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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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Speaking of "patriotic Stockholm Syndrome"




Context = US C130 attacking médecins sans frontières hospital over the course of half an hour, no terrorists were killed in the making of the demolishing of this building. Didn't we donate money to that organisation? Wonder if any of our contribution got vaporized ?

it was a mistake, and they're rebuilding the hospital and paying compensation to the victims. I'm not so sure russia would do the same.




omg are you out of the loop. The hospital was the only building in an area surrounded by farmland and well known to both the US military and the afghan administration, it was under sustained attack for 20 minutes, the doctors in the hospital called the US command to tell them to stop firing at them and yet it continued, there were no 'terrorists' present, the US initially denied the action, médecins sans frontières has called it a war crime [Christopher Stokes, general director of Médecins Sans Frontières, said in a statement late 4 October 2015: "MSF is disgusted by the recent statements coming from some Afghanistan government authorities justifying the attack on its hospital in Kunduz. These statements imply that Afghan and U.S. forces working together decided to raze to the ground a fully functioning hospital – with more than 180 staff and patients inside – because they claim that members of the Taliban were present. This amounts to an admission of a war crime." Stokes said, "If there was a major military operation going on there, our staff would have noticed. And that wasn't the case when the strikes occurred." On 5 October, the organization released a statement saying, "Their [u.S.] description of the attack keeps changing -- from collateral damage, to a tragic incident, to now attempting to pass responsibility to the Afghanistan government...There can be no justification for this horrible attack."], they are not rebuilding a hospital, the organisation has withdrawn all of it's staff from the region, and on and on. You need to find somewhere else to get your news, honestly, words from some stooge at the state department being repeated by some talking head on abc or sbs, maketh not information worth repeating. The reason why the US did this was to get médecins sans frontières out of an area within which they are ramping up their push back against the taliban. They don't want anyone from the west to witness the coming atrocities obviously. And this is not the first time the US has attacked an hospital. A habit they must have picked up from israel, who is well known for it's brave actions against evil humanitarian targets, like UN run schools, hospitals, food banks and so forth.


As for the russia comment, /shakes head in disbelief .. please stop watching mainstream news already. all of you.

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FOX News da best news. Since news in Japan is pretty controlled, I like to get my weekly FOX News coverage delivered to me on VHS tapes wrapped in bubblewrap made of anthrax and Native American tears.

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Delet, you single handedly killed and turned this fairly colorful and fun picture party into a fucking awkward truther nightmare.


Well done.


Hey, let's talk about chem trails!

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Delet, you single handedly killed and turned this fairly colorful and fun picture party into a fucking awkward truther nightmare.


Well done.


Hey, let's talk about chem trails!


i don't know what your problem is squee, i posted what i thought was a funny picture about obama which interestingly had a connection to an organisation we gave money to so was funny and salient at the same time, then someone tries to 'school' me on what i wrote with an argument based in 'untruth', which i corrected. Maybe we should derogatorily and unironically label these people who go around moaning about political discussion that they find uncomfortable to think about, 'untruthers'. Would you enjoy that squee, would that make your day. You come into a nice thread which occasionally gets derailed by many different users and then gets straight back on track, and "single handedly killed and turned this fairly colourful and fun picture party into a fucking awkward untruther nightmare."


heheh, seriouslor, i don't know why you're taking this all to heart lately squee, what's your beef. It used to be all good, you don't have to read posts that you're not interested in you know.

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Speaking of "patriotic Stockholm Syndrome"




Context = US C130 attacking médecins sans frontières hospital over the course of half an hour, no terrorists were killed in the making of the demolishing of this building. Didn't we donate money to that organisation? Wonder if any of our contribution got vaporized ?

it was a mistake, and they're rebuilding the hospital and paying compensation to the victims. I'm not so sure russia would do the same.




omg are you out of the loop. The hospital was the only building in an area surrounded by farmland and well known to both the US military and the afghan administration, it was under sustained attack for 20 minutes, the doctors in the hospital called the US command to tell them to stop firing at them and yet it continued, there were no 'terrorists' present, the US initially denied the action, médecins sans frontières has called it a war crime [Christopher Stokes, general director of Médecins Sans Frontières, said in a statement late 4 October 2015: "MSF is disgusted by the recent statements coming from some Afghanistan government authorities justifying the attack on its hospital in Kunduz. These statements imply that Afghan and U.S. forces working together decided to raze to the ground a fully functioning hospital – with more than 180 staff and patients inside – because they claim that members of the Taliban were present. This amounts to an admission of a war crime." Stokes said, "If there was a major military operation going on there, our staff would have noticed. And that wasn't the case when the strikes occurred." On 5 October, the organization released a statement saying, "Their [u.S.] description of the attack keeps changing -- from collateral damage, to a tragic incident, to now attempting to pass responsibility to the Afghanistan government...There can be no justification for this horrible attack."], they are not rebuilding a hospital, the organisation has withdrawn all of it's staff from the region, and on and on. You need to find somewhere else to get your news, honestly, words from some stooge at the state department being repeated by some talking head on abc or sbs, maketh not information worth repeating. The reason why the US did this was to get médecins sans frontières out of an area within which they are ramping up their push back against the taliban. They don't want anyone from the west to witness the coming atrocities obviously. And this is not the first time the US has attacked an hospital. A habit they must have picked up from israel, who is well known for it's brave actions against evil humanitarian targets, like UN run schools, hospitals, food banks and so forth.


As for the russia comment, /shakes head in disbelief .. please stop watching mainstream news already. all of you.



My two cents is that if you have reason to believe that one news organization can be corrupt, well the rest aren't 100% accurate either. There's just way too many factors to consider. So watch whatever news your comfortable with, but at the same time not believing that everything they say is fact. I'm not trying to attack or offend you, I just think it's decent advice that was worth a say.



Now, so as not to break the point of this thread. If you haven't caught up on PBF Comics (which may be my favorite web comic). Here's one of the newest ones. It's from last month.



By gum, this guy still makes me laugh. I love how the theme of most of his comics are turning something that seems so epic or just or cute or positive in nature into something so opposite. Or using the same type of humor the other way around. His ability to do that effectively is some of the best I've seen.

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Guest bitroast



lol! its like making a moebius strip out of a single image, that loops inside out of itself and flops out on the ground like an inside out gutted fish.

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