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Superman / Batman - the movie (2015)

Rubin Farr

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Guest Gary C

Affleck could be good. Makes sense as Bruce Wayne, less so as Batman. He's an unremarkable and safe bet, though. Not so unknown that it'll ruin his career, but just enough of a big name to get press.


The major problem I have with this whole movie is that Superman was so overpowered in Man of Steel. He punched Sri Lanka for about 20mins. How are Batman or Lex supposed to survive even a swipe of his hand? Sure, they'll probably be armoured up, but still. The Superman that Snyder has created is immensely destructive.

And if Superman is worried about how much damage he's made in the first film, then why am I going to interested if he spends the sequel holding himself back? Fuck. Snyder blew his load so early and so hard that making the sequel more 'epic' is going to look like a joke.


Affleck, though. Fine, whatever. To make Batman work in this world he'll need to be reinvented away from the Nolan films anyway. And in a combo-movie it'll mean they'll need the audience to write their own backstory. Getting Bale to play Batman simply couldn't have worked if they need to rework the character.


I have almost no excitement for this movie. But I'm hoping to be pleasantly entertained by the car-crash.

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if they do something like the confrontational vibe of the Batman / Superman Public Enemies animated TV movie I could see it working. I just hope to god they don't actually draw too much from the Frank Miller stuff. I don't want to see a gritty 'realistic' crime drama take on the justice league

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lol there are apparently over 30 online petitions to have Affleck banned from this role plus someone has also petitioned the white house directly requesting Affleck not only be banned from playing Batman, but also from playing any other superhero role for the next 200 years.

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You prolly know this already but I gave up on all super-hero movies in the same dimension that I gave up on 98% of blockbuster film production. It don't mean much, I'm just one guy, you know but just wanted to say I'll be checking out the recent movie thread as you weep you been disapoint. Just sayin'

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its a really weird movie that goes all over the place. Some parts of it are actually good, they fail trying to channel the silver age stuff. I would have actually given the movie huge points if they threw Krypto and super girl in there and had Superman fighing mr mxyzptlk

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i dont care for any of the original superman movies. mxyzptlk would be pretty hard to work into a live action movie but i guess it could be done, but it would probably be impossible to have it be some great 'epic' which all superhero movies are trying to be now, and which the studios probably expect before forking over tons of cash to front these things. mxyzptlk stories are pure gimmick of how superman will get him to say his name backwards. heh, how could you do a whole movie around that?


it would be possible somehow, to do it, and have it be cool, but it'd be pretty tricky to write, and it'd probably never get the green light. i do think there are lots of villians they haven't used in superman movies, like brainiac (i don't count the computer in superman III), mongul, darkseid, toyman, metallo, bizarro (not counting superman IV), and honestly they still haven't even delivered a good luthor. they need to do a luthor that does for the character what nicholson did for joker and then what ledger did for the character again. they need to make luthor actually a badass who grabs the viewers and creates some big drama. spacey was the exact opposite of what the character needed.



edit- i guess if you had mxyzptlk as not the main villain but a side-nuisance that maybe superman could even use to deal with the main threat, that might work. but then it'd be probably way too obvious that that's how it was going to go and mxy would just be kind of a shallow deus ex machina style plot device.

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I agree about luthor, i think this guy should play him


guy who played sinestro in the crap green lantern movie

Brainiac would be hard to do because of cultural imprints like the Borg. people would be like 'why is superman fighting some guy who's talking like the borg'
but i'm all for it

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does anyone here think it's possible we'll get a silver age interpretation of a DC or marvel comic in the future? It seems like Ant-man fits the bill, and the Avengers was pretty garish and campy in it's approach so i guess that might be the closest thing

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Guest zaphod

does anyone here think it's possible we'll get a silver age interpretation of a DC or marvel comic in the future? It seems like Ant-man fits the bill, and the Avengers was pretty garish and campy in it's approach so i guess that might be the closest thing


guardians of the galaxy is your best bet. calling it now, it will make more money than batman/superman. or it will tank spectacularly.

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