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Th Homeless


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? i never said that nor meant to imply it. i'm not anti capitalist.


neoliberal economic ideologies on the other hand...


actually the major problems that have occurred within capitalism in the last decade or so have had nothing to do with neoliberal policies (e.g. bailing out of banks is not even slightly neo - or any other kind of - liberal), and nor were the market crises that preceded those decisions (corrupt regulation and cack handed government intervention was mostly to blame). of course, 'neoliberal' has become little more than a left-wing bogey word, so maybe you don't actually know about the specifics and precise definitions of what you're complaining about.

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circle of elders. it has worked quite welling th past. throughout a lifetime elders teach th youngsters, that is wht th job is for all, to teach lik school, like apprentice bt all do it and hlp each-other, instead of $lave job. there is no money, th love and inspiration wth each-other in community would b r currency, th wealth would be th result of our mutual efforts and it wad b a product, reflect th health of r relationships as humans. before elder dies he / she pick new one (nt trump) who would hav a lifetime of experience and preparation for th post. leaders r slowly plucked from hundreds of thousands of people, mostly due to their own enthusiasm, self-evident inspiration for th task. no mor blind leading th blind democracy money kak. i'm so sick of wallowing in th status quo's shite.


edit: nvrmnd, ths was nvr supposed to wrk down here. th world is gone, we will all die in a fiery-furnace of r own making. meh :(

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i do believe that there should be very limited government (this is not saying that there should be no rule of law), and that a broad proportion of the power should reside at the local level (the opposite has been happening with the privatization of local public assets, bought by multinationals and consolidation of our government districts and utilities into larger and less locally representative bodies, over these past decades). This won't as chengod fears, bring down society, it'll just get it to back off. Back off from imperial wars and ramming poisons down our throats and into our arms and sticking it's hands into our pockets for all manner of bludgers to feast on. A certain flavour of man's propensity for crime knows no end and government is the perfect tool for him to coerce it upon others and to hide his distasteful actions with. Behind walls of laws, dictates and mandates and armies of willing 'experts' only too happy, flattered even, to say anything for a paultry half shekel tossed into their begging bowls.

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“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”~Benjamin Franklin


Not Benjamin Franklin.

Also not very astute observation on democracy (hint there is more than one type of electoral system - some work better than others).

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the other day i went to starbucks and there was a homeless outside and it was windy and he asked me for money but i told him i only had my card then he asked me if i would just buy him food


i said yes


he asked for "a large coffee with cream and sugar, a sausage and egg muffin, and two cookies"


i told him i wasn't buying him cookies


he waited outside for them to heat up the muffin and then i brought it to him and i watched him walk across the street and litter all the wrapping onto the pavement


yesterday he was there again, this time in hospital scrub pants with brown stains and no shoes, and he asked me again but did not acknowledge me in any way


i told him not today


guess i was upset that he littered to spite me for the cookies................



“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”~Benjamin Franklin

Not Benjamin Franklin.

Also not very astute observation on democracy (hint there is more than one type of electoral system - some work better than others).


"A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog."


-ronald reagan

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i do believe that there should be very limited government, and that a broad proportion of the power should reside at the local level. This won't as chengod fears, bring down society, it'll just get it to back off. Back off from imperial wars and ramming poisons down our throats and into our arms and sticking it's hands into our pockets for all manner of bludgers to feast on. A certain flavour of man's propensity for crime knows no end and government is the perfect tool for him to coerce it upon others and to hide it with. Behind walls of laws, dictates and mandates and armies of willing 'experts' only to willing to say anything for a paultry half shekel tossed into their begging bowls.

I'd agree with the idea that more power should be devolved from a centralized government - things that cross borders such as interstate commerce, telecommunications, etc should obviously have some level of federal oversight, but yes more power should be focused closer to the constituent.

Foreign policy is obviously the purview of the federal government.


As to the highlighted bit, yes you should let the corporations run amok. They have great concern for the welfare of their fellow man.

If you think companies (not even corporations, just local industry) would have willingly stopped polluting without intervention from the government, it's pointless having a conversation.

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“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”~Benjamin Franklin


Not Benjamin Franklin.


lol i checked multiple sources, but i guess i should have just gone with the wiki. "Widely attributed to Franklin on the Internet, sometimes without the second sentence. It is not found in any of his known writings, and the word "lunch" is not known to have appeared anywhere in English literature until the 1820s, decades after his death. The phrasing itself has a very modern tone and the second sentence especially might not even be as old as the internet. Some of these observations are made in response to a query at Google Answers" Because it didn't sound right,, too modern 'liberty movement'. But i wanted to trigger the gun grabbers dag nab it. And that desire trumped the fear that i may risk, inflating your smugness beyond it's already marvellous acreage. Because i knew that you'd show up if i was wrong, there was no doubt in my weary mind that i'd get a chengodding.


heh .. ;-]

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i do believe that there should be very limited government, and that a broad proportion of the power should reside at the local level. This won't as chengod fears, bring down society, it'll just get it to back off. Back off from imperial wars and ramming poisons down our throats and into our arms and sticking it's hands into our pockets for all manner of bludgers to feast on. A certain flavour of man's propensity for crime knows no end and government is the perfect tool for him to coerce it upon others and to hide it with. Behind walls of laws, dictates and mandates and armies of willing 'experts' only to willing to say anything for a paultry half shekel tossed into their begging bowls.

I'd agree with the idea that more power should be devolved from a centralized government - things that cross borders such as interstate commerce, telecommunications, etc should obviously have some level of federal oversight, but yes more power should be focused closer to the constituent.

Foreign policy is obviously the purview of the federal government.


As to the highlighted bit, yes you should let the corporations run amok. They have great concern for the welfare of their fellow man.

If you think companies (not even corporations, just local industry) would have willingly stopped polluting without intervention from the government, it's pointless having a conversation.



We live with fascism now, which is an amalgam of corporate and government power. So you are wrong, the state agencies approve things that are poisonous and these things go into our food supply. We get the wonderful appearance of validity whilst enjoying the truly great benefits of there being none.

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When things are so obvious that their continuing may hurt the system as an whole, through it getting overthrown, well then sure, they ban this or that for our benefit, aren't they beneficent.

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it's pointless having a conversation.


you're talking to someone who thinks water fluoridation is a UN mind control plot.

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i might be homeless, but you know what takes away the sting? the fact that i can always count on watching mods shit post at eachother


puts a cigarette in your cup. Are you really homeless dude, you ok etc ?? You always seemed pretty withit, not that i'm saying, life happens, hrmm. is ok ?

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it's pointless having a conversation.


you're talking to someone who thinks water fluoridation is a UN mind control plot.



And i'm talking to people that presume a massive set of clichéd values is held by me because i have said one thing or another that they deem to be part of that shorthand for the 'other side' of political thinking. I'm actually left wing, but unlike a lot of you i'm less totalitarian and naturally sceptical, when plotted on the three dimensional political view grid.

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selfishness. i am selfish, i wll b th first to admit it. nt always, somtims i am vry gd human; yet, i still cn hesitant to take th chances, to risk my own wellbeing for th sake of others.

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I'm not that big on others, i try to be nice, i'm courteous when out and about and have a pretty strict moral compass, but these others, you can't really get past the power of their inherent ingroup preferences, they do make it hard to deeply care that they are there. They're getting my taxes for their knee operation or instant noodle meal, they should be happy enough with that whilst not giving a fuck about me or even knowing that i'm here, well except when i chide them for blocking the supermarket aisle or something, hah.

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And i'm talking to people that presume a massive set of clichéd values is held by me because i have said one thing or another that they deem to be part of that shorthand for the 'other side' of political thinking. I'm actually left wing, but unlike a lot of you i'm less totalitarian and naturally sceptical, when plotted on the three dimensional political view grid.

"Less totalitarian"...?

You always seem to sneak these little insults into your every post, whatever the topic...which makes you hard to love sometimes.

"Naturally skeptical"...?

The implication being that you're a more rigorous rationalist than the rest of us

I mean c'mon Dleetr, you literally think that Relativity and the Higgs Boson are frauds perpetrated by the Elite Scientific Gatekeepers.

I would believe the "skeptical" part...but instead of Relativity you believe in some flimsy fringe theory with exponentially less evidence supporting it...perhaps you should apply this alleged skepticism to the harebrained conspiracy theories that you seem so eager to believe


: ) love, limpyloo

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