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If someone is prepared to work a minimum-wage part-time job that most people would rather die than do, then least give them fucking healthcare so they don't get in debt they could never pay off. The fact is, those people are needed and it's better if they're not turning to crime or committing suicide. Also people who work full-time on min. wage can barely afford housing etc.


If every single min. wage employee just suddenly stopped working and were like "Nah actually I'm gonna go to Uni and then get myself a high paid job and pay for my own fucking healthcare directly".. it just wouldn't fucking work out m8


Maybe a way for you to understand is like.. keep the worker bees happy so we don't have to deal with too much anti-social behaviour innit


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it's really difficult to talk about real world implications because there's just too many systems and variables involved, you could have a really long and boring exchange of arguments and counterarguments when it comes to this.


i'm only trying to figure out why the idea that paying for someone who is actually able to pay for himself doesn't sound obscene, and people are pushing the universal x,y,z services instead of the so called "means tested", even on the theoretical level. maybe it's because it's hard disconnect the idea of irl from the theory.

Edited by eugene
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yeah, you seem to hold the notion that paying for people who are perfectly able and should be paying for themselves is somehow not a bad idea.


No I don't. I believe you're a bellend though.

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I can imagine eugene going into a bookstore and say "Can I get the complete Ayn Rand bibliography?" to which he will then say "Psyche! I already torrented it. What are you going to do about it lol."



Legend has it he is still letting people know he torrents everything and is feeling pretty smug about it.

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yeah, you seem to hold the notion that paying for people who are perfectly able and should be paying for themselves is somehow not a bad idea.


No I don't. I believe you're a bellend though.


if you support the notion of universal free healthcare, education and whatever you do exactly that, maybe you just don't realize how that mechanism works so that's the actual issue?

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I find it creepy and disturbing that people who enjoy the first world are against sharing it, reminds me of a kid who is possessive of a cool toy and doesn't want to share it with anyone.


I mean put yourself in the shoes of a father who witnessed his whole neighborhood being bombed and doesn't want his family to experience that shit, what would you do? Accept that fact and live in hell or try to escape and move your family to a more peaceful land.


I agree that is the people of the region need to revolt but its probably harder the it looks on paper, specially when its bombs vs sticks.



Wrong thread lol

Edited by Deer
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yeah, you seem to hold the notion that paying for people who are perfectly able and should be paying for themselves is somehow not a bad idea.


No I don't. I believe you're a bellend though.


if you support the notion of universal free healthcare, education and whatever you do exactly that, maybe you just don't realize how that mechanism works so that's the actual issue?



Yeah you're exactly right, my left wing brain just doesn't get it - I'm so overwhelmed with compassion 24/7 I can't use reason or logic anymore.

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fuck the wrong threadedness, i'll reply anyway.

I find it creepy and disturbing that people who enjoy the first world are against sharing it, reminds me of a kid who is possessive of a cool toy and doesn't want to share it with anyone.


who wants to share anything ever? do you always share your stuff each time you meet a poor person?

the fear is that such big wave of migrants will make things real shitty for people. i mean you only need to convince them that that fear is unsubstantiated, but you can't really, can you?

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Your second point is fair altho I think fear is the current state of mind of the world and it warps the way we see things, we probably blow things out of proportion because of fear


Your first point is lol, I hope you are trolling.

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yeah, you seem to hold the notion that paying for people who are perfectly able and should be paying for themselves is somehow not a bad idea.


No I don't. I believe you're a bellend though.


if you support the notion of universal free healthcare, education and whatever you do exactly that, maybe you just don't realize how that mechanism works so that's the actual issue?



Yeah you're exactly right, my left wing brain just doesn't get it - I'm so overwhelmed with compassion 24/7 I can't use reason or logic anymore.


jesus, it's not the point. it's just a honest realization that the universal whatevers are blunt tools that often take money from people who earned it and give them to fuckups who you would never thought of supporting if you had a direct interaction with them. i mean i too support subsidized shit because it makes things easier for me, but at least i don't lie to myself about its fairness, as i said it's often not fair at all.

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Your second point is fair altho I think fear is the current state of mind of the world and it warps the way we see things, we probably blow things out of proportion because of fear


Your first point is lol, I hope you are trolling.

how come is is trolling? how often do you really share things with people you have zero in common, or don't identify with them on some level? you share things with your close ones, but just random people? almost never i'm sure.

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yeah, you seem to hold the notion that paying for people who are perfectly able and should be paying for themselves is somehow not a bad idea.


No I don't. I believe you're a bellend though.


if you support the notion of universal free healthcare, education and whatever you do exactly that, maybe you just don't realize how that mechanism works so that's the actual issue?



Yeah you're exactly right, my left wing brain just doesn't get it - I'm so overwhelmed with compassion 24/7 I can't use reason or logic anymore.


jesus, it's not the point. it's just a honest realization that the universal whatevers are blunt tools that often take money from people who earned it and give them to fuckups who you would never thought of supporting if you had a direct interaction with them. i mean i too support subsidized shit because it makes things easier for me, but at least i don't lie to myself about its fairness, as i said it's often not fair at all.



What about children? What about people who can't work because of disability or life changing injuries? What about people who are retired or spend their lives caring for a loved one? Are they all fuckups too?

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what about reading what i actually write in my posts? of course those are not the people i'm talking about. it would be a pretty pointless argument to have.

What do you mean by fuckups then, people on low incomes who can't afford private healthcare? People with substance abuse problems? People who can't find work who are claiming benefits?


Where do you draw the line that decides who deserves to live or die?

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where would you draw that line? would you be ok with endlessly supporting an alcoholic who doesnt seem to do any effort to deal with the problem? would you be ok with supporting someone who lost his money due to gambling, for example?

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where would you draw that line? would you be ok with endlessly supporting an alcoholic who doesnt seem to do any effort to deal with the problem? would you be ok with supporting someone who lost his money due to gambling, for example?

hey man, i lost 50$ betting on a swedish cs:go team. doesn't mean i'm a bad person.


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Because I give a shit people other than myself - can you dig that? If not, sorry mate, you're a lost cause.

ok but why demand that from people who don't feel like caring for literally everyone? you could set up some charity yourself.

Because it should be an obligation as a citizen of the UK. If you don't like it maybe you could go and live in the Victorian era, or somewhere else where they don't have public healthcare and education - perhaps Indonesia? You could put your kids out on the street, selling their arses to pay for your root canal surgery. That'd be nice wouldn't it?

why the fuck should it be? no one should be forced to pay for some 25-35 y/o neckbeards subsistence and healthcare, for example.

We get it, you wish you didn't have to contribute to jeremy kyle guest

doss money.

where would you draw that line? would you be ok with endlessly supporting an alcoholic who doesnt seem to do any effort to deal with the problem? would you be ok with supporting someone who lost his money due to gambling, for example?

You *fundamentally* don't understand taxation

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Example (long story cut short....)


I have a family member who has wasted all of his inheritance money on alcohol. And I mean a lot of money, talking about £30,000+. I dunno the exact figure. He lives in a house with his sister, and basically the inheritance money was theirs to share and to help pay for their keep for a few years while they settle down.

They can no longer pay the rent on the house with just the sisters income, so they are being evicted.

My parents are helping to bail the sister out and pay a few months rent, but she is basically screwed and cannot afford to rent a place on her own.

I am pretty sure that he will end up in social housing, being looked after by the state.

Same may go for her due to the circumstances she has been dropped in.

Basically he has fucked up big time by secret drinking, getting pissed while she is out at work and turning into a loser. He has wasted all of their deceased parents savings.


Who is to blame in this situation, and who should pick up the bill?

Basically, he is to blame.

But my family and the state (everyone else who pays taxes) is paying for it.

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just remember the bigger picture. They know that they're losing control over UK politics and so this guy is one of their plays. i'd be happy to be wrong and maybe he's not trying to rock the (real) establishment too much by his views on europe etc. But given the past history of these 'game changer' candidates that they put up for us to marvel over (obama anyone), you really do need to keep an historical perspective and remember the bigger picture, which is that he's most likely scum and further that the labour party do not deserve any more votes ever at this point. So even if you like corbyn and he's the leader, you in your area might be voting for a new labour blairite candidate.

dude, just fucking consider for a second that you might be full of shit. blairites and others in labour made a serious effort to try n prevent Corbyn win (go and read about it cant be fucked explaining) and either quit or will only be backbenchers


if you think all that was a ruse,then u are silly





i usually expect clarity with your posts but this is borderline Chunky mate


he was 1 of the v few at the height of The Troubles to initiate dialog, which cunts like B.Liar took the props for


all politicians are inherently cunts because they think they have the ability to manage/change the world, but yer blowing out your arse ere




the blarites will still be standing for election as will the party members that voted for wars and all the privatisation that went on, no matter the leader.






hegemony will buy influence wherever it can


i'm just pleased to see a complete reversal ideologically from the Blair-ites and their septic brain storms that have caused a LOT of harm in the world since Tony B Liar took the PM post


electable? prob not, but at least this bloke and his ideologies are beyond the usual Blair-era bs


people like Liz Kendall and Yvette Cooper are insipid vacant cunts and we've had enough of those in recent years (&fk all to do with gender either, i meant cunts "generally")

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