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The Official Lose 100 Pounds Thread

Guest happycase

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vamos: (not gonna quote that but thanks for posting it!)

Well my wife knows exactly what she wants for dinner and is going to make it if she has to kill someone, so it sounds like I'm fucked. I mean, I could make my own but as far as not allowing shitty food in the house, I'd be totally fucked. Cool idea though. I'm actually eating almost that same breakfast except with Greek yogurt instead of syrup. Which I guess is evil cos it's dairy.

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i'll join. as with some, my meds cause me to gain weight so i actually have to exercise and eat well in order to stay at an ok weight. next step: ween off med, lose more weight, be happier.

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vamos: (not gonna quote that but thanks for posting it!)

Well my wife knows exactly what she wants for dinner and is going to make it if she has to kill someone, so it sounds like I'm fucked. I mean, I could make my own but as far as not allowing shitty food in the house, I'd be totally fucked. Cool idea though. I'm actually eating almost that same breakfast except with Greek yogurt instead of syrup. Which I guess is evil cos it's dairy.

dairy is good, fat is good, basically you wanna stay away from processed foods ie bad carbs and high fructose corn syrup, treat them like satan.
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I gained all my weight more or less when I was taking medication. I'm not entirely sure if it changes how much fat you gain from eating the same amount of food, or if it makes your appetite 100X more powerful.


For me, what I remember when I was taking the drug, was that I would get extremely fucking hungry, like ravenous. Hunger to the point of like, pain. And the only way to make it go away was to eat a shitload of carbs and butter. Bagels with cream cheese, basically whatever. I wasn't binging by any means. I was just really hungry, abnormally so. So I'm not sure if it was primarilly that the medication caused more fat to come from the same amount of food or if it caused me to eat more.

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I've been doing the Primal Diet lately, and I have not been farting AT ALL. Then at work, the manager ordered tons of pizza for everyone, so I had a couple of slices. The next day I broke wind that smelled like a dumpster filled with dead racoons in the dead heat of summer. According to my research, Primal/Paleo is the way to go.

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vamos: (not gonna quote that but thanks for posting it!)

Well my wife knows exactly what she wants for dinner and is going to make it if she has to kill someone, so it sounds like I'm fucked. I mean, I could make my own but as far as not allowing shitty food in the house, I'd be totally fucked. Cool idea though. I'm actually eating almost that same breakfast except with Greek yogurt instead of syrup. Which I guess is evil cos it's dairy.

dairy is good, fat is good, basically you wanna stay away from processed foods ie bad carbs and high fructose corn syrup, treat them like satan.


yeah most people will say fat is good. I disagree with this because I notice that when I eat meat or fattening foods my body feels really quite shitty. I feel heavy and I can like feel it in my gut and in my skin. I think you should cut both carbs and fat, but use them sparingly. I'm kind of going by the EAT TO LIVE diet though I do agree with some of the basic ideas of ketosis... r/keto . I still think that kind of diet will be much more useful for someone trying to go from 170 to 160 or something like that. I may transfer over to ketosis or super low carb (with meat) diet once I start lifting and working on toning and filling out the loose skin.

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I've been doing the Primal Diet lately, and I have not been farting AT ALL. Then at work, the manager ordered tons of pizza for everyone, so I had a couple of slices. The next day I broke wind that smelled like a dumpster filled with dead racoons in the dead heat of summer. According to my research, Primal/Paleo is the way to go.



We are caveman in a new world with fancy alien treats

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vamos: (not gonna quote that but thanks for posting it!)

Well my wife knows exactly what she wants for dinner and is going to make it if she has to kill someone, so it sounds like I'm fucked. I mean, I could make my own but as far as not allowing shitty food in the house, I'd be totally fucked. Cool idea though. I'm actually eating almost that same breakfast except with Greek yogurt instead of syrup. Which I guess is evil cos it's dairy.

dairy is good, fat is good, basically you wanna stay away from processed foods ie bad carbs and high fructose corn syrup, treat them like satan.



yeah most people will say fat is good. I disagree with this because I notice that when I eat meat or fattening foods my body feels really quite shitty. I feel heavy and I can like feel it in my gut and in my skin. I think you should cut both carbs and fat, but use them sparingly. I'm kind of going by the EAT TO LIVE diet though I do agree with some of the basic ideas of ketosis... r/keto . I still think that kind of diet will be much more useful for someone trying to go from 170 to 160 or something like that. I may transfer over to ketosis or super low carb (with meat) diet once I start lifting and working on toning and filling out the loose skin.



Well everyone should listen to their body, if you are not one who eats meat often and then you eat meat, you will probably have a weird feeling in digestion compared to someone who eats meat more regularly.
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I am not on any meds and I usually have that carb-ravenousness. I have just completely given in, just having these carb eat attacks every fucking day. It's embarrassing. Something about the bleakness of winter just makes me lose all willpower against the carb void. Now this week my torso feels like an ocean storm and I just feel horrible and I am damn ready to get back on track and stop feeling like Grimace every god damn day.


Who was the guy who said we should have Fatty Names? Mine can be Grimace.


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I saw Grimace once eating a womens face off in a dark alley. And he had 3 large pizza slices stacked in his other hand as he ate her face off! It's like the pizza was a french salad for the entree of lady face. Scared the living crap out of me. Literally.

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I was a pretty reasonable weight at this time in 2011. Then I got sick and had to take prednisone and all this extra weight started sticking to my midsection and it won't go away even if I starve myself. Stress from a shitty, no-respect job makes it a million times worse. If I'm not stressed I can drop weight, but otherwise I'm fucked.


The good news is being 5'11" and 210 lbs in downtown LA means I don't get fucked with.


Edit: I know 5'11" isn't tall but man everyone here is tiny, gang bangers and coked out hipsters included

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I was a pretty reasonable weight at this time in 2011. Then I got sick and had to take prednisone and all this extra weight started sticking to my midsection and it won't go away even if I starve myself. Stress from a shitty, no-respect job makes it a million times worse. If I'm not stressed I can drop weight, but otherwise I'm fucked.


The good news is being 5'11" and 210 lbs in downtown LA means I don't get fucked with.


Edit: I know 5'11" isn't tall but man everyone here is tiny, gang bangers and coked out hipsters included


lol. Deadmau5 has that shrimpy build you described of the majority LA populace as well.


(I was last there 12 years ago. It's probably changed a lot since then I'd imagine.)

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Low carb (high fat) has worked for me previously. Though I was never obese, just kind of vaguely double chinned. Anyways, there are really good scientific explanations why carb restriction works that I can't be bothered to type out on the mobile. If you're interested go to waroninsulin.com, personally the explanations are a bit over my head, I just know it has worked for me.

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I was on antidepressants for around 3-4 yrs and that threw my metabolism way out of whack, so I got fat that I still can't get rid of 13 yrs later.


I'm currently at 264 lbs or so. Worst I've gotten was 275. That's on a 6'4" frame, you notice it a lot less when you're big.


For a long time it was kind of cute (according to girls) but then it started to take a toll on my health. High blood pressure. Metabolic syndrome. And just last month - gout in my big toe (wtf??). So I probably have to lose weight or die.


Because of my extremely sluggish metabolism I can eat a tiny amount and still not lose weight. I exercise for an hour almost every day, too (exercise bike plus weights).


I should mostly just cut back on carbs but I have a wife who cooks yummy food so...

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I was at 354 lbs at the beginning of last year. (6'0") Tonight I weighed 278 at the gym. Lowest I've been in a while though I fluctuate about 4lbs or so.


Changed my eating habits. I used to drink a 2 Liter of Coke a day easy, and i am diabetic of course. Now Coke Zero is the only carbonated drink I touch, and quite often I drink water. I'm a lot more conscious of what I eat, staying mostly on the lean side (I feel serious guilt when I eat poorly.)


I bike a lot, and hit the gym 5-7 times a week. I've built some good muscle (proud of my legs!) but I still have so much more to go. As always, its around the waist and love handles. I've been hitting it seriously hard the last few weeks. People around me notice the loss, but it still feels like its not enough. Just trying to stay focused, and keep with the baby steps.

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Guest chenc91dub



- I want to make it as simple and easy to follow as possible.

- You can begin any time you would like.

- There is no rush.

- Focus on how good you feel when you eat healthy.

- When you see results you will be extremely pleased.

- Your life will change in certain ways.

- Your mental state and feeling about food and yourself is important.

- Hunger is a sign of success.

- Do not trust what other people say, other than scientists and me.

- Achieving the goal is extremely easy in terms of how much thought you need to put into it.

- All you have to do is follow simple rules.



- At first, set a calorie limit.

- Under 2000 if you want to lose slowly, under 1700 if you want to lose rapidly.

- This will change your diet for the first 10-15 pounds.

- Once you see those results, you will want to continue.

- This part of the diet requires zero exercise.


- All you have to do is control your diet.

- You may get hungry.

- This is how to lose weight: consider hunger a new form of exercise.

- When you are hungry, you are losing weight.

- As long as you eat enough calories (so you are not starving), this hunger is a sign of weight loss.


If you eat under the goal calories even just 5 days a week, even just four, and have increased consciousness, you WILL see results. You will succeed immediately as long as at least half of the week you meet your caloric requirements.




It actually matters WHAT KIND of food you eat. You cannot eat shitty food to lose weight. You can, but it is much better to get most of your calories from foods that you may not enjoy. My method was extremely simple:


the less thought you have to put into each meal, the better



Oatmeal, blackberries or strawberries, cinnamon, vanilla, flax seeds, syrup or preferably that other sweetener that vegans like


Salad with low calorie dressing, spinach, cucumber, some sort of seed or nut sprinkled. Add two hard boiled eggs (extremely easy to make). Have some baby carrots or a sliced up green pepper or red pepper.


Baby carrots, almonds, hummus and celery, another hard boiled egg.


Soup. Always soup. Soup without meat.

1. Creamy Tomato soup

2. Black bean salsa soup

3. Spicy Vegetable Soup

4. Vegan chili

5. chili with turkey

6. Thai chicken soup

(always skim the fat off and use the smallest amount of cooking oil humanly possible).


That's it. That's my diet. That's all there is to it. If you follow this at least 3-4 days a week, with added measures depending on how starving you are in order to give yourself success (chips with soup, crackers with chili, peanut butter celery with salad lunch) you will absolutely succeed. I have not exercised a single motherfucking time this whole diet (that's kind of a lie... I did COUCH TO 5K throughout and I can jog a lot farther now). But absolutely not consistently... lets put it this way: it's been 10 months and I've gone on about 20 jogs over that span.


Frankly, at various levels I have had to step it up a bit in order to pass a plateau.


Once I, or you, hit a certain level, exercise will have to be introduced. My plan is that when I hit 205, 200, or 195, I will begin exercising.


Here is my philosophy: at no point in my diet did I not cheat at least once a week. Absolutely no point. I would have days eating fucking Cheesits and fucking Chipotle and Indian food and italian food and fucking hearty chili and fucking stacked fucking nasty ass cheese shit. Only I would be CERTAIN to have the basic weekly plan of sticking to the above diet. I had taco bell last weekend, Chipotle last night, fast food chili the night before, some shit here and there. But I get right back on. I don't give a fuck what anyone says. I've had success. And I know by the end of next week I will be down another 2 pounds because I stick to the basic principal: that most of the time I have to eat vegan salad and soup and avoid carbs of all kinds. That is my core diet.


It is important to meet a caloric level. You have to really make sure you aren't going too far down. This is actually the greatest challenge for me, eating primary vegetables, no meat, no cheese, no dairy in general, and no carbs. The greatest challenge of the "hunger plan" is making sure you are not in starvation mode, in which case your muscles will begin to go down. Frankly, I think this whole concept is at least slightly over hyped. I have certainly lost a bit of muscle during certain weeks where I might have taken it too far, or was fucking broke out of money. But I can still the most pushups I've ever been able to do (maybe because my weight went down, but whatever). In the end, the muscle is easy. It's coming back either way. Just don't go below 1500 calores. So in my diet, generally, you are making sure you get enough calories, not making sure you don't eat too much.


The idea is that you are hungry, but you succeed. And you don't need to do it every day, just the majority of the week. If you exercise you will be way hungrier and your diet will be harder to control. Wait until you get to the level where you need exercise to continue before starting to go hard on that. Make adjustments for yourself (each week I would have a time where I couldn't take the carb withdrawal and I might get chipotle or something or eat Gardettos when I visited home).


I am very hungry right now but I go to sleep after meeting my caloric limit or whatever, knowing I stayed within the bounds of respectability and honor, and I know that in a week another 2 lbs will be gone, and in exactly a month I will be at the lightest weight I've been since before I graduated from High School.




The final rule is do not ask anyone for advice. Do what you need to do. Stick with other fatties. Read r/loseit. But do what you need to do. Do not ask friends or family. Do not even share what you are doing with friends or family. They don't know what's going on and 99% of the time they are vested in your failure (hate to say it). That's just how sex goes. Friends want to fuck the girls, and when you lose weight, whether they are aware or not, part of them, their ego, is saying: "he is becoming a threat." So don't worry about them and their shitty advice. Even if they seem like they are encouraging you, in fact they are mocking your efforts in order to push their bullshit theories on you. They don't understand. Family is better but generally just stay out of the house. Control your refridgerator. Do not shop hungry. NEVER LET SHITTY FOOD IN YOUR HOUSE. DO NOT SHOP HUNGRY. EVER!


Make a shopping list of healthy vegetables for your "diet days" or just "diet mentality."


Finally, I forgot to add: a multivitamin a day or every other day wouldn't be a bad idea. In fact, it would be a good idea. Who woulda thunk it?

i just gots me some inspiration. what a champ!

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you naturally skinny people are lucky. i avoid all sorts of things to stay at a good weight. like drinking on the weekends. eating sweets. all sorts of fun things i avoid

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Stress from a shitty, no-respect job makes it a million times worse. If I'm not stressed I can drop weight, but otherwise I'm fucked.

I'm in the same boat but I've hated my job for so long that I don't give a fuck anymore. So I don't feel stressed lately. Let's see how long I can keep this shit up.
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