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The Official Lose 100 Pounds Thread

Guest happycase

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i like those sort of websites with someones diet or exercise plan on them they all sound fucking insane

e: 1 weird tip!

big pharma doesnt want u to know that u can cure most illnesses (cancer/ heart attack) by followiing my stupid diet plan and drinking 10 liters of milk a day

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Guest Ron Manager

Yeah, great post vamos. Your attitude to it all is pretty similar to mine, and I've found those tactics work pretty damn well - if you want it enough, you'll do it.


As for me, 6'1", maybe 185 pounds, but not much muscle and a flabby stomach, sides and minor man boobs. I have a skinny frame, but need to lose a bit off my stomach. Presently getting back into habit of running, but am wondering if I need to do some more specific exercise as I'm looking at improving general abdominal area...

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I'll abstain since you all are metrically challenged. Join the rest of the world and start using metric FFS.



wasn't that band in that scott pilgrim movie?

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Guest Aserinsky

I've always been a skinny bastard, a couple of years ago I was 119lb (I'm 6ft so I was goddamn thin) and fluctuated around that point. Fortunately these days I'm eating a lot better (added with the introductions of huge amount of carbs and booze), now I'm pretty much steady at around 154, which I'm perfectly happy with.


Will ask a question for the guys wanting to lose weight, how much meat and booze do you typically consume? I found when I was really light both made me put on about a stone within a month alone, just curious if that's a factor to people's weight.

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I've been known to eat 3000 calories a day but I also burn 1000+ a day running so it works out to roughly normal.

Sometimes I go on a week long fast, mostly for mental clarity


also I don't drink beer or buy any foods with more than one ingredient

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i always thought that im clinically underweight, but i just checked those bmi calculators and they land me in the green zone with 6'1" 155 lbs, cool !

my secret to success is to eat what i want, when i want (which doesn't really amount to much) and never exercise...but i do feel that i gained some due to drinking beer almost daily in recent years.

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I've always been a skinny bastard, a couple of years ago I was 119lb (I'm 6ft so I was goddamn thin) and fluctuated around that point. Fortunately these days I'm eating a lot better (added with the introductions of huge amount of carbs and booze), now I'm pretty much steady at around 154, which I'm perfectly happy with.


Will ask a question for the guys wanting to lose weight, how much meat and booze do you typically consume? I found when I was really light both made me put on about a stone within a month alone, just curious if that's a factor to people's weight.


When I lost those 55 pounds I don't think I generally went a week without having 2-4 six packs plus or minus throughout. Actually there were a few weeks when I maybe had one or two on the weekend but there were a ton of weeks where I was drinking way too much.


I've stopped now and I'm kind of annoyed that cutting out all those carbs hasn't seen a dramatic acceleration in weight loss. Not sure what the deal is.

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Guest No Pomo

Name: Joyrex Jr.
Current Weight: 158
Target Weight: 140

I gained like 20 pounds over the last 2 months, I feel I will lose them pretty fast.

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hi! internet here! we just need you to sign a couple things and you'll be on your way to eggs in the morning




la da dee






and this last one




ok all set! you're ready to switch to eggs in the morning!



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See, I've cut out grains, excluding beer, which I've been imbibing a ludicrous amount of lately. And yet I swear I look better. It's interesting when you shift from eating tons of grains in the form of cereal, pasta, and bread to almost none - just meat, veggies, fruit, greek yogurt, and nuts. All the extra insulin just washes away, like your inner demons, MAN. And your gastrointestinal situation becomes so lush. You know when you fart and then you see a hot girl getting close and you panic? Those days are over, brothers. It's a new era.

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gout in my big toe (wtf??)



haha sorry to be laughing at your gout but just... it's something a the REAL lumpenproletarier would never have hehehe I'M RATTING YOU OUT

haha I know...I'm a big poser with my "disease of kings"....


for real tho it's fucking painful. Urea crystals building up in my joints wtf?? I don't even drink too much beer...:-(

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good to hear everyone getting motivated.



I'm 6 ft 3 inches, my weight is somewhere between 220-230 (lets go with 225). I've been running for a few months now with great endurance improvements (did my first 30 minute 5k run!! yippee!). Unfortunately it has been at the expense of muscle...which I can only assume is rapidly deteriorating due to 60min running sessions along with a less than optimal diet.


Because of this I would define myself as heading towards the "skinny-fat" realm, where the rest of my body is perfectly slim except for my midsection....which ends up looking far worse than having a decent amount of fat all around. Still have pretty decent basic definition in the abdomen, upper arms, and back (ive been told I have a "Bane back"). But the gut just looks fucking gross.


SO I guess my plan is to start eating 20g protein bars when I spend all day lecturing, and start drinking protein shakes before and after exercise. They are expensive but better than buying a Coke and a Snickers bar at the school cafe. Also eating a SHITTON of egg whites. Im stocking up on quarts and quarts of liquid egg whites to mix with some sriracha sauce for an easy breakfast. I also need to stop eating fucking ramen. Lastly, completely cut out soft drinks (i have maybe 2 cans of soda a week), and start cutting down on coffee.


So now it seems that I need to focus on the diet aspect...anyone have any advice or tips? It just seems like a shame that as hard as Ive worked to get to a comparably better level of fitness than I was, that my body physically doesn't seem to reflect it. Im hoping that cutting out ramen and soda will make a huge visual difference; otherwise Im not really sure what to do.

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I gained all my weight more or less when I was taking medication. I'm not entirely sure if it changes how much fat you gain from eating the same amount of food, or if it makes your appetite 100X more powerful.


For me, what I remember when I was taking the drug, was that I would get extremely fucking hungry, like ravenous. Hunger to the point of like, pain. And the only way to make it go away was to eat a shitload of carbs and butter. Bagels with cream cheese, basically whatever. I wasn't binging by any means. I was just really hungry, abnormally so. So I'm not sure if it was primarilly that the medication caused more fat to come from the same amount of food or if it caused me to eat more.

was it seroquel?

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good to hear everyone getting motivated.



I'm 6 ft 3 inches, my weight is somewhere between 220-230 (lets go with 225). I've been running for a few months now with great endurance improvements (did my first 30 minute 5k run!! yippee!). Unfortunately it has been at the expense of muscle...which I can only assume is rapidly deteriorating due to 60min running sessions along with a less than optimal diet.


Because of this I would define myself as heading towards the "skinny-fat" realm, where the rest of my body is perfectly slim except for my midsection....which ends up looking far worse than having a decent amount of fat all around. Still have pretty decent basic definition in the abdomen, upper arms, and back (ive been told I have a "Bane back"). But the gut just looks fucking gross.


SO I guess my plan is to start eating 20g protein bars when I spend all day lecturing, and start drinking protein shakes before and after exercise. They are expensive but better than buying a Coke and a Snickers bar at the school cafe. Also eating a SHITTON of egg whites. Im stocking up on quarts and quarts of liquid egg whites to mix with some sriracha sauce for an easy breakfast. I also need to stop eating fucking ramen. Lastly, completely cut out soft drinks (i have maybe 2 cans of soda a week), and start cutting down on coffee.


So now it seems that I need to focus on the diet aspect...anyone have any advice or tips? It just seems like a shame that as hard as Ive worked to get to a comparably better level of fitness than I was, that my body physically doesn't seem to reflect it. Im hoping that cutting out ramen and soda will make a huge visual difference; otherwise Im not really sure what to do.

Ah fuck i had a great response typed and then my internet connection died. F U MRX.


anyways yeah cutting out ramen and soda will be a great start. eat real food, don't substitute protein bars/shakes for proper meals.

Good things to eat: fish, meat (red meat or poultry), rice (not too much and mix up the grains), pasta (couple of times a week, easy on the cream sauces), vegetables (don't kill it on the potatoes), fruits. Whole yogurt, plain. Fuck that egg white nonsense, just eat two or three whole eggs on days you work out. Steel cut oats (a bag is cheap and should last you a couple of weeks.


I have the opposite problem - I need to gain weight and work out properly. Construction is a great way to lose body fat (my body fat percentage is ridiculously low, and I have abs :) ) but since I stopped going to the gym I've lost size in my chest/shoulders/arms.

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