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Mayhem ensues after no indictment over Michael Brown killing


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Libertarian perspective on Ferguson: police have evolved into state-sponsored bullies and can't be trusted. Thus, public security should be privatized



(although using libertarian definitions, they were always state-sponsored bullies lol)

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Libertarian perspective on Ferguson: police have evolved into state-sponsored bullies and can't be trusted. Thus, public security should be privatized



(although using libertarian definitions, they were always state-sponsored bullies lol)



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btw this is all triggered by that libertarian shiz

Yep they're (obviously) very keen to lay all the blame at the government's door. Although in some sense here I agree with them, in that police = government.


I certainly wouldn't opt for private security forces (the most cost-effective solution to fight crime is not necessarily the best solution for the community). But the world - and the US in particular - needs policing to be smaller-scale, with police drawn from the local population, enforcing local rules with local accountability, and none of this bullshit Afghanistan mindset where officers are armed to the tits and treat weed growers like suicide bombers.


I bet if the St Louis County police were properly locally accountable, the Ferguson riots would not have happened

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hmm that troops thing is interesting. where did you see that? i thought they learned shit like that will only fan the flames.


i really don't support general rioting and all that and i would wager those people don't give a shit about the situation, they just want to make it about their own selfish gains. violence begets violence.


having read into the cops version of the case, he seems to be going for the whole 'i was so scared and just didn't know what to do' angle which just doesn't stick for me. i mean, i'm sure he's right, but it doesn't equal you getting off scott free. your job comes with a huge degree of responsibility and if you cannot place a suspect under arrest without it ending with them being shot then find a way to arrest them properly. call for backup, take a photo or just a mental note and sort it out later. sign an affidavit attesting to what you saw and sort it out in court.


inconsistent bits: why would michael pretend to reach for a gun or even act agressively in the face of an armed officer? i'd say the cop must have done something to piss him off (aside from just being a cop). the only time people would act like that is if they were drunk or fucked on crack or meth, and that doesn't seem to be the case. also if these dudes were guilty why didn't they flee? there are two of them and one of him. also why are they flashing stolen cigarillos in the presence of a cop car?


Some news guy tweeted the numbers. All good points. I mean if you're going to refuse to carry non-lethal forms of defense then you're basically guaranteed to have to kill someone if the situation presents itself.



Just as a matter of perspective, In Ferguson right now there are 2,200 US troops, and in Iraq there are 3,100. It seems like people are trying to organize a mass protest for black friday called #blackoutblackfriday, and also promoting the idea that no one should spend a dime either.

I wonder if these protests and riots will start encompassing the general malcontentedness people have of the prevailing system, inequality, the citizenry feeling powerless or apathetic in making a difference through the democratic process, abuse of authority, the surveillance state and so on. Shit is going really wrong all over the place.

Been skeptical about accelerationism, but starting to feel like 'lets run this shit to the ground' and hopefully what will come from the ruins will be a better and more equal world. The downside is that it will cause plenty of death and suffering. Yet I bet the ones least affected by it would be the ones who put us in this mess in the first place.


I think it's already taking that angle, but I hope it continues to do so. Structural change is the way, not destruction.

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congregation of cops = fascism, neanderthals wrecking the streets = democracy.


The ability to take a complex issue and paint it into black and white statements that no one has really said...


/pure eugene

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Why are you posting this reductive nonsense? It doesn't take a lot of thought to understand that the looters/rioters do not = protesters. There are/will be/always have been people who behave badly in opportune situations, but that by no means is a reflection of the message that the protesters are conveying in this situation. The text on this picture is dishonest and only meant to diminish the message of the people fighting for justice, equality, and an end to heavy-handed oppression. Please, if you're going to participate in this debate/thread then do better than copy/pasting propaganda.

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Here's a great article criticizing the use of military grade armed forces as crowd control. Mind you, the military is assisting with arrests made on US soil. Is it even legal to do that?




Why are these guys... ferguson-police-2.jpg



...being used to police these citizens?





And is this not obvious evidence of widespread oppression in the United States? Who is coming to these protests armed with blunt weapons, armor, chemical weapons, and crowd control devices, and who is coming to these protests armed with cameras and signs? Who is the aggressor in these situations?

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Because they're dealing with a gathering of blacks males all pumped up to do what they do best which is destroy everything:



You think they're gonna play pokemon on the new 3DS system? Stop being disingenuous.


This is not something confined to a certain racial group, and the protests have been made up of people of all races. Your statement is pretty much a confession that you're a racist, but besides that, If they are there to stop everything from getting destroyed in Ferguson then why was there massive chaos, looting, and fires? They obviously weren't there to stop that from happening or they failed massively at their duty. Also, to be fair, the people in that video aren't destroying anything. They are just fighting each other. It's sad that people are so obtuse they can't understand why a low income, oppressed, and disadvantaged group acts out in an uncivilized manner. White people are not immune from this type of behavior either


Pharrell Williams seems to be the only black celebrity to come out and question Michael Brown's behavior and upbringing.


I don't think a lot of people support Mike Brown's behavior. I think a lot of people are wondering why committing crime gives officers a right to shoot you to death, and why there are so many inconsistencies/bad behavior concerning the handling of the case.





Here's a great video explaining some key issue with witness #10



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