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Swans' Michael Gira accused of rape by singer Larkin Grimm

hello spiral

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I am sick of the feminist, men's rights, black lives matter, etc. shit. Stop taking sides and stop trying to act like the fucking victim. Be it gender based, raced based, anything. It won't solve anything. Why do people love to put themselves in a little box?


huu huu huu ..





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A short, reasoned, logical assessment of the basics of the issues of reporting rape: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-09-19/how-many-rape-reports-are-false


If someone says they were raped, you believe them unless you have solid undeniable evidence otherwise. Also, at the very same time, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. It may be confusing for some, but if you're a grown adult you should be able to allow both things to stand beside each other.


sent using magic space waves


"What we know is that we don't know. We should not presume that every rape victim is telling the truth because it would make it easier for victims to come forward. Nor should we presume that every rape accusation has a 50 percent chance of being false. We should look at the facts in each case and judge them with the knowledge that some women do lie about rape -- for revenge, to cover up some problem in their own lives, to get attention and sympathy from others. And also with the knowledge that men lie, too, violating their victims a second time in order to cover up their crimes. And that while men have gone to jail for rapes they did not commit, many other men have avoided the jail time they deserved for terrible crimes against women."


That is the most reasonable thing I've yet heard on the topic.



Indeed. Thanks!

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A short, reasoned, logical assessment of the basics of the issues of reporting rape: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-09-19/how-many-rape-reports-are-false


If someone says they were raped, you believe them unless you have solid undeniable evidence otherwise. Also, at the very same time, the accused are innocent until proven guilty. It may be confusing for some, but if you're a grown adult you should be able to allow both things to stand beside each other.


sent using magic space waves

that wasn't the conclusion of the article cited. In her conclusion she also states



But treating rape victims as possible or likely liars may make it harder for them to go forward, leaving rapists free to stalk their next victim.

This goes against a basic principle of justice from Blackstone that; "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer". Burden of proof is important to maintain our system of justice. So any claim, let alone an extraordinary claim that can effectively destroy someone's life, requires due suspicion and investigation by the police. We can't let the system break down just based on "feels". Sure a support network for the alleged victim is important as with all crime, there is an informal one in the form of their family and friends, but also a formal one in the form of organisations that look after that sort of thing, but the law, the law should not be compromised just because the matter occurred to the 'weaker more emotional sex', hrmm sorry, the 'strong empowered and equal in all ways sex', you gotta pick one, and we'll build society around that, you can't have it both ways. But understand if you go for the former, it's all over for voting rights, and an host of liberties.


heh, seriouslor.


/going for most triggering post of the this month.

You are correct that my statement wasn't necessarily based upon what she said in the article, my mistake for not making that clear (as I was on my phone, on a break at work). I would agree with those saying she chose the poorest of venues to state that she was raped, but no matter it's done now and she of course should go to the relevant authorities to file a report. If she chooses not to file a report even after very publicly accusing him or rape, I imagine that it could leave her open to libel suits or some similar actions from Gira if he so chooses.


Also, how has no one posted this tasteless joke yet? Really, don't look if yr not interested in a terribly inappropriate joke. NSFW


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Also, how has no one posted this tasteless joke yet? Really, don't look if yr not interested in a terribly inappropriate joke.




Origin of the term duckolded.





To be cuckcolded by a water fowl, usually of a most amorous disposition


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Any time men's rights are brought up here the person making the statements is instantly attacked personally and called a misogynist even though nothing they've said it misogynistic. It's ridiculous honestly lol

not really. i think you'll find people are engaging with you in a way that isn't entirely jumping to that conclusion from the get go. you just always edge towards that the more you try to justify yourself...to quote you earlier...coincidence? i think not.


for me it's as simple as this.. it's a weird priority to be so damn interested in the issues that affect men as if this is somehow the best use of one's time. and if they claim to not be sexist or whatever, i would like to see them stick up for issues that affect women, too. and then you can claim to be concerned about humanity / people as a whole. however they are just as one sided as the extreme feminists. as if adopting the complete opposite extreme stance from something that is already extreme is somehow going to fix the problem...it's the unwavering dedication to a single one dimensional ideology that is a problem in the first place.



I'm simply opposed to the endorsement of women's rights in ways that are so extreme they begin to infringe upon men's rights, and this is a prime example of that. Many feminists believe in accepting rape claims as 100% factually correct and not giving the accused the benefit of the doubt like we do with all other crimes and this infringes upon men's rights.


You act as if the world is idealistic and we can do every single thing in our power to protect women's rights without ever harming others. Fact is we can't. Step too far in one direction and you start infringing upon the rights of men in ways that are otherwise not acceptable within society, but for some reason if it's in the name of protecting women then people are not only accepting of it but zealously defend it, attacking those who don't as sexist

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^^ Crude pun referencing this beautiful song:


wow, sounds like me in the mid to late 90's after half a carton of beer and some bourbons when it really is the end of the night and i should be asleep already and the eyes are drooping, this one chord thing might come out. Well i probably would have been better. Again i don't get watmm's taste.


hang the bastard, hahaah.

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