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Australian School Bans Clapping


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Good riddance. Clapping is ableist.


Tumblrism is quietly nudging us--microagression by microagression--toward a sort of soft fascism (that is enforced through shaming tactics rather than violence).


It has been horrifying watching the last few years where this movement...any idiocy under the sun can be defended under the guise of 'social justice':

-talking about health is ableist and fatphobic,

-"Pokemon Go is ableist,"

-'no whites allowed' safe spaces,

-"only white people can be racist,"

-hair/music/clothes/food/yoga/etc is cultural appropriation,

-sentiments about white people that would be shocking if aimed at literally any other ethnicity,

-the Oppression Olympics (and its resultant meritocracy system),

-"real feminists act this way and this way alone",

-teacher "accountability" in universities for controversial speech,

-the less-oppressed aren't allowed to criticize the more-oppressed ("shadeism" is surprisingly common on Tumblr in 2016)...



This is the logic of fascism (however tame its current form).

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can we not have news.com.au, Daily Tele, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Shite etc. articles posted on here, pls. papa pls.

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Good riddance. Clapping is ableist.


Tumblrism is quietly nudging us--microagression by microagression--toward a sort of soft fascism (that is enforced through shaming tactics rather than violence).


It has been horrifying watching the last few years where this movement...any idiocy under the sun can be defended under the guise of 'social justice':

-talking about health is ableist and fatphobic,

-"Pokemon Go is ableist,"

-'no whites allowed' safe spaces,

-"only white people can be racist,"

-hair/music/clothes/food/yoga/etc is cultural appropriation,

-sentiments about white people that would be shocking if aimed at literally any other ethnicity,

-the Oppression Olympics (and its resultant meritocracy system),

-"real feminists act this way and this way alone",

-teacher "accountability" in universities for controversial speech,

-the less-oppressed aren't allowed to criticize the more-oppressed ("shadeism" is surprisingly common on Tumblr in 2016)...



This is the logic of fascism (however tame its current form).


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that shit really only exists on tumblr.

That was true 3-4 years ago

But it's not true anymore

It exists on Facebook and when I eavesdrop on people in their early 20's. A lot of guys think they have to be self loathing and apologize for the fact that they're white males. And that's just the tip of the iceberg

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Here's a good example:

Remember when that Action Bronson show was cancelled a few months back because his lyrics were deemed offensive?


Think about that. That is truly some 1940's shit. Some people (who weren't gonna go to the show anyway, otherwise they wouldn't have complained in the first place) were so offended that they used their power and energy on this planet to prevent it from happening at all. (Instead of, you know, just not going like a normal person.)


No, this isn't fucking confined to a few personal blogs

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Here's a good example:

Remember when that Action Bronson show was cancelled a few months back because his lyrics were deemed offensive?


Think about that. That is truly some 1940's shit. Some people (who weren't gonna go to the show anyway, otherwise they wouldn't have complained in the first place) were so offended that they used their power and energy on this planet to prevent it from happening at all. (Instead of, you know, just not going like a normal person.)


No, this isn't fucking confined to a few personal blogs

certainly a shitty thing but nowhere near the level of seriousness and regularity of consequences of Palestinian rights activists on campuses all around the country. seems like that issue merits more legitimate outrage than...action Bronson's show being cancelled.

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Here's a good example:

Remember when that Action Bronson show was cancelled a few months back because his lyrics were deemed offensive?


Think about that. That is truly some 1940's shit. Some people (who weren't gonna go to the show anyway, otherwise they wouldn't have complained in the first place) were so offended that they used their power and energy on this planet to prevent it from happening at all. (Instead of, you know, just not going like a normal person.)


No, this isn't fucking confined to a few personal blogs

certainly a shitty thing but nowhere near the level of seriousness and regularity of consequences of Palestinian rights activists on campuses all around the country. seems like that issue merits more legitimate outrage than...action Bronson's show being cancelled.

I don't know enough about that to have an opinion

What's the story?

Are you talking about suppression of the 'boycott Israel' movement?

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Here's a good example:

Remember when that Action Bronson show was cancelled a few months back because his lyrics were deemed offensive?


Think about that. That is truly some 1940's shit. Some people (who weren't gonna go to the show anyway, otherwise they wouldn't have complained in the first place) were so offended that they used their power and energy on this planet to prevent it from happening at all. (Instead of, you know, just not going like a normal person.)


No, this isn't fucking confined to a few personal blogs

certainly a shitty thing but nowhere near the level of seriousness and regularity of consequences of Palestinian rights activists on campuses all around the country. seems like that issue merits more legitimate outrage than...action Bronson's show being cancelled.
I don't know enough about that to have an opinion

What's the story?

Are you talking about suppression of the 'boycott Israel' movement?

not gonna get into atm bc I'm sleepy as a mofo but let's just say there is a tremendous pressure to suppress Palestinian rights groups and even unaffiliated students and faculty who express sympathy for the cause or who speak out against what they see as injustices of the occupation. imo this is a more serious issue since it involves a decades-long military occupation that has claimed thousands of lives and which continues with military, financial and political aid by the U.S. government. and on campus not only are speakers prevented from attending events but students are persecuted by universities and professors are fired for their political views. currently the bds movement tends to be the thing most commonly in the news but the problem is much more insidious and has in some sense become institutionalized.


all I'm saying is that while sometimes shit like action bronson does indeed go down and it is shitty, it really pales in comparison to the scope and consequence of how one's views on a military conflict supported by the U.S. continues to be a longstanding pressure in the university setting.


not to mention the seriousness of say the broken way sexual assault is often dealt with on the administrative level.


anyway time for bed.

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i feel like you're conflating and exaggerating things quite a bit man. some dumb stuff is happening on some campuses that is probably par for the course in the culture we're in where your public image matters more than it ever has. keep in mind students are very young. we were all pretty stupid when we were 18 or 19. i started posting on idm forums. you get emotionally invested in dumb shit and it matters a lot. that usually stops once you enter the workforce. i'm not that concerned. this is a minority of people. most students want these people to shut the fuck up. i don't even really know who or what i'm referring to. you got me generalizing here. this is the problem, you probably seek this stuff out because of your confirmation bias. but i'm sure cancelling an action bronson show is the slippery slope into tyranny.

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i feel like you're conflating and exaggerating things quite a bit man. some dumb stuff is happening on some campuses that is probably par for the course in the culture we're in where your public image matters more than it ever has. keep in mind students are very young. we were all pretty stupid when we were 18 or 19. i started posting on idm forums. you get emotionally invested in dumb shit and it matters a lot. that usually stops once you enter the workforce. i'm not that concerned. this is a minority of people. most students want these people to shut the fuck up. i don't even really know who or what i'm referring to. you got me generalizing here. this is the problem, you probably seek this stuff out because of your confirmation bias. but i'm sure cancelling an action bronson show is the slippery slope into tyranny.

Think whatever you want, man

But 'trigger warnings' and 'safe spaces' are now commonplace in American universities

There is a growing culture of fragility and professional offendedness, and no it's not all in my head

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can we not have news.com.au, Daily Tele, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Shite etc. articles posted on here, pls. papa pls.

Only posted to show how much disinformation and insanity there is in the world, that sadly people look to and rely upon.

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can we not have news.com.au, Daily Tele, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Shite etc. articles posted on here, pls. papa pls.

Only posted to show how much disinformation and insanity there is in the world, that sadly people look to and rely upon.


No you didn't.

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that shit really only exists on tumblr.

That was true 3-4 years ago

But it's not true anymore



I actually just had a conversation with a coworker two nights ago where they claimed that only white people can be racist. according to him, if any other ethnicity is acting racist, at worst it's just "prejudice." I told them we'd have to agree to disagree. :shrug:

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*abandons plan to move to autralia to spread gonorrhea*


They didn't ban The Drip yet, though. Opportunity knocks.




So, thou doest, Musulman?

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*abandons plan to move to autralia to spread gonorrhea*


They didn't ban The Drip yet, though. Opportunity knocks.


So, thou doest, Musulman?

Depends. Is Australia part of the Orient?

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*abandons plan to move to autralia to spread gonorrhea*


They didn't ban The Drip yet, though. Opportunity knocks.


So, thou doest, Musulman?

Depends. Is Australia part of the Orient?


Well, usagi, Meshy, delet, and all our fine Australian guests are definitely celestial.

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*abandons plan to move to autralia to spread gonorrhea*


They didn't ban The Drip yet, though. Opportunity knocks.


So, thou doest, Musulman?

Depends. Is Australia part of the Orient?

Well, usagi, Meshy, delet, and all our fine Australian guests are definitely celestial.

I still lol whenever I remember the celestial comment

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i think it would be better to accept that racism in its most literal sense should apply to any discrimination against any race, and obviously this is a bad thing regardless of who it is, but it doesn't pack the same punch when it's against someone who is white, particularly in a predominantly white society. does that sound reasonable? i understand where the "you can't be racist against white people" attitude comes from, but i don't know if that attitude really helps anything in the long run.

Not only does the "only white people are racist" attitude not help anything in the long run, it is used as a pretext for (you guessed it) overt racism towards white people...like literally "the world would be better if all white people disappeared." If you said that about literally any other ethnicity, you would sound like fucking Heinrich Himler...but because of this insidious meme of "only white people are racist" people feel morally permitted to hold these positions (however fancifully).


Now look, I think a smidge of "white guilt" is healthy for us white people (for the standard historical reasons), but beyond that you get into "original sin" and "blood feud" territory. I didn't create the world I was born into, and to hold me responsible for it because of the color of my skin...How do people concerned with social justice not see the glaring hypocrisy in that?

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