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Read 5 and half books in 4 days and my mind is swelled to the point of breaking. But still managed to write 10 pages today. 90 pages left of reading and then work more on finishing my book WOOO I AM PUMPED UP I NEED MORE CAFFEINE IM A FRAGGING MONSTAR

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work more on finishing my book


do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?!




writing a book. I now have an official deadline for publication (signed a contract), so I really gotta bust my ass.

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work more on finishing my book


do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?!




writing a book. I now have an official deadline for publication (signed a contract), so I really gotta bust my ass.



No way?! Wow congrats man that's a major accomplishment. Do you have more details?

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work more on finishing my book


do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?!




writing a book. I now have an official deadline for publication (signed a contract), so I really gotta bust my ass.



No way?! Wow congrats man that's a major accomplishment. Do you have more details?




thx! none too much that Im ready to divulge at the moment, want to keep it all hush hush. But its essentially historical research, and certainly not oriented towards a mainstream/popular crowd...and I don't mean that in a condescending way, but this book covers a pretty localized subject, thus the actual market for such a topic is pretty small and will probably only cater to libraries and historical societies.


Hopefully Ill see a few hundred bucks out of it (not bloody likely).

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Guest jasondonervan



finally bought myself an SSD drive, nearly came in my beard at the speed windoze booted up


jea! my new build has a Samsung 840 Pro 256 GB SSD as the main drive and a couple of regular old 2TB HDDs for data storage. really makes a huge difference, everyone should have one.



Seems we're all in the same club. Time was I would boot my PC and pop to the kitchen to make a brew before sitting down to use it. Now, thanks to dat glorious SSD superiority, I'm lucky if I can make it across the room before it's ready to roll *smug phace*

Edited by jasondonervan
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While struggling to finish homework I figured out how to convert angles in decimal form to DMS format on my TI-83 so I could get that dangle on dat angle







Hey I'm having trouble graphing piecewise functions in my ti83 plus... Any clue on how to do that? =(

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Not a clue.




Some helpful tutorials appear to be online though:





I'm getting certified to be land surveyor and basically doing academic math for the first time in 10 years. I found out today though that despite my concerns I'm actually ahead of much of the class and the focus is less on theory and more on "know how to do this on a calculator." Last night I manually subtracting different angles, including arcminutes and seconds. Today a guy asked what angle minutes and seconds were. So...I feel a lot better about my standing in class.

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That's awesome man! Great job! I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm in a calculus course right now and unfortunately it's all about the theory and showing my work on paper. Calculator isn't even allowed in the exam.


Sad panda. =(

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awesome day today. spent about 2 hours flying a 747 in the simulator at work today.


I think you just won that video game competition you tried to start a year or two ago.

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Guest Frankie5fingers


awesome day today. spent about 2 hours flying a 747 in the simulator at work today.


I think you just won that video game competition you tried to start a year or two ago.


flol yeah probably. whats even cooler is that the program we use can actually hook up to the net and play with other people. there are also fighter models we can load in. so i could play the most expensive (taxpayer) dogfight game ever. lol

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Started working out and eating right again as of last Sunday. Not even exaggerating, I'm down 5.5lbs and 0.4% body fat since then!


Combination of p90x2 and keto-dieting ftw!


My goal is to be 13-15% b/f and 210-215lbs by the end of the second phase (60 days).

Edited by StephenG
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Guest Frankie5fingers

Started working out and eating right again as of last Sunday. Not even exaggerating, I'm down 5.5lbs and 0.4% body fat since then!


Combination of p90x2 and keto-dieting ftw!


My goal is to be 13-15% b/f and 210-215lbs by the end of the second phase (60 days).

way to go! ive actually been working out more too. or more accurately ive started working out. lol but ive really felt great lately and have lost a couple pounds.

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