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Using Valentines Day as an excuse to ask someone out

Danny O Flannagin

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So there's this girl i've been talking to for about a month now and i've grown interested in her. She's thoughtful and likes Aphex Twin. I don't know her too well but do you think it would be a good idea to ask her out for a Valentines Day date? Is it too soon? Would she think im desperate if im blatantly using valentines day as an excuse to ask her out?


Any input is helpful

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Why not? Go for it.


For me, I'll be sitting inside and getting reacquainted with a bottle of Jack. Then I'll be getting reacquainted with my lunch.


Also, I've not decided yet, but I could hit the bar and swoop in on lonely women at the end of the night. Depends on how coherent I am.

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Valentines day is no different than any other day. just ask her out.



Maybe ask her out before V Day and, provided it goes well, have a slightly more romantic experience on the holiday too.


Bottom line = do it.

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Go for it.


Though I must ask, what level of Aphex Twin fandom? 1 being "Windowlicker is like WTF!? but I like it" and 10 being "wait, which version of AB3 are you talking about?"

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letting it have absolutely no effect on you is always an option in the case of failure


being happy with a girl and falling in love is always an option in the case of success


and/or being able to say "this is that ass getting fucked"

the real question is whether it is a good excuse to invite a girl to a gangbang

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rent an armored car and have valentines dinner in the vault of your local bank. if she protests and doesn't "get it", lock her in the vault. she is a trickster and should be dealt with.

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thanks for the input guys. I definitely feel a bit more confident asking her out now. Thinking of asking on monday then go out on valentines day which is thursday. Good idea?

Go for it.


Though I must ask, what level of Aphex Twin fandom? 1 being "Windowlicker is like WTF!? but I like it" and 10 being "wait, which version of AB3 are you talking about?"

She's not hardcore about him, i doubt she even realizes that its just one guy, RDJ. I mentioned aphex twin and she was basically "Oh Windowlicker, i really like that song"

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Guest RadarJammer

ask her the day after valentines day but pretend like you got the days mixed up and thought you really were asking her on valentines day #manipulation #cruelintentions

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