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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I'd argue that if you can't raise minimum wages because of adverse consequences on the employers' side, then you have deeper structural problems (which you sort of touched on, josh) that need addressing in order to pave the way for raising minimum wage. because not doing that is not an option in a world of steady inflation.


correct the problems that are preventing the poorest of the working poor from making more money (as is fair) instead of saying they can't make more money cos their employers might cut their jobs.

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At an Alt-Right conference being held, of all places, in a federal building in Washington D.C., Spencer didn't even attempt to hide his bigotry and anti-Semitism.

According to the NY TimesHe railed against Jews and, with a smile, quoted Nazi propaganda in the original German. America, he said, belonged to white people, whom he called the "children of the sun," a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but now, in the era of President-elect Donald J. Trump, were "awakening to their own identity."



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Ugh. Fuck. 


You know, I frequently hear this argument that "Muslim community leaders don't denounce ISIS or similar terrorist organizations nearly enough, and are therefore culpable for terrorist activity in the U.S." By this reasoning (which, admittedly, is garbage), shouldn't those people denounce this open, brazen adherence to straight-up Nazi views, or views that approximate the views of Nazis? What the fuck is going on? Are they just coming out with their racism? 

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Ugh. Fuck.


You know, I frequently hear this argument that "Muslim community leaders don't denounce ISIS or similar terrorist organizations nearly enough, and are therefore culpable for terrorist activity in the U.S." By this reasoning (which, admittedly, is garbage), shouldn't those people denounce this open, brazen adherence to straight-up Nazi views, or views that approximate the views of Nazis? What the fuck is going on? Are they just coming out with their racism?

You might wanna read the article "The White Flight of Derek Black"

(It's about the son of the StormFront founder leaving the 'cause')

But what I found most interesting was the strategies and ideological disguises White Supremacists use when mixing with normies...


TL;DR = these people were underground for such a long-ass time that they got really fucking clever without us noticing

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Ugh. Fuck. 


You know, I frequently hear this argument that "Muslim community leaders don't denounce ISIS or similar terrorist organizations nearly enough, and are therefore culpable for terrorist activity in the U.S." By this reasoning (which, admittedly, is garbage), shouldn't those people denounce this open, brazen adherence to straight-up Nazi views, or views that approximate the views of Nazis? What the fuck is going on? Are they just coming out with their racism? 


Of the few "everyman" Trump supporters I know who aren't zealously racist or bigoted, I pose the same question, but they usually respond with that they don't care or arne't willing to call out that kind of behaviour.


I really, really hope that NYTimes article has its facts wrong. Nauesiating.

Edited by WeAreOceans
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Ugh. Fuck.


You know, I frequently hear this argument that "Muslim community leaders don't denounce ISIS or similar terrorist organizations nearly enough, and are therefore culpable for terrorist activity in the U.S." By this reasoning (which, admittedly, is garbage), shouldn't those people denounce this open, brazen adherence to straight-up Nazi views, or views that approximate the views of Nazis? What the fuck is going on? Are they just coming out with their racism?

Of the few "everyman" Trump supporters I know who aren't zealously racist or bigoted, I pose the same question, but they usually respond with that they don't care or arne't willing to call out that kind of behaviour.


I really, really hope that NYTimes article has its facts wrong. Nauesiating.

I think these people feel like the gates are being stormed.

And when the gates are being stormed, people don't check each other's ID's to determine who to align themselves with, everyone just collectively runs toward the gates to try to hold them shut.

(And to *their* ears, our discussion probably amounts to asking what kinda small talk they're gonna make while they're holding the gates shut.)

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so that nazi meeting in the federal building thing apparently has video.. 




“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of  people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”



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welp, I'm going to buy ammo this weekend.


i've been eyeballing shotguns.. 


i wish my grandparents were alive.. they fought against this shit and watched their friends die fighting it but here it is right in the god damned ronald reagan building. 

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A 38 year-old fascist saying 'cuck' unironically...

A NAZI think tank called the National Policy Institute'...

The fuck am I still doing in this country even



+ More on Richard Spencer:


"In this weird way that Trump is trying to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to America, he's also, like, bringing America to an end in the sense that he is a first step to white identity politics, which will bring about fragmentation," Spencer says as we walk back through town. "This is where I am kind of a Hegelian. Whenever you see a phenomenon, you see its negative aspect. There is a dark side to something that is happening, and I think that is Trump's dark side, that he is reviving America and accelerating…"


He pauses, searching for how to put it.


"Accelerating the crumbling?" I ask, as we head back inside the Firebrand.


"Exactly," he laughs. "That's why I love him, yes."



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I read a summary of his policy stances. wrong in every possible way. against minimum wage increases cos they "hurt the working poor" (somehow?!), against public healthcare cos it "encroaches on private life" (lol) - how does someone live with this doublethink?


he's nuts.  he's done awful things as governor of indiana. some of it is truly just astounding.. 



yeah he's really the most stereotypical asshat republican out there





Fucking lol

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<<Excuse my Limpy>>



Spencer says Pepe could also be seen as the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian frog deity, Kek: "He is basically using the alt-right to unleash chaos and change the world," he says, looking slightly annoyed when I crack a smile. "You might say, 'Wow,' but this is literally how religions arise."

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I can't get my head around American "nationalists" doing the Nazi salute. Isn't the most American thing, in the history of America, defeating the Nazi? Like, every war movie ever made in America is about killing Nazi's etc.... so how are these people feeling patriotic? They are literally embracing what we destroyed, and thus making us the super power of the world. My head hurts.  :wacko:

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welp, I'm going to buy ammo this weekend.


i've been eyeballing shotguns.. 


i wish my grandparents were alive.. they fought against this shit and watched their friends die fighting it but here it is right in the god damned ronald reagan building. 



I've got a few guns, but I'm getting a pistol, and a better rifle. Shotgun isn't really relevant for the things I'm worried about. Definitely getting a good stack of ammo though. Even if it means I might be hunting my own food. Going to get a bow too.

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how do you hunt supplements in the wild, though?



pppssshahw. the Alex Jones Drones just deliver those silly... 


seriously though... apparently trump dressed down the media today




“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added.



classic.  this guy is going to go crazy over the next 4 years.  i'll be surprised if he does 1/2 the press conferences of whoever did the least amount of press conferences in office. 

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how do you hunt supplements in the wild, though?


You take your gun to the supplement store



just hunt the animals that are eating the supplements.. hunt some white nationals.. they're all cucc'd up on alex jones blood so will make a nutritious and so powerful meal... 

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I can't get my head around American "nationalists" doing the Nazi salute. Isn't the most American thing, in the history of America, defeating the Nazi? Like, every war movie ever made in America is about killing Nazi's etc.... so how are these people feeling patriotic? They are literally embracing what we destroyed, and thus making us the super power of the world. My head hurts.  :wacko:


I really can't wrap my head around it either. Same with the pro-Russian government stuff from the right-wing. Drives me nuts, it's like if you don't support Obama fine but for fuck sake support the president of your country, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Get the fuck out of here with Putin worship, he's a fucking dictator and thug. It baffles me that talk radio conservatives voice so much skepticism and ire toward the federal government and US foreign policy...these are the same assholes who called anyone who questioned Bush traitors and "freedom haters" or some other nonsense.


After WW2 anti-fascism was quickly replaced by anti-communism during the cold war but the KKK and neo-Nazis were still very much fringe groups. Neo-Nazis / white nationalists / etc. were always white trash racists and/or prison gang groups, entities that privileged upper class people would never associate with even if they harbored similar feelings.


That's what makes the alt-right stuff so alarming, as does Trumps perpetual non-statements and minimal denouncement of his white nationalist supporters. There's a huge gray area now. Likewise groups like paleoconservatives, militia movement groups, right-wing conspiracy groups, etc. are seemingly being recruited into this more sinister white nationalist sentiment.


Fascism has never had the same roots as they do in Europe, instead we had institutional slavery and the Union-Confederate divide but that climaxed in the 1800s and other forms of oppression. 


Republicans are going to have to address this. They are seemingly reverting to the "the liberal media is lying" excuse and while I think the media is exaggerating a lot the fact remains that Trump has neo-Nazi supporters. 

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