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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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i disagree that accepting donations equates to being corrupt. i could accept a donation and not be corrupt. i bet you could too.

so if corporations, banks and other organizations gave you $30 million in 16 months for "speeches" you wouldn't consider doing them a solid the next time they're in trouble? because you and i both know, banks and corporations aren't in business to give out money. they're in business to make money


also, let's say for example i came to your house and one evening and you invited a couple of friends over for a chat with one hitch: everyone gives me $353,000 that night. what do you suppose those friends would want for their money?



those high price dinner invitations are a common way of getting donations. people get paid for speeches. i could do a dinner like that and speeches like that and then decline to do those people any favors. there would be nothing stopping me.

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^^^ can you give an example of someone in politics who got those kind of donations from such institutions like banks or corporations then didn't them any favors in return? (apart from you of course)

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yeah, even Sanders had to pay back the NRA after they backed him by voting against the Brady Bill (5 times). (I'm guessing Vermont is a big gun state?)

Edited by caze
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^^^ can you give an example of someone in politics who got those kind of donations from such institutions like banks or corporations then didn't them any favors in return? (apart from you of course)


How would you scale getting the Dodd-Frank bill through senate/congress?

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goDel: i don't know enough of the details to have a proper opinion on how to scale it. i know it was done to help bail out banks


that was TARP. dodd-frank was the regulatory update.

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and regardless of the difference between tarp and dodd-frank, i hope people don't consider the bail-out as just doing the banks a huge favor. it was a necessary evil. no bail-out might would have caused the entire economy to crash. not just the financial system.

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and regardless of the difference between tarp and dodd-frank, i hope people don't consider the bail-out as just doing the banks a huge favor. it was a necessary evil. no bail-out might would have caused the entire economy to crash. not just the financial system.


beyond that, it's amazing people wouldn't be outraged when such a bill doesn't benefit the common person in anyway shape or form. the only people who benefit from it are bank execs.


it reminds me of the guy who made a video detailing why he wasn't going to watch the new ghostbusters movie and people got mad at him. none of those people will financially benefit from more people watching ghostbusters, neither are they executives at universal studios, so why is it a big deal to them?


imo, wealth has become the new religion in western culture.

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Wealth has been the new religion since the 80s. Remember Gordon "greed is good" Gekko? The 80s is when a whole bunch of bad juju started happening with regards to financial markets.

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Exactly. Replace with Thatcher for those "across the pond".


And for anyone who cares: Republicans would gut Dodd-Frank and the Volcker rule


(google the title and click through from there if the paywall blocks this link)

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That was a cute stunt last night that Clington and her buddies in AP pulled last night by declaring her victory in the primary before the remaining states vote today. And the superdelegates don't vote til July 25th. You're not fooling anybody, Shillary.

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That was a cute stunt last night that Clington and her buddies in AP pulled last night by declaring her victory in the primary before the remaining states vote today. And the superdelegates don't vote til July 25th. You're not fooling anybody, Shillary.





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Please stop saying Clington it's not funny and it's not clever.


Let me make up an example: Burnie Sanderps


See? Lame.

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Please stop saying Clington it's not funny and it's not clever.


Let me make up an example: Burnie Sanderps


See? Lame.

Nobody complained when Eugene said it. Dunno why you're bitching about it now.

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I just got tired of the joke. Carry on. Nothing to see.

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