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Mayhem ensues after no indictment over Michael Brown killing


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malware alerts all over the place on that site.


got like 15 warnings in 5 seconds.

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Huge amount of LA protesters just got arrested under unlawful assembly laws, or in other words, your levels of freedom are determined by the state not the constitution.

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this happened in 07 or 08 in my hometown, white dude was gunned down at sheetz over suspected joint rolling.

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It's a shame that store owners who have nothing to do with any of this have their businesses (and lives) ruined by these freedom fighters, but I'm afraid it's the only way the people can become truly free from the violent oppressors. When it comes to freedom, no sacrifice is too great.



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It seemed well documented at least. But I'll make a point to avoid salon links. It does for sure lie with the rich and corporate controlled government. The system is old, and frankly it's outdated. Government needs to be structured to give each individual more power. If everything was a popular vote in a direct democracy tons of these issues would be solved already. Weed would be legal, wars would be stopped, drugs decriminalized, police demilitarized, education reform, etc. etc. Instead we are having to use all our resources to keep track of the sneaky shit our government is trying to pull while we are at work.

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It's a shame that store owners who have nothing to do with any of this have their businesses (and lives) ruined by these freedom fighters, but I'm afraid it's the only way the people can become truly free from the violent oppressors. When it comes to freedom, no sacrifice is too great.




I think it's important to make a distinction between rioters and protesters.

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Foil and Roasty are obviously taking the piss. Most likely trying to get a reaction out of me, but I know them too well. I can already imagine the chatmm conversations going on about my preachy shit.

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I'm thankful everyday for police that risk their lives every day to serve and protect. In the case of Fergusson, a man robbed a store, and then ASSAULTED a policeman. I'm sorry but if you play with fire you might just get burnt. It's sad that he got burnt, but he brought it on himself. If you want to live that lifestyle there are always going to be repurcussions.


Mistakes are made, no one is perfect. It's the media that's turning everything into race-wars and filling people's head with nonsense. (EG: The media reporting the accounts of false witnesses to the Michael Brown shooting)


There's people alive right now that fought for real civil rights for african americans, when they weren't allowed to go into bathrooms and use the same facilities as whites. Now we have people in the streets burning down businesses, looting, and inciting violence -- because a young black man robbed a store and then assaulted law enforcement and was dealt with the way anyone of any race would have been dealt with. Those civil rights leaders are saddened by what the youth as become.

(I'll give you the email of a professor at a college here that is one of those leaders and feels this way if you believe i'm pulling that out of my ass)

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lol at misdirected civil rights angstaygers protesting ferguson around the world. Obama told you to do it guys, if he's wanting you to do it, the drone lord and his media minions, well you know that it's just an operation to get you hyped about something that doesn't matter in the scheme of things. And even worse in this case, the cop was fully exonerated with black witnesses corroborated his story. An hood attacks a cop with deadly intent and gets killed, people riot, the world's uni students fall about in sign wielding conniptions. Meanwhile the whole machinery of government creates, funds and finances islamic state which is wholesale massacring tens of thousands of men, women and children, nary a peep, well except that SUV sales have gone up because the price of oil has taken a tumble, got to have that blinged out SUV to get to the demo yo.

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It sounds like he is lying as part of an attempt to exonerate this cop. You can literally hear the doubt in his voice. It doesn't add up with this.



Also, I posted a video earlier that explains how witness 10 changed his testimony.




There is also a multitude of evidence explaining changes in Darren Wilson's story, changing witness testimony, breaking of standard procedure regarding Wilson and the police force.


Or if you like to speculate about these types of things. There is a connection between Prosecutor Mccullough, and a fundraiser T-shirt sale that benefited both Darren Wilson, and The Backstoppers, an organization of which Prosecutor Mccullough is the President.






Now, there was a statement issued supposedly clearing that connection, but to me it screams of crafty public relations maneuvering.




Or maybe you find it interesting that Prosecutor Mcculloughs father was a cop killed by a criminal when he was only 12 years old.





Anyway, I think at the very least they should have appointed a different prosecutor for the sake of fairness. It's an exceptional thing that there was no indictment issue in this case considering this information.


Former New York state Chief Judge Sol Wachtler famously remarked that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” The data suggests he was barely exaggerating: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them.





Here is a transcript of the grand jury proceedings if anyone is interested.



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