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Kids these days, etc


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I was just at an easter party where I set up an easter egg hunt for a bunch of kids, about 3 boys and 4 girls. The boys were generally a bit obnoxious, dominating the easter egg hunt, getting all the eggs, while complaining they hadn't gotten nearly enough and refusing to share, etc. These boys were around grade 2 age, by the way. Probably normal behaviour for their age.


Anyway, when I was about to leave, I realized I had left something in the basement. When I went down, I saw the three boys down there horsing around. Anyway, before I even saw them, I heard one of them yell "FUCK HIM IN THE BUTT!". When I turned the corner into view, they froze and looked at me. One of them said "uh oh" and giggled. I just froze my face so as not to laugh, said nothing, walked between them, grabbed my stuff and left.


Now, I'll be clear here. I'm positive none of them are fucking any others in the butt. Get real.


But isn't that unusual slang for grade 2 kids? I remember kids saying "fuck" in grades 1 and 2, but "fuck him in the butt"? Who says that? In what context is that appropriate, especially for kids that probably don't really know what sex is? Watmmers with kids, can you shed some light on this?



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Guest zaphod

when i was in kindergarten i only vaguely knew what a vagina was, but i thought it was there exclusively for peeing. i thought you fucked a woman in her butt, planted a seed, and then in an emergency procedure, the full grown infant was surgically removed via taint. i may have also thought that a woman had to be frozen, a la parker's suggestion in alien, or at the very least quarantined, just after sex. i basically thought a child was a virus that had to be contained.

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Guest isaki


your childhood never happend unless you regularly showed your penis to people for lols


I did that once


no lols, just confusion

one time a friend folded his penis round and it made him look like he had a fanny. i don't know why he did it but it was funny


all these penis-related memories are coming to my mind now

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when i was in kindergarten i only vaguely knew what a vagina was, but i thought it was there exclusively for peeing. i thought you fucked a woman in her butt, planted a seed, and then in an emergency procedure, the full grown infant was surgically removed via taint. i may have also thought that a woman had to be frozen, a la parker's suggestion in alien, or at the very least quarantined, just after sex. i basically thought a child was a virus that had to be contained.

I like this theory very much. my personal conception theory around that age posited that a baby was conceived when a man and a woman passionately kissed. Seemed reasonable at the time.

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I feel that this was an expression they say, without needing any specific sexual understanding. Like, if one of them does something embarrassing the others yell "FUCK HIM IN THE BUTT" or something.


They must have known it was wrong though, because the frozen look of terror was priceless.

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I think kids take vulgar language a little bit further with each generation, and I can only imagine it's exponentially worse now that everyone grows up with internet access. Kids were saying "fuck" on the regular when I was in grade 3, so it doesn't surprise me that they've taken it that extra step 20+ years later.

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I always thought South Park nailed it with the way kids talk - they as 3rd and 4th graders regularly say just about every swear word possible yet none, save for Kenny, have any real idea what any sexual slang actually means. I moved around a lot as a kid, and it was a universal thing - there was always one kid who had a slightly better idea of what sex was or who had seen far more rated R or pornographic material, but that was about it.


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Guest Frankie5fingers

I think kids take vulgar language a little bit further with each generation, and I can only imagine it's exponentially worse now that everyone grows up with internet access. Kids were saying "fuck" on the regular when I was in grade 3, so it doesn't surprise me that they've taken it that extra step 20+ years later.

yeah, swearing really isnt what it used to be. the words have lost their meaning and kids just yell them out now cause they want to "rebel" and think its funny or some shit. but as each generation goes by it get worse and worse and like Josh says, these kids really have no idea what they are saying. they just know that their parents told them not to say it so they say it in front of their friends to show how cool they are.

you know, theres probably somewhere a kid whose first word was fuck just cause the parents thought it would be funny to teach a baby that word.

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I didn't know that fuck actually meant sex until 4th grade. These kids are just ahead of the curve, that's all. They found the Easter eggs pretty fast, so it's likely you had a future Einstein in that bunch. Be sure to tell their parents your findings.

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I think kids take vulgar language a little bit further with each generation, and I can only imagine it's exponentially worse now that everyone grows up with internet access. Kids were saying "fuck" on the regular when I was in grade 3, so it doesn't surprise me that they've taken it that extra step 20+ years later.

yeah, swearing really isnt what it used to be. the words have lost their meaning and kids just yell them out now cause they want to "rebel" and think its funny or some shit. but as each generation goes by it get worse and worse and like Josh says, these kids really have no idea what they are saying. they just know that their parents told them not to say it so they say it in front of their friends to show how cool they are.

you know, theres probably somewhere a kid whose first word was fuck just cause the parents thought it would be funny to teach a baby that word.


ah yes, the golden age of swears, back when we used to know what all the words meant, and only used them in appropriate situations. i remember those fucking gay ass bitch days fondly, bitch.

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i'm a pretty conservative guy (by watmm standards), but I'm not going to be spending a lot of time worrying about my daughter's language as long as it isn't hateful. not going to care if she swears. i'll do my best not to swear that much around her because it's polite, but i'm of the opinion, i guess i'm taking an artistic angle on this, that every word should be at your disposal to create a sentence and express yourself. i'm sure this would all change if she comes home from first grade muttering "cuntflaps" or something atrocious. but i guess what i'm trying to say there are bigger, more concerning battles out there, like keeping her away from snorting up oxycontin like every other kid in her class, or from just being a selfish, entitled individual, because that to me is the more frightening trend, is how selfish kids are getting while their parents seem to indulge their every want.

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Guest theSun

That's nothin, I once discovered a group of about a dozen five-year-olds maniacally chanting, "Skullfuck him to death! Skullfuck him to death!"


And they were actually in the process of doing it.



...I kept a straight face, as not to laugh, and proceeded to walk by as if nothing had happened.


wow seattle sounds pretty harsh

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Guest theSun

i'm a pretty conservative guy (by watmm standards), but I'm not going to be spending a lot of time worrying about my daughter's language as long as it isn't hateful. not going to care if she swears. i'll do my best not to swear that much around her because it's polite, but i'm of the opinion, i guess i'm taking an artistic angle on this, that every word should be at your disposal to create a sentence and express yourself. i'm sure this would all change if she comes home from first grade muttering "cuntflaps" or something atrocious. but i guess what i'm trying to say there are bigger, more concerning battles out there, like keeping her away from snorting up oxycontin like every other kid in her class, or from just being a selfish, entitled individual, because that to me is the more frightening trend, is how selfish kids are getting while their parents seem to indulge their every want.


as a kid who graduated (high school) from a middle class suburb in 2006, i can say this is absolutely the case.


my generation sucks.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



I think kids take vulgar language a little bit further with each generation, and I can only imagine it's exponentially worse now that everyone grows up with internet access. Kids were saying "fuck" on the regular when I was in grade 3, so it doesn't surprise me that they've taken it that extra step 20+ years later.

yeah, swearing really isnt what it used to be. the words have lost their meaning and kids just yell them out now cause they want to "rebel" and think its funny or some shit. but as each generation goes by it get worse and worse and like Josh says, these kids really have no idea what they are saying. they just know that their parents told them not to say it so they say it in front of their friends to show how cool they are.

you know, theres probably somewhere a kid whose first word was fuck just cause the parents thought it would be funny to teach a baby that word.


ah yes, the golden age of swears, back when we used to know what all the words meant, and only used them in appropriate situations. i remember those fucking gay ass bitch days fondly, bitch.

theres a time and place for everything, even for swearing.......Bitch

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Guest Aserinsky


I think kids take vulgar language a little bit further with each generation, and I can only imagine it's exponentially worse now that everyone grows up with internet access. Kids were saying "fuck" on the regular when I was in grade 3, so it doesn't surprise me that they've taken it that extra step 20+ years later.

yeah, swearing really isnt what it used to be. the words have lost their meaning and kids just yell them out now cause they want to "rebel" and think its funny or some shit. but as each generation goes by it get worse and worse and like Josh says, these kids really have no idea what they are saying. they just know that their parents told them not to say it so they say it in front of their friends to show how cool they are.

you know, theres probably somewhere a kid whose first word was fuck just cause the parents thought it would be funny to teach a baby that word.

My grandad's partner's family actually does this. He once went out to Ireland to meet her family and told me how he was totally confused when he met a group of two year old relatives for the first time, only to be greeted with "fuck off ye little shite" whilst their close family laughed. Apparently they teach children as many swear words as they can whilst they're young because they find it funny, but then punish them once they get to school age so when they reach 5 or 6, they don't see the rebellious appeal of repeating newly learnt swear words among their friends to impress them.


Growing up in a gypsy family was interesting as well, because normal swear words like fuck and shit were just part of the natural lexicon of a child; it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. God help you if you used an insult like "rat face" or "cod lips" though. Those phrases carried consequences.

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Guest Aserinsky

Close! The ones in Snatch are more Irish traveller than gypsy; there's a bit of a difference (think my family originated from Albania if memory serves me right). But yeah very similar!


Funny you mention Snatch, not meaning to derail the thread but what's even weirder is that I actually know the guy in the final scene with Brad Pitt. His name's Scott Welch, he used to box with my uncle (not gyspy uncle, but by all means still a prick) and worked for his roofing company for a while. As far as I know they're both still in contact and meet up whenever Brad is filming in the UK. Weird!

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Guest theSun

awesome, we don't really have any similarly nomadic people in america. at least none that have close social ties like snatch.


are there cons and shit that are passed down to the kids?

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Guest Aserinsky

Well I left with my mum just after my first birthday so I don't have enough first hand experience to give a definitive answer to that, but for what its worth I was taught that lying was a good thing and how to lie to people from a very early age. Having Aspergers though I sucked at understanding the concept and I'm crap at lying (as well as kinda gullible),


There was shady business going on with kids though; I remember seeing cousins who were no older than 7 at car boots sales (like flea markets for you non-UK peoples) going around asking people if they had any scrap iron trying to swindle from them. Kids these days.

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