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Lion Spotted in San Antonio, TX


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Dang, was hoping this was about a large cat getting caught up in some inner-city hi-jinks. Could someone point me in the direction of some interesting exotic cats? I'm coming up all blanks here.

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Dang, was hoping this was about a large cat getting caught up in some inner-city hi-jinks. Could someone point me in the direction of some interesting exotic cats? I'm coming up all blanks here.



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why you making threads about a guy you unceremoniously tossed from the forum years ago?

Because regardless of why he was banned, he still when he was here had some pretty memorable laughs - what's wrong with celebrating that?

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Thanks guys, I'll probably run some searches on lexis-nexis and alt.felidae on our pictured specimen and report back with any findings!


why you making threads about a guy you unceremoniously tossed from the forum years ago?


Achshully it was quite a ceremonious affair - black tie, catered, Bogdan and Cylob performing dueling hardware jams in the grand ballroom (followed by the JB7 Trio over dinner), unveiling of the Nice Tits exhibit... and after making some opening remarks over desert and coffee, JR presented the year's Lifetime Member inductees with their early BoC cassettes and gave a 1-slide powerpoint presentation entitled "GTFO lion," followed by toplels for all in attendance.

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why you making threads about a guy you unceremoniously tossed from the forum years ago?


Because it's nice to remember a time when this board had characters, before they would test the boundaries of humour and get chucked. My lack of character is my strongest asset here.

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Is there any posts by this lion to read? All we ever get is that shadow boxing video and a vid of him eating a burrito. He must have had more strings to his bow. No-one would dine out on those two videos for all these years.

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i just got home from my jiu jitsu class. now, im in a beginner class and there are other guys in their 20s and 30s along with me but tonight there was a girl that couldnt have been older than 15 (I could tell because of her belt color) and shes pretty fucking cute. She had pigtails and pretty big tits (I could see under her gi at some points)


we all split up and practice passing guard etc and after a few reps each we switch partners... it so happened that when I got around to practicing with her we go into sparring


so we starting sparring and im in her guard. Eventually I work an armbar and I get a really sloppy armbar and her hand ends up right on my cock... for a split second i thought i would try and slide down to get a better position on it but I realized she wasn't even trying to fight it off... she just let her hand sit right on my cock.... still not knowing what to do, she decides to grab a handful of my junk in a way I could only describe as sexy.... i let this go on for about 3 more seconds and i finally let go and we restart position


after practice she gave me this real funny look...


what do I do WATMM?


next practice is saturday





once i was walking out of taco shop with a bag of good mexican food (carnitas burrito, tres tacos de tripas, 5 rolled tacos w/ guacamole, large diet coke) and a young gangster mexican bumped into me, knocking my glasses to the dirty concrete. my glasses shattered and i became furious. "you broke my glasses... now i break your arm" i threw a haymaker at him and he bowled over into the salsa bar, he was disgusting with salsa. regardless i jumped onto him and performed an excellent armbar while in the salsa, tomato all over me and the Puto. i quickly snapped his arm like a twig and the police came. they ran his information and he had a warrant out for his arrest for crimes. i was congratulated for catching the criminal and the taco shop paid for my food, the officer shook my hand as well.


who says violence solves nothing..? they are a fool.


The End - lion

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Just watched that taqueria brawl vid. What the hell.

There are people who kill other people in the world who don't conform to their narrow-minded beliefs, and then there are drunken dumbshits who try to beat the crap out of each other over a bowl of chips and salsa. Why is it so popular to inflict violence upon each other over something so fucking trivial? God damn degenerates.

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why you making threads about a guy you unceremoniously tossed from the forum years ago?


Because it's nice to remember a time when this board had characters, before they would test the boundaries of humour and get chucked. My lack of character is my strongest asset here.




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