between people (operant conditioning); something which others neglect when speaking of creating a better world. When you're dealing with human behaviour, you have to be scientific and put forward methods on how the environment can control our behaviour and reinforce social sustainability.


Although there are some aspects of Walden Two that I disagree with, I think it's a good direction overall. The big question is whether it can be applied on a large scale and how do we transition from capitalism to a system where our needs are met through technology and our environment reinforces social cohesion:



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i'll stick with ugly old capitalism and democracy a la Northern Europe. it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn close. as close as us humans will ever get.

You've probably had limited exposure to other types of social systems through books and other forms of media in order for you to arrive at that statement. What you're saying there is basically a failure of thought and not understanding that we live in an emergent reality where things are always changing. I find it very difficult to think capitalism and our current notion of 'democracy' will be around for the next 100 years. Technology, as it carries on moving forward, will be the prime factor involved in changing how we all live.

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and have a look at this:



Christiania is lame. Filled with dirty hippies and drug dealers.


I like how the video tries to make it look like heaven on earth though.


My grandmother describes it as "a bit mank"

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i'll stick with ugly old capitalism and democracy a la Northern Europe. it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn close. as close as us humans will ever get.


LOL if you think it's remotely stable.

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i think humans are built for the agrarian society. Not that it's a better way of life, but i don't think people were made to work in offices or any of the artificial environments companies create.. it isn't natural and it turns people into back stabbing sociopaths.

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Reducing the population to 500,000,000 wouldn't require extermination. It's just silly to think that was the intent.


how would you lower the population without forced extermination or sterilization?

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almost stopped reading when I read

There’s a suprising number of inventors our there that claim to have already developed practical free energy machines for households, and from what I’ve seen, I have no reason to believe they’re not telling the truth


This would be great, but I doubt "practical free energy machines" will ever be discovered by a guy in his basement. Show me the proof.


'free energy machines' is definitely unfortunate wording, but creating homes that generate all the power they require to function is possible. i suppose the houses themselves are, in a really loose way, 'free energy machines.' for instance, instead of connecting to the grid and cooling your house by paying for electricity, why not build houses partially into the earth, with thick, solid walls to take advantage of their thermal mass? why not face your house south-ward with large, angled windows so as to collect sunlight from the environment and keep its heat in those massive walls when it gets cool out? we could begin coating our homes in flexible solar panels (when/if they become available in the near future -- and i am almost certain they will [see current research with OLEDs, OPVs]), so that they are collecting energy to store at all times. collect rainwater. use greywater systems instead of shitting in your drinking water for no good reason. there are a lot of ways that homes can quite seriously provide us with "free energy" compared to what we have - but of course it's not really free, it's just a lot more cost effective than connecting every house to a grid, encouraging over-use by disconnecting individuals from the source of their energy, and losing almost 1/3rd of that energy just in transport to the homes! (i read that last bit in a sustainable architecture book, which i trust, but i'm not sure of their source for that info anymore)


so yeah, 'free energy machines' is not the phrase i'd use, but energy-generating techniques are out there



i liked what you had to say autopilot, so thanks for sharing. sounds like you might want to read 'abundance' by peter diamandis if you haven't already. a couple friends of mine have said good things about it, and their outlooks are somewhat similar to your own =]

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we tried anarchism for the first several thousand years of our existence as a species. it didn't work. if you would like to live in anarchist utopia, move to somalia.


i'll stick with ugly old capitalism and democracy a la Northern Europe. it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn close. as close as us humans will ever get.

No we didn't. This is the same rhetoric you're using as the good-old american anti-communist propaganda: 'the communism/socialism had its shot and it didn't work'. This sir, is Populism at its best. Pure Communism/Socialism never had its chance. It was always ill-guided by absolutists, resulting in a brute, irrational, autocratic interpretation of its supposed qualities.

If you think despotism, monarchy, and other forms of absolutist or elitist rule are the same as anarchy, I'm sorry to say, you have no idea what you're talking about.


You said 'ugly old capitalism', but in the same sentence you claim is 'pretty damn close to being perfect'; something is clearly wrong here...don't you think?

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and have a look at this:



Christiania is lame. Filled with dirty hippies and drug dealers.


I like how the video tries to make it look like heaven on earth though.


My grandmother describes it as "a bit mank"


It's filled with biker gangs, police, tourists and hippies.. If you're into that sort thing.. Go for it.

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