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Guest Frankie5fingers

My new 6-string fretless bass got here today! WHOO! The thing sounds amazing and feels so right.



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Guest Frankie5fingers


My new 6-string fretless bass got here today! WHOO! The thing sounds amazing and feels so right.




no Ibanez. i was originally gonna go with a Carvin since many manufacturers dont usually do a 6-string fretless but before i did Ibanez released this little limited edition gem. even better, it was $900 dollars less than the Carvin.

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so just edit her post and add it.


edit: posted from my computah using the internets. help computah.

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Guest disparaissant

i just took an exam that i did not study for at all, finished it in 8 minutes, and got a B+. I'll call it a win.

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I passed my last test for my bachelors degree and just have to finish writing my thesis so I can start my masters program.


On a belated note I started running last night to catch my train and there happened to be a guy walking in front of me in a dark alley. I ran past him after he jumped to the side (must´ve scared him) and as soon as I´m past him I let go of a long and loud fart that I forced him to walk through. Being close to my train station I start walking again and realize it must´ve looked like I sped up just to fart on this dude.

I hope he wrote his side of the story down somewhere lol

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Guest Ron Manager

What's ironic is I actually used to like that aspect of their reviews: they were either very niche and informative (this is still the case with some genres - metal and experimental especially) OR they were often ranting diatribes of extreme lauding or dismissal. When they picked "Best New Music" it was a surprise, now I always know what artist is going to get BMN and the typical "8.5" rating. So when I read a review that was ridiculous and hyperbolic like the one you posted, I would always go and listen to it. It was like a litmus test.* Now they promote (indirectly) artists for weeks and months and even fucking run cover stories on artists the day before awarding a glowing review.


yeah, good point I suppose. at least back in the day when they awarded something like a 9.8 (which I seem to remember is what they gave Music Is Rotted One Note - another 'lost' review), I would usually take note - now 'Best New Music' is meaningless, and as you say, only ever results in a standard 8.5 and an uninteresting read. there's scarcely any amusement to be had any more (unless I'm a Pixies fan I guess) from reviews of albums I like that they hated and wrote about in silly but droll fashion (exhibit A, exhibit B).

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We had our finals-party at "art school" on Tuesday for which I made a 6 hour Ambient-set for the lounge-area, including a whole bunch of old Aphex, mid-90s-Autechre, Biosphere, Black Dog and some Dub Techno as well. I got a little too worked up mixing this thing, spend way too much time on it, even though I was sure nobody was going to pay attention anyway as long as there was some music playing. But I thought, if there's only one guy in the crowd who appreciates the tracks I chose, it's already worth it. I never thought I'd meet the guy though!


About 4 hours into the mix, a dude came forward and told me "I've been to so many different places, but it took me ten years to finally find one where someone included Ageispolis in their set, it's my favorite track in the world." - then he totally freaked out when he learned about the Mike & Rich -album that somehow he had never heard of.





Then my professor punched a guy in the face because he had bled on his shoe. Even better.

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Guest disparaissant

saw a guy with a sign that said "first they murdered 50 million babies, now they can't figure out marriage?" and passing out fliers. saw that he was about to speak to me so i took a deep breath and made the loudest, longest fart noise i could muster. what a good start to my morning.

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saw a guy with a sign that said "first they murdered 50 million babies, now they can't figure out marriage?" and passing out fliers. saw that he was about to speak to me so i took a deep breath and made the loudest, longest fart noise i could muster. what a good start to my morning.


You literally handled that in the best way conceivable.

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saw a guy with a sign that said "first they murdered 50 million babies, now they can't figure out marriage?" and passing out fliers. saw that he was about to speak to me so i took a deep breath and made the loudest, longest fart noise i could muster. what a good start to my morning.


You literally handled that in the best way conceivable.



seconded. also lol.

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I can feel my power/influence increasing at work (since my promotion about a month ago), and even though things are getting super crazy due to my new responsibilities, it feels weirdly awesome.

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Guest disparaissant

my friend shane is on the phone in the dining room talking to his boyfriend kinda loudly so i fired up teamviewer on my laptop, took control of the iMac that's sitting in the dining room, opened a new word document and wrote SHANE THIS IS THE COMPUTER TALKING TO YOU. FEED ME A CAT!

5 seconds later

"oh my god… oh, uh. sorry. i got distracted."

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my friend shane is on the phone in the dining room talking to his boyfriend kinda loudly so i fired up teamviewer on my laptop, took control of the iMac that's sitting in the dining room, opened a new word document and wrote SHANE THIS IS THE COMPUTER TALKING TO YOU. FEED ME A CAT!

5 seconds later

"oh my god… oh, uh. sorry. i got distracted."





also flol at previous post re: fart noises

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Finally installed a motion-activated flood light above the door to the storage shed at my residence. I made a mistake or two along the way, but it works, and that's all that matters now.

(Dammit I hate inadvertently starting a new page)

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