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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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*types 'gods2.com' introo rworser*








I'm by no means a huge fan of Megyn Kelly either but this moment alone earned her 100,000 cred points

I don't find this funny



If it's skeltal chair I apologize.


I don't know if her shot at Hannity is funny per se, but it's spot on and deserved fer sure.


If it's Sam Bee then I dunno, I think overall her show has been pretty decent at cutting through the bullshit and delivering a lol or 2 along the way.  I can see how it might not go over as well outside the Jon Stewart tent though.

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*types 'gods2.com' introo rworser*








I'm by no means a huge fan of Megyn Kelly either but this moment alone earned her 100,000 cred points


I don't find this funny

If it's skeltal chair I apologize.


I don't know if her shot at Hannity is funny per se, but it's spot on and deserved fer sure.


If it's Sam Bee then I dunno, I think overall her show has been pretty decent at cutting through the bullshit and delivering a lol or 2 along the way. I can see how it might not go over as well outside the Jon Stewart tent though.

ah don't worry I'm probably just not into this stuff so much
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Got high, voted to legalize weed, got high again.


Dank patriotism on tha real


You talking about the cali initiative? Isn't that shit fucking awful?

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The main reason polls get things wrong is because they fail to correctly predict the turnout, as long the democratic turnout is high, Trump basically has no chance at this point. There is a smaller chance their demographic models are wrong, which could also affect the numbers (e.g. that LA Times tracking poll which had a single black respondent, who was a Trump supporter, so the poll was massively skewed in Trump's favour because it over-weighted his support amongst black folks), but given the sheer number of polls being done that's far less likely to be a problem (they've almost all been very closely aligned, and it's unlikely all the polsters' models are wrong, but not impossible I guess).



what you talking about? lot's of blacks support trump.. like this lady.. 









he's a weirdo.. kissing and hugging is how he expressed himself.. can imagine him signing a bill into law and picking up the paper and kissing it and hugging it. 

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Got high, voted to legalize weed, got high again.


Dank patriotism on tha real

You talking about the cali initiative? Isn't that shit fucking awful?

I'm in Massachusetts and it's good here. Total legalization in middle of December but no retail sales until beginning of 2018. It all happened so fast though.

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trump suggests cancelling elections and just giving him the presidency


"I'm just thinking to myself right now: We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," he said during a rally in downtown Toledo, Ohio.


The crowd of several thousand at the Sea Gate Convention Center downtown cheered with approval.

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still brilliant tags. I'm just disappointed that there aren't more threads pertaining to my gayness which I can uncover using this innovative search method.

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trump suggests cancelling elections and just giving him the presidency


"I'm just thinking to myself right now: We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," he said during a rally in downtown Toledo, Ohio.


The crowd of several thousand at the Sea Gate Convention Center downtown cheered with approval.



can we just pretend to do that and tell him the whitehouse has been moved to the south pole or something? 

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trump suggests cancelling elections and just giving him the presidency


"I'm just thinking to myself right now: We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," he said during a rally in downtown Toledo, Ohio.


The crowd of several thousand at the Sea Gate Convention Center downtown cheered with approval.


we just pretend to do that and tell him the whitehouse has been moved to the Kremlin



Also, lol at leaked emails from russia:


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trump suggests cancelling elections and just giving him the presidency


"I'm just thinking to myself right now: We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," he said during a rally in downtown Toledo, Ohio.


The crowd of several thousand at the Sea Gate Convention Center downtown cheered with approval.

we just pretend to do that and tell him the whitehouse has been moved to the Kremlin



Also, lol at leaked emails from russia:





or siberia. kremlin. whatever.. just anywhere but here. srsly.. i wonder if there's a CIA sleeper mind control gent somewhere with trump in the subconscious? somewhere that person is getting all nervous and weird and has no idea why. 

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Yeah idk what to think. I've definitely seen some shit where she's spouting the goofy fox line (some examples have been provided here this eve) but nevertheless at times she comes across so much sharper than that. as josh mentioned her male colleagues are by and large quite grotesque and it's impressive that she remains so strong amidst all that, especially as a woman on a network with a particularly sexist reputation and weltanshauung. She's pushed back on trump and other republicans on women's issues in particular and I think that's pretty cool and quite rare for the network.


Like I said I'm not particularly familiar with her journalism and these are just impressions really but she's one of the few people on fox with whom it seems you could have an intelligent conversation. And for her to be a woman at that seems pretty badass.


Edit: I do hope it goes entirely w/o saying that her politics couldn't be more different than mine lol


She seemingly was a run of the mill stereotypical blonde Fox anchor before the Trump debate moment. I saw a lengthy interview with her on another network - CBS 60 Minutes or ABC 20/20 I can't remember - and it changed my perspective on her a lot. She's sincere and has the actual tone of a journalist. I don't agree with her politics either but she seems more like Greta Van Susteren (who just left FOX incidentally) - the kind of person liberal or moderate journalists would actually share a beer and decent conversation with off-air, not some right-wing radio or paper columnist recruited into a tv host role. Though TBH I really can't stand cable news at all, including Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper. The format drives me nuts.

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Anderson Cooper's Jeopardy performance was rather upsetting. Bredren can't find Pakistan on a map or name a single province of Afghanistan.

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Yeah idk what to think. I've definitely seen some shit where she's spouting the goofy fox line (some examples have been provided here this eve) but nevertheless at times she comes across so much sharper than that. as josh mentioned her male colleagues are by and large quite grotesque and it's impressive that she remains so strong amidst all that, especially as a woman on a network with a particularly sexist reputation and weltanshauung. She's pushed back on trump and other republicans on women's issues in particular and I think that's pretty cool and quite rare for the network.


Like I said I'm not particularly familiar with her journalism and these are just impressions really but she's one of the few people on fox with whom it seems you could have an intelligent conversation. And for her to be a woman at that seems pretty badass.


Edit: I do hope it goes entirely w/o saying that her politics couldn't be more different than mine lol

She seemingly was a run of the mill stereotypical blonde Fox anchor before the Trump debate moment. I saw a lengthy interview with her on another network - CBS 60 Minutes or ABC 20/20 I can't remember - and it changed my perspective on her a lot. She's sincere and has the actual tone of a journalist. I don't agree with her politics either but she seems more like Greta Van Susteren (who just left FOX incidentally) - the kind of person liberal or moderate journalists would actually share a beer and decent conversation with off-air, not some right-wing radio or paper columnist recruited into a tv host role. Though TBH I really can't stand cable news at all, including Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper. The format drives me nuts.

In other words, she's the kind of Republican that James Carville would happily jam his genitals into

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i'd happily jam my genitals into james carville



Also, wtf is Comey doing?




gotta be some kind of political maneuvering somewhere.  so far what's being reported is it's some other emails they found related to another case and they don't know anything about anything yet. i've not looked for more in the last few hours but this afternoon and on the evening news on PBS they got into it and that was the most of it so far. wtf is going on w/these people? 

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It's from the anthony wiener case. Hrc is not involved, but anthonies former wife is. They don't even know what is in the mails at this point, if my info is correct.

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It's from the anthony wiener case. Hrc is not involved, but anthonies former wife is. They don't even know what is in the mails at this point, if my info is correct.



yeah.. that's what i thought.. i don't know why they had to make an announcement. unless it's a quick turn around to some kind of decision. 


there's the tinfoil hat people at r/the_donald all going nuts because something something obama knew that hillary knew that anthony knew that blah blah blah.. i have no idea wtf they're all freaking out about. took one look at the sub reddit and nope.. outta here. 

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