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Fat Shaming?


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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


People have their reasons for being how they are. Best thing is to let things take their course, whatever that may imply.






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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Honestly some of the worst advice I've ever seen anyone post on here, lol.

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It's just not realistic is it, thinking you can shame people into being a certain way. I'm not saying it's ok to be a serial killer, but it's difficult almost impossible to control that sort of thing.


Especially in the case of serial killers who's reasons for being the way they are, are often intricate and difficult to untangle even after they've been captured and analyzed etc.

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Guest skibby

the fact that people can experience shame is problem number one. there are so many types of shaming. in fact there are so many types of self pity, probably thousands of types. as long as they can think, we'll have our problems.


if you can be shamed, maybe you deserve to be shamed. get over yourself i say.


dumbasses shaming people are just as dumb as overindulging in the self important act of self pity and feeling shame.


the meme 'shaming' is itself a shame. cant wait till that word bites the dust, its such a cliche.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

It's just not realistic is it, thinking you can shame people into being a certain way. I'm not saying it's ok to be a serial killer, but it's difficult almost impossible to control that sort of thing.


Especially in the case of serial killers who's reasons for being the way they are, are often intricate and difficult to untangle even after they've been captured and analyzed etc.


Trying to shame people for being overweight is a really shitty thing to do. The way you went on to say essentially 'people have their reasons for being the way they are, just let them do whatever they like no matter the consequences', that's not a good idea. The serial killer is an extreme example, but even if you had an overweight friend who was clearly unhappy - how is doing nothing and letting them just exist in that rut going to help? Trying to talk to them about it in an understanding manner shouldn't be taboo, even if they're unhappy with you for bringing up the touchy subject in the first place. Helping each other is what friends do.

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It's just not realistic is it, thinking you can shame people into being a certain way. I'm not saying it's ok to be a serial killer, but it's difficult almost impossible to control that sort of thing.


Especially in the case of serial killers who's reasons for being the way they are, are often intricate and difficult to untangle even after they've been captured and analyzed etc.


Trying to shame people for being overweight is a really shitty thing to do. The way you went on to say essentially 'people have their reasons for being the way they are, just let them do whatever they like no matter the consequences', that's not a good idea. The serial killer is an extreme example, but even if you had an overweight friend who was clearly unhappy - how is doing nothing and letting them just exist in that rut going to help? Trying to talk to them about it in an understanding manner shouldn't be taboo, even if they're unhappy with you for bringing up the touchy subject in the first place. Helping each other is what friends do.




you don't find cooking classes in school anymore (this is an interesting history, food corprations decades ago in American eradicated these classes from schools). imo cooking is a fundamental skill that is important to know in order to feed yourself not just healthy but tasty and rewarding simple meals at least.


a lot of obese people just don't have a clue what is actually healthy anymore because marketing has warped everyone's fucking brains.




food ^




not really food ^^


that boxed garbage is so engineered that it overrides physiological satiety mechanisms. oh yeah, it tastes great. it also leaves people a LOT more likely to seek more food. the most dangerous aspect of processed food is that it stimulates larger appetite. this is what i referenced in my last big post with an annoying citation.


instead of shaming fat people, teach them the way. encourage and educate when it's appropriate and not rude. some obese people are going to be willingly ignorant but the vast majority DO NOT WANT TO BE FAT. they're often just a little lost and feeling terribly hopeless in a world full of scorn. lift a brother and sister up and invite them over for a nutritious and tasty home cooked dinner or something.

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We still have cooking classes in our highschools (Canada) thank god!


There is home cooking and commercial foods (kitchen/restaraunt). Nevertheless, this generation continues to be more and more obese in Canada as well.


Shit I'm 225lbs myself. >.<

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It was mostly at those who were saying shaming I'd somehow a good way at approaching matters. I'd still say letting people work it out on their own is a good option as it will give them more satisfaction in the long run, albeit it might take longer time. Depends on the individual situation.

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It's just not realistic is it, thinking you can shame people into being a certain way. I'm not saying it's ok to be a serial killer, but it's difficult almost impossible to control that sort of thing.


Especially in the case of serial killers who's reasons for being the way they are, are often intricate and difficult to untangle even after they've been captured and analyzed etc.


Trying to shame people for being overweight is a really shitty thing to do. The way you went on to say essentially 'people have their reasons for being the way they are, just let them do whatever they like no matter the consequences', that's not a good idea. The serial killer is an extreme example, but even if you had an overweight friend who was clearly unhappy - how is doing nothing and letting them just exist in that rut going to help? Trying to talk to them about it in an understanding manner shouldn't be taboo, even if they're unhappy with you for bringing up the touchy subject in the first place. Helping each other is what friends do.




you don't find cooking classes in school anymore (this is an interesting history, food corprations decades ago in American eradicated these classes from schools). imo cooking is a fundamental skill that is important to know in order to feed yourself not just healthy but tasty and rewarding simple meals at least.


a lot of obese people just don't have a clue what is actually healthy anymore because marketing has warped everyone's fucking brains.




food ^




not really food ^^


that boxed garbage is so engineered that it overrides physiological satiety mechanisms. oh yeah, it tastes great. it also leaves people a LOT more likely to seek more food. the most dangerous aspect of processed food is that it stimulates larger appetite. this is what i referenced in my last big post with an annoying citation.


instead of shaming fat people, teach them the way. encourage and educate when it's appropriate and not rude. some obese people are going to be willingly ignorant but the vast majority DO NOT WANT TO BE FAT. they're often just a little lost and feeling terribly hopeless in a world full of scorn. lift a brother and sister up and invite them over for a nutritious and tasty home cooked dinner or something.



See, this a good post.


Increased illumination on subject is the way forward really. People do have the free will to change mentality once gained a greater knowledge on the subject, and changes will most likely happen because of this gain of knowledge, since most people are capable of sensible decisions.


But some need a little gentle friendly push though, and maybe being challenged a bit (which I kind of did to be honest).


I was at this (forced) diet course when I was younger, which everybody in my workplace had to attend to, at first I was very skeptic and didn't care about it at all, but when the different food's effects on the body, and also the mental benefits of healthy living was explained in a orderly, professional and detailed fashion, it pretty much changed my life in terms of lifestyle.


All this moralizing maybe gets a bit annoying, but there kind of need to be a mentality change for many:





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It was mostly at those who were saying shaming I'd somehow a good way at approaching matters. I'd still say letting people work it out on their own is a good option as it will give them more satisfaction in the long run, albeit it might take longer time. Depends on the individual situation.

I was just razzin' ya. I had a good idea of what you meant.

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All this moralizing maybe gets a bit annoying, but there kind of need to be a mentality change for many:







Must be from texas - home of the doublewide.

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Guest Barung




All this moralizing maybe gets a bit annoying, but there kind of need to be a mentality change for many:







Must be from texas - home of the doublewide.


Also home of the double cup, too many jolly ranchers going with it and you'll get fat as hell

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'Fat shaming' means making people feel ashamed of themselves for being fat. Like all words/phrases, it is somewhat ambiguous and therefore your point of view may also depend on your interpretation of the term.


I'm not sure a moralistic interpretation of the term is the most sensible here - there are reasons in different domains for being fat, which are both outside and within an individuals control, and commenting on or insulting someone's weight could be useful, harmful or harmless, depending on the intent, the way it is said, the nature of the person listening, the relationship they have to the person commenting and so on.


So maybe analysing the origin of the term would be more useful - maybe what the term is reacting to (like Spiral kind of said earlier) is the sense that there is a certain kind vitriol directed towards fat people which comes from a culture which takes 'realising' yourself as an ethical imperative.


I'm not sure that either side (anti or pro 'fat-shaming') is primarily moral/ethical - there may be other reasons for peoples' attitudes either way.

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Would probably be easier to just call it Bullying. Fat shaming, thin shaming, whatever, it's all bullying in the end, one person assuming they're above another and mocking them for it.


Don't do that. Let's be cool to each other.


Also, if you want to get fat on purpose, here's a handy guide - http://askdrfeeder.dyndns.org/dtgf.html

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Would probably be easier to just call it Bullying. Fat shaming, thin shaming, whatever, it's all bullying in the end, one person assuming they're above another and mocking them for it.


Don't do that. Let's be cool to each other.




I'd also like to add that shame, by its proper definition, is not a bad thing and something that various other aspects of society could actually use a bit more of. If you engage in some sort of morally reprehensible behavior, you should feel shame, and that shame amongst your peer group should inhibit you from further engaging in it - of course this rarely happens until a person gets caught, and even then they're 1001 ways of cognitive dissonance dodging ways to short-circuit the process, but that's for another lecture entirely. People, especially your fearless leaders, should be held accountable for their ethics. If you cheat on your wife you should feel shame. If you send men, women, and countless civilians to die in a war under false pretenses then you should feel shame. If you brutally berate an flight attendant for serving you nuts improperly then you should feel shame. If you get caught sending dick pics multiple times then you should feel shame. If you appear on tv every night to spout lies and hatred only to further the agenda of powers that be then you should feel shame. If you're a supreme court justice (you know sworn to uphold freedom, justice, equality and whatnot) and vote/argue that corporations are people and that anything other than quid pro quo does not constitute corruption, then you should feel shame.


Sorry for the Foxworthian ramble, but anyway too many people who should feel shame have none whatsoever, which by some perverse corollary to natural selection benefits themselves to the detriment of others.


This is when I usually blast this:

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Fat Shaming Role Playing Fetish In Zero Gravity 3D: The Movie/Trapaholics Mixtape part 4: Lena Dunham's Choose Your Own Rape Adventure: A Young Adult Novel Tiramisu Flavored Cereal Made Me A Millionaire And Everyone I Know Diabeetus And I'm On A Coke Fueled Hot Air Balloon Ride Into An Uncertain Future When All Of A Sudden, The Sky Goes dark and the land beneath me turns to pasta and marinara sauce and ive never felt such a strong urge to be parmesan.

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don't worry guys, you are beautiful whatever size you are. unless of course you have tits, tits don't belong on a man. unless you're a man who wants to be a woman in which case go right ahead. i'm not just talking large pecs, large pecs are ok. i'm talking big fat floppy tits. like these.



Oh man, this post takes me right back to being 12 and wanting to kill myself for having very slight "bitch tits" that kids would fucking grab and punch and slap and laugh at publicly in front of teachers who did nothing.


Good times, good times.

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