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Happy International Women's Day!


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This day may not be enough to really let you thugs know how much you're appreciated, but I guess it's the best we can do as a world atm. We should support you 365 days a year IMO!


Focusing a bit on electronic music, shouts out to the women making bleepbloops and the ones who paved the way for you to be able to do so. Some of my favorite musicians of the past couple years, Jlin, Holly Herndon, Bjork, Tinashe, Jessy Lanza, Laurel Halo, have done quite a bit to increase awareness (even if it's simply defying odds) and that's super cool! Keep flexxin it! *just don't use the 303 plz*














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some cools artists posted i haven't heard of. that AGF track is wicked.


i hope all women have a good year and a good forever~



(best female vocalist ever imo. rip Trish)


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Lauren Lesko's "Thurst" is, what Goldsmith describes as, "edgy.. and an unusually beautiful soundscape." For this piece, Lesko uses her body as a machine to produce sound. She uses a contact microphone, inserts it into her vagina and walks around for 30 minutes. After listening to the work, it has a very physical and bodily feel, and I often felt physical reactions when listening with headphones. Body-driven sounds transfer physical responses and how the body becomes a personal instrument.

(if the first link doesnt work/is too slow => https://www.dropbox.com/s/q05pw4na5tt4yef/Lesko-Lauren_Thirst.mp3?dl=0 )

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