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good ideas for the internet


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I remember the internet. Was so exciting and had so much potential when it started.


Now the whole thing looks like the front page of a tabloid newspaper. Or if you are lucky, it looks like the front page of a catalog you get in the junkmail.

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yeh blank, i agree.. but in all fairity, some people create a whole lot of self-centered drama over a whole lot of nothing

Seriously, go fuck yourself




P.S. The Internet is a vast and beautiful thing

Once you summon your inner Adblock



Sent from my pee-pee using poo-poo

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He was definitely entertaining

In a Charlie Sheen-meets-Donald Trump kinda way

But the 'I hate Jews' thing and the wild conspiracy shit was ultimately just pathetic and revolting

(Fuck, I wonder what Chunky is like IRL)



Sent from my Mind using Black Magic

I met chunky irl about 8 yrs ago, actually went round his house to play synthesizers ;) Ended up buying an mc202 off him. He didn't mention Jews. We didn't stay in touch, he didn't seem mental tho!

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I met chunky irl about 8 yrs ago, actually went round his house to play synthesizers ;) Ended up buying an mc202 off him. He didn't mention Jews.


this is cracking me up.

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Haha, maybe. My dad's family are jewish as well, which I suppose makes me one too. Did I do this?!


It doesn't actually, Jewish descent is matrilineal.

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No, looks too friendly to be shkreli.



Good idea for internets: automagically generated aspies index under each post. That way, peeps wouldnt take things so serious. I hope...



Aspies index of this post: 7/10

using the ordinary decimal system. A real aspies index would be either binary, or hexadecimal

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Thread highlight: The condemnation of chunky. Chunky was a bag of dicks. I think he must have been about 50 years old, we await Amen Warrior's confirmation of this. Such aloof self awareness in his threads, like telling people to keep an eye on Ddrummond from XLT because he'd unfriended Chunky on facebook, Chunky was obviously cut deep by this and was reaching out, so there was a sensitive manchild underneath the useless pile of shite that made up 99% of his DNA.


Thread lowlight: An underwhelming cameo by Dan C on page 4.

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He must've been mid 20s ish back then, so early/mid 30s now. All joking aside I really hope he's alright..I saw some of his last few messages and they were certifiably mental, but he definitely used to be more normal! Otherwise I wouldn't have risked a knob twiddling session at his studio.

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Wow, i thought he would be way older, like one of those burnt out acid freaks from the late 80's you sometimes see. Something must have happened to him that flipped the switch and it resulted in him blaming the jews for all the worlds problems. In his threads he was very guarded and not comfortable offering any reasons for his skewed logic. During his final days it was apparent that a full on meltdown was imminent.

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Wow, i thought he would be way older, like one of those burnt out acid freaks from the late 80's you sometimes see. Something must have happened to him that flipped the switch and it resulted in him blaming the jews for all the worlds problems. In his threads he was very guarded and not comfortable offering any reasons for his skewed logic. During his final days it was apparent that a full on meltdown was imminent.


normally that stuff would've taken place behind closed doors. now we've had a very private glimpse in the collapse of a person. the jews are very good at doing this to people who don't like them

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Holy shit this is gold.


Gotta love it when a guy has his latent mental-illness/schizophrenia exacerbated by psychedelics and a forum full of new age types recommend he find a good shamen and buy some magic stones in order to combat the 'electronic jews'

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